
January 8, 2024

Join Us for Worship This Sunday!

January 12 at 10 a.m.

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

Warren Baker, Worship Associate

"Our Place on the Menu: Musings on Mortality"

Life and death. Death and life. Two sides of the same coin, both and all part of the warp and weft of our woven lives, all part of the regenerative forces we find in nature and in ourselves. How might the fact of our mortality enliven us? This Sunday service is an invitation to grow your "mortality literacy," to turn towards the facts of life and death and risk more creativity and less conformity; risk losing fear and finding joy.

Join us for worship in person in the Sanctuary, or online. The livestream link and order of service will be shared at bit.ly/FUUSBWorship, or visit our YouTube channel.

Following the service, all are welcome to Coffee Hour in the Community Room.

While at the Meeting House, anyone is welcome to wear a mask. In the spirit of caring for each other, please stay home if you have any cold or flu symptoms. Thank you.

Children & Youth This Sunday

Erika Reif, Director of Lifespan Faith Development

Families will begin the morning together in the Sanctuary. Following Time for All Ages, children, preK through 9th grade, will be sung out and escorted to their Exploration Groups. The nursery is open throughout the service for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.

Looking Back to Sunday

Here is a link to the video recording of last week's service.

Tomorrow: watch President Carter's funeral together at FUUSB

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

Join Rev. Karen in watching the funeral of former President Jimmy Carter on Thursday. The funeral starts at 10am and is supposed to last an hour. Come a little early - bring your own beverage if you want one. It will be lovely to watch this together.

Jeanne Parsley Memorial Service

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

FUUSB member, Jeanne Parsley's memorial service will be held in the sanctuary on Sunday, January 19th at 2:30.  Here is a link to her obituary.

Plan to Come on Jan. 26th!

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister

FUUSB Board Update- Jan. 7th

Kim Watkin, Board Member

The FUUSB Board of Trustees met Tuesday, Dec. 7th. Treasurer Brian Haas presented a financial report to the Board. While the financial goals of the Society are on target, the Board continues to work towards maintaining that financial stability. The 89th Annual Holiday Bazaar was a success with a record number of attendees. The reinvigorated Stewardship Team is meeting under the guidance of Louis DeRosset to plan for the Pledge Drive in the Spring. The Spring Auction is being planned for April 12th under the leadership of Avery Hamill and Erin Kelley.  

The Board reviewed a draft Policy on the Requests for Public Statements, a policy “to address the requests to sign on to public statements, take public positions concerning current events, or participate actively in matters requiring an immediate response on behalf of or in the name of the Society.” Some revisions were suggested, and the Board will consider the policy further in the new year. Rev. Karen gave a brief report on the nature of some of the complaints she has received this year and how she handled them. 

The Board is planning a second “Listening Session” on January 12th at 11:30 am in the Parlors. After reviewing the feedback from FUUSB Members, the Board will meet for a Jan. 30th Retreat to develop 2025-2026 congregational and Board goals and a vision for ministry. 

** Please email board@uusociety.org if you would like the Zoom link to our next Board meeting on Tuesday, January 21st from 4pm to 6pm. 

New Chalice Circle Forming – Sign Up Today!

A Chalice Circle offers a unique opportunity to build deeper connections within our beloved Unitarian Universalist community. Guided by Betsy Thayer, this small group will meet on alternate Mondays from 4:30–6:00 PM at the Meeting House, beginning January 27, 2025.

In a Chalice Circle, we create a safe and sacred space to explore Unitarian Universalist values, reflect on our personal spiritual journeys, and form meaningful friendships that can last a lifetime.

Could a Circle change your life? Come discover the power of shared reflection and heartfelt connection.

Sign up now to be part of this transformative experience!

Email ChaliceCircles@uusociety.org with any questions.

We can’t wait to share this journey with you

Join Us for the FUUSB

Open-Mic Coffeehouse!

Todd Schlossberg, Member

Friday, January 10, 7 – 9 p.m.

Come gather ‘round people, come in from the cold

For songs to be sung, and poems to be told

Let the cider and fellowship, brighten your soul

Admission is free, ‘cause this joy can’t be sold

What: Our Monthly FUUSB Open-Mic Coffeehouse.

Share a song, spoken words, or other talent, or just

come and listen.

Who: Everyone! All ages! Invite friends and family

Where: The Sanctuary, First UU Society of Burlington

When: Friday, January 10, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Sign-up for the open-mic starting at 6:30 p.m.

Questions? Todd Schlossberg: greenmountainlaw@gmail.com

New date: Climate Justice Team meets on January 12th

how do i make a future of justice an irresistible option?

— adrienne marie brown

Our next meeting is January 12th, 11:30am-12:30 pm, after the service, in the Reeb Room. This date is a change from what we previously announced. This group typically meets the third Sunday of the month, after the service. (We are giving our regularly scheduled meeting time on January 19th to the Racial Justice Team for their MLK, Jr-Day-inspired event.) 

The Climate Justice Team welcomes visitors and new members. Show up or Contact us:  climatejustice@uusociety.org We have a living agenda and meeting minutes in a shared Google document.  

We continue to explore how we can “chart the course” toward a flourishing future with “transformative action” by “building relationships through interdependent commitments.” We are working with the material for the UU Climate Justice Revival, which kicked off in September this year.  During those events, along with hundreds of UU congregations around the world, we were guided by “the Revival Dialogues Playbook” from the Side of Love campaign, link: https://sidewithlove.org. We hope to share with you the outcomes of those events, perhaps this month. We created “Rich Pictures” of community thriving“Challenging Realities” mind maps, “Sacred Circles” (of our needs, joys, and offerings), and our collective imaginings of “Community Care.” Members of the Climate Justice Team can access copies in our shared Google Drive. We hope to share them with everyone soon. Join us to decide on next steps.  

Listening Sessions with FUUSB Board of Trustees


Kim Watkin, Board Member

There are TWO opportunities to share YOUR thoughts on OUR congregational goals with the FUUSB Board of Trustees.

First, there is an IN PERSON Listening Session on Sunday, January 12th at 11:30am to 12:30pm in the Parlor. Childcare is available BUT please let Kim Watkin know that it is needed.

Second, there is a VIRTUAL Listening Session on Thursday, January 16th at 5:30pm to 6:30pm. 

Click here to access the Zoom link.

Meeting ID: 882 8760 6482

Contact Kim Watkin at watkinfam@aol.com with any questions or comments. 

Join Us for the First Sunday Circle of 2025 – January 12th

Gail Beck, Member

Topic: A Discussion of Rev Karen's upcoming 1/12 Sermon

Time: 11:45 AM – 12:45 PM (following the service)in the Barnum Room

Life and death—two sides of the same coin, inseparable and inevitable. In her sermon, “Our Place on the Menu: Musings on Mortality,” Rev. Karen invites us to reflect on how we might spend this precious coin, knowing our mortal nature cannot be escaped or resisted.

Join us for an engaging and heartfelt discussion as we explore these profound questions together. This is an opportunity to share, listen, and connect as we consider how awareness of mortality can shape the way we live with intention, purpose, and grace.

All are welcome—come with an open heart and curious spirit.

A Conversation with White People on Race

Racial Justice Team

Please join your Racial Justice Team for a brief video and discussion on Sunday 1/19. We’ll be viewing and discussing “A Conversation With White People on Race”, one of a series of New York Times short videos on race-related topics. You can join us in person in the Parlors at 11:30 after the Sunday service or via Zoom that same evening at 7:30pm. (Zoom link to follow.) This event is the first in a series of events the RJT will be organizing this year to help us all get more comfortable talking about race.

Annual FUU Campout

Elmore State Park, June 14-16

Erika Reif, Director of Lifespan Faith Development

It’s not too early to plan for summer fun! For more than 20 years, members of First UU have gathered at this beautiful state park in mid-June to commune with nature and each other! This loosely planned weekend will include a Friday night potluck dinner, group campfires, sing-alongs, and an informal closing circle worship. Climbing the mountain and the firetower are optional but inspiring activities! There will be children; there will be youth, there will be adults, younger and older. If you like camping and UU fellowship, please consider joining us! (If sleeping in a tent is not on your to-do list, we welcome day- trippers for the Friday potluck or Saturday beach and mountain fun!) Please follow this link for more information and to register!

UUA General Assembly 2025!

Christina Fulton, Director of Operations & Finance

Each year, UUs across the country gather together to deepen and strengthen our Unitarian Universalist faith movement. We alternate meeting only virtually (as we did in 2024) and meeting in a hybrid fashion - both in-person and virtually. GA 2025 is meeting in-person in Baltimore, marking the 200th anniversary of the founding of the American Unitarian Association, inspired by the theme, Meeting the Moment. Dates are June 18 -22. Registration is required.

Attending GA can deepen your sense of belonging and identity as a UU and widen your perspective on the diversity and creativity and power when we encounter each other beyond our congregations, states, or regions.

Here's a promotional video to get us excited.

Each congregation has delegates who vote on business related to our faith movement. If you are a member of FUUSB and are interested in playing this role, please reach out to Christina Fulton, our Director of Operations and Finance. Keep watching the Enews for more information about GA.

Each month FUUSB has an Earth Teacher and a packet of materials to help you connect with and make meaning in your life in relationship with that Earth Teacher. Check it out.

Upcoming Worship Services

In-Person & Live-Streamed Services

Jan. 19 at 10am

"Love at The Center"

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior MInister

Dan York, Worship Associate

Jan. 26 at 10am

"Be Good, Do Good, & Amplify Good"

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior MInister

Judy Brook, Worship Associate

More details at uusociety.org

Building Hours:

Mon. 11am-1pm

Tues. 11am-3pm

Wed. 11am-1pm

*If you need to meet with a particular staff member- please reach out to them to set up a time.*

Sabattical Questions?

You can contact the Sabbatical 

Team by emailing sabbaticalteam@uusociety.org.

Care Network:

Sharing Joys, & Sorrows, & Gratitudes Form

Click here to submit a joy, sorrow, or gratitude.

Weekly Events
Visit uusociety.org for more information!

Sundays - 8 am

Sunday Morning Breakfast

Community Room

Sign up to help: signup.com/go/yAbRpfy

Sundays - 11:10 am

Coffee Hour

Community Room

Tuesdays - 5:15 pm

UU Meditation Group

Susan B. Anthony Room

Questions? Email meditation@uusociety.org

Wednesdays - 5:15 pm

Love & Justice Vigil

In front of the Meeting House

Wednesdays - 7:15 pm

FUUSB Choir Rehearsal


Quick Links

FUUSB Calendar

FUUSB Website


Staff Directory

The Path


Church of the Larger Fellowship


In Case You Missed It 
Visit the publication archives on our website!
How to Get the 
Word Out
Click here for this year's publication information!

Enews Submissions

Send your submissions to enewsblast@uusociety.org.

The deadline is 10am on Monday for your entry to be included in that week's newsletter.

Contact Us
First UU Society of Burlington
152 Pearl Street
Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 862-5630