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June 25, 2020
Latest News
General Assembly Sunday Morning Worship
End of Fiscal Year Pledge Housekeeping
July 4 Free Lunch
Poetry and Music Service
From the Immigration Justice Team
Independence Day Holiday
JUMP's Flex Assistance Support

Online Joys & Sorrows Submission Form

Click here to submit 
a joy or sorrow.


Online Audio Meditations

Click here for this week's meditation!


Join Us for These Weekly Online Events!
This Sunday at 11 a.m.
Virtual Coffee Hour
or call 1-646-558-8656 
(meeting ID: 664 917 485)

Sundays at 12 p.m.
Yuuth Group
or call 1-413-398-0207 (PIN: 744 756 177#)

Thursdays at 4 p.m.
Drop-In Chalice Circle
or call 1-646-558-8656 (meeting ID: 882 782 496)


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Contact Us
First UU Society of Burlington
152 Pearl Street
Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 862-5630
or visit the  staff directory
2020 General Assembly Sunday Morning Worship Service

This Sunday, we invite you to join us for the  2020 General Assembly Sunday Morning Worship Service, "Beyond the Water's Edge." The service will be live-streamed at, where the order of service is also available.

Join us for the largest annual gathering of UUs joining in worship. This powerful, communal worship experience is open to the public. Rev. Joan Javier-Duval will deliver the sermon at the 2020 General Assembly Sunday Morning Worship. She serves as Minister of the Unitarian Church of Montpelier, VT. She is the daughter of immigrants from the Philippines, mother of a kindergartener, and spouse of a proud Vermonter. Beauty, gratitude, and love are at the heart of her faithful striving for collective liberation and a thriving planet.

URGENT - End of Fiscal Year Pledge Housekeeping
Christina Fulton, Director of Operations & Finance

It is the end of the fiscal year... Have you finished paying your pledge? You can easily find out by logging into your Realm account. If you haven't activated your Realm account yet, now is the time to do so. You can activate your account from our website: or click on the link in your invitation or reminder email, which I sent to you today. Here are some step by step instructions on how to activate your Realm account.

Once you have activated your account, you will be able to see your pledge status and set up automatic payments directly through Realm. You can have your payments charged to a credit or debit card, or taken directly from your bank account.

ATTENTION: If you have automatic pledge payments that you set up before we had Realm, they will stop as of June 30, 2020. If you don't want to fall behind on your pledge payments, please log into Realm and set up your payments now.

Thank you for taking the time to set up your automatic payments! If you have any problems or questions, please email me at

July 4 Free Lunch - Keep Those Volunteer Sign-Ups Coming!
Zoe Hart

Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to help with our 4th of July Free Lunch! We still very much need more volunteers to help prep the lunch bags Friday afternoon and make sandwiches Saturday morning. Without lunch bags and sandwiches, it won't be much of a lunch! And we could use a few more large coolers to keep those sandwiches fresh. So if you are able, please sign up here to help make this Free Lunch possible. Send any questions to

There may be some confusion about exactly what this event is. Last year we had a wonderful BBQ where so many of you came both to help out and to partake of the meal. This year, given the pandemic, we have had to scale back and focus on our core goal: feeding those in need. As sorry as I am to say it, this is not an event for most people to attend. It's an event with guests whom we're providing with a simple bagged lunch and just enough volunteers to pull it off. I look forward to the time we can gather together for a picnic or BBQ, but this is not that time.

Poetry Lovers and Musicians, Share Your Inspiration! 
chalice by river Mavis Milne

Is there a particular poem that captures your imagination during these extraordinary times? Or perhaps you write poems of your own? Do you sing or play a musical instrument? If so, we're looking for a few poetry readers and a musician or two to contribute to our online Poetry and Music Service on July 12. 

Please contact Melinda Lee,, or Mavis Milne, , for more information.  Thank you!

Help End ICE's "Binary Choice" Policy
Kim Watkin

The Immigration Justice Team would like to encourage people to help with an effort to end the practice of "binary choice" in the release of children from ICE detention centers. Here is the BACKGROUND information for the "binary choice" policy and the ACTION STEPS to help end this policy. The action steps include emails or phone calls to our representatives and ICE officials based on the amount of time you can spend on this effort. Any questions, please contact Carolyn Smiles at
Independence Day Holiday

In observance of the Independence Day holiday, FUUSB staff will be taking the day off on  Monday, July 6 .
From JUMP: Flex Assistance Support
Wanda Hines, JUMP Director

REMEMBER - You are eligible to apply every 3 months.  So, please help spread the word.

To APPLY: 3 easy steps after visiting the JUMP  FLEX  website link: 
1. Open the online Flex Assistance Support (FAS) application link using desktop, laptop, iPad or smartphone.
3. Next upload "PROOF of RESIDENCY" and SUBMIT. If approved, will receive by mail in 2-4 days.

Also available is the  FLEX mail-in application
Simply download, complete and mail.    

Or give us a call: (802) 777-3821