
November 7, 2024

Fire Drill rescheduled to Nov. 17

Join Us for Worship This Sunday!

November 10 at 10 a.m.

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

Warren Baker, Worship Associate

"To Be Determined"

We are living with an uneasy uncertainty. Much is to be determined. We’ll revisit one of the foundations of our Unitarian Universalist faith: the chalice as a beacon of hope. Rev. Karen is in the pulpit.

Join us for worship in person in the Sanctuary, or online. The livestream link and order of service will be shared at bit.ly/FUUSBWorship, or visit our YouTube channel.

Following the service, all are welcome to Coffee Hour in the Community Room.

While at the Meeting House, anyone is welcome to wear a mask. In the spirit of caring for each other, please stay home if you have any cold or flu symptoms. Thank you.

Children & Youth This Sunday

Erika Reif, Director of Lifespan Faith Development

Families will begin the morning together in the Sanctuary, participating in the dedication of four of our youngest congregants. After the ceremony, children, preK through 9th grade, will be sung out and escorted to their exploration Groups. The nursery is open throughout the service for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.

Listening Forum with FUUSB

Board of Trustees

Kim Watkin, Board Member

The FUUSB Board of Trustees is interested in hearing from you. Your input will help the Board set goals, establish priorities, and prepare our Congregation's budget for the coming year. This first Listening Forum will be held in the Parlors after the Nov. 10th service. If you can not attend in person but would like to contribute, please send your comments to the board@uusociety.org

Looking Back to Sunday

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

Here is a link to the video recording of last week's service.

Here is a link to the text of Rev. Karen's sermon, Shelter for Each Other.

Welcome Bridget!

Faith Development Team

We are happy to announce that one of our childcare providers has stepped into the larger role of Childcare Coordinator. You will see her assisting with the Children’s Faith Development program and in our Nursery more than ever before. Stay tuned for next week's Enews to learn more about new Childcare Coordinator, Bridget Houston!

Caring for Each Other & Our Community

Töve Johnson, Program Assistant

We are rapidly approaching cold and flu season.

Masking is encouraged at the Meeting House regardless of season, but especially during these colder months. We also ask that if you are unwell to please stay at home and watch the livestream service.

Masks can be found in the wall dispensers at both entrances.

Thank you for helping us keep all our members, especially those most vulnerable to illness, safe in our Meeting House!

Bazaar Volunteer Sign-Ups

Kim Watkin, Board Member

The 89th Holiday Bazaar is on Saturday, Dec. 7th.

At every Coffee Hour after the service starting Nov. 10th, there will be an opportunity to sign up as a volunteer for the Holiday Bazaar.  We are looking for help with Set Up on Dec. 4-6 ( 10am to 7pm) or at the Bazaar itself ( 9am-2pm) with 2 hour shifts. If you can not sign up at Coffee Hour, contact Kim Watkin at watkinfam@aol.com and she will help you find a way to be involved! 

Click here to register for November's Earth Teacher Session

Thurs. November 14th from 7:00-8:15pm!

2024 FUUSB Fundraiser-

Holiday & Memorial Wreath Sale!

Sarah Forbes, Member

Support the FUUSB and order a gorgeous, premium quality wreath with a beautiful bow of your choice for your home or for a gift.


You can also remember a loved one this year with a Memorial wreath or greens that will decorate our Meeting House Sanctuary and doors during December.


All wreaths are hand-made in the Northeast Kingdom at the Michaud family farm and measure about 24” across.

ORDER NOW online through the FUUSB Fundraiser link: https://auctria.events/FUUSBWreaths


Questions? Contact Sarah Forbes 802-578-6119, sarahforbesdesign@comcast.net or ninaruth@me.com 

802-383-8192 with fundraiser or web questions. Thank you!

Date with Death Club is coming to First UU

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

Please watch this 6-minute video message from Rev. Karen to learn about the Adult Faith Development offering coming to FUUSB starting in January, 2025. It's called Date with Death Club and Rev. Karen is the developer of this curriculum that has been offered at over 2 dozen UU congregations.

Click this link or the image below to view the video: https://youtu.be/9qgztq28vTE

Intro to Date w/Death Club @ FUUSB

If you are interested in attending the first session, you MUST register on Realm. You can do so using this link. There is a limit of 24 participants - please sign up only if you know that you can attend the whole session on 1/25, 10 - 12:45.

Meaning-Making in Anxious Times-

November Sessions

Click here to register!

Fire Drill rescheduled to Nov. 17

Each month FUUSB has an Earth Teacher and a packet of materials to help you connect with and make meaning in your life in relationship with that Earth Teacher. Check it out.

Upcoming Worship Services

In-Person & Live-Streamed Services

Nov. 17 at 10 am

"River of Time"

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

Judy Brook, Worship Associate

Nov. 24 at 10 am

"Over the River and Through the Wood"

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

Geoff Duke, Worship Associate

More details at uusociety.org

Building Hours:

Mon. 11am-1pm

Tues. 11am-3pm

Wed. 11am-1pm

*If you need to meet with a particular staff member- please reach out to them to set up a time.*

Sabattical Questions?

You can contact the Sabbatical 

Team by emailing sabbaticalteam@uusociety.org.

Care Network:

Sharing Joys, & Sorrows, & Gratitudes Form

Click here to submit a joy, sorrow, or gratitude.

Weekly Events
Visit uusociety.org for more information!

Sundays - 8 am

Sunday Morning Breakfast

Community Room

Sign up to help: signup.com/go/yAbRpfy

Sundays - 11:10 am

Coffee Hour

Community Room

Tuesdays - 5:15 pm

UU Meditation Group

Susan B. Anthony Room

Questions? Email meditation@uusociety.org

Wednesdays - 5:15 pm

Love & Justice Vigil

In front of the Meeting House

Wednesdays - 7:15 pm

FUUSB Choir Rehearsal


Quick Links

FUUSB Calendar

FUUSB Website


Staff Directory

The Path


Church of the Larger Fellowship


In Case You Missed It 
Visit the publication archives on our website!
How to Get the 
Word Out
Click here for this year's publication information!

Enews Submissions

Send your submissions to enewsblast@uusociety.org.

The deadline is 10am on Monday for your entry to be included in that week's newsletter.

Contact Us
First UU Society of Burlington
152 Pearl Street
Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 862-5630