On this Labor Day holiday we recall some chapters in the long, complicated, tragic, and glorious story of work and wages in our country’s evolution… including the role played by slavery. How are we doing in our pursuit of economic justice?
Due to the rainy forecast, worship will be held inside the Sanctuary this Sunday. We hope many of you will join the service – either in person or online. Find the livestream link at uusociety.org or on our YouTube channel. While inside the Meeting House, masks are strongly encouraged. No sign-up is needed.
Children are always welcome in our Sanctuary for worship, and quiet toys and coloring supplies are available in our fidget bins, located by both entrances. There will be no supervised activities for children this Sunday.
Following the service, all are welcome to Outdoor Coffee Hour. And join us for Zoom Coffee Hour at 11:15 a.m. The Zoom link and more information can be found here: Online Coffee Hour
Online Coffee Hour... It's Awesome!!
Christina Fulton, Director of Operations & Finance
People participate in Online Coffee Hour for many reasons; some people can't attend In-Person Coffee Hour because of physical reasons, some people live too far away to attend in person (like California and Alaska!), some people can't hear very well when Coffee Hour is in the Parlors, and some people just really enjoy a Coffee Hour where everyone gets a chance to talk and true connections can be made.
At the height of the pandemic, we had about 50 people regularly attending Online Coffee Hour, but over this summer we've dwindled down to just a very small group. This group is awesome and they really miss having more people at Coffee Hour. So if you're home on Sundays between 11:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. (Eastern Time) please think about joining us. You can always find the link on our website.
Please watch for more information about a weekly Online Coffee Hour that will happen on another day of the week. That way you won't have to choose; you'll be able to attend In-Person Coffee Hour on Sunday and still visit with our online members.
Fiber Arts Group
Linda Graves
We hope you’ll consider joining fellow UUs who enjoy any kind of creative fiber arts activity for our monthly meeting on the first Tuesday of the month. In September, that will be September 6, from 7 to 8 p.m. on Zoom. Share with the group whatever you are working on, or come with an open mind for some new ideas for projects you might like to consider. The link is bit.ly/3qKUgLa, meeting ID: 813 5671 4635, passcode: 112630. Hope to see you there!
Memorial Service for Rev. Robert Senghas
The memorial service for Rev. Robert Senghas, our minister emeritus, will be held on Saturday, September 10 at 2 p.m. at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington. All are welcome. The service will also be livestreamed, and the link will be available at uusociety.org.
(Image credit: Gillian Randall)
YUUth Group Campfire Kickoff
(with Overnight!) - Sept. 10
David Ruffin, Dir. of Youth & Creative Arts Ministries
YUUth Group, open to all 9th-12th graders, will kick off a new year at Rock Point peninsula on Saturday, Sept. 10, beginning at 2:30 p.m. Games, hiking, canoe paddling, swimming, sunset and campfire magic (stories, singing, s'mores, etc.), AND the invitation to stay and camp overnight on the land. Special welcome to new folks!! Stay overnight if it feels good, or just come for daytime/evening fun. Pick up for overnighters will be Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. at Rock Point OR, even better, bring your bike and bike as a group to the Meeting House for "Ingathering" at 10 (we'll find a volunteer to drive over camping gear). To learn more and RSVP, email David at [email protected]. Can't wait to begin another great year together!
Let’s Re-Open the FUUSB Nursery!
Margo Whitcomb, Faith Development Assistant
In October, we hope to come back indoors after a lovely season of outdoor childcare! But, In order to do so, we really need to hire some new adult childcare providers. Your main responsibility is caring for infants through early elementary age children in a kind, welcoming, and safe space. It’s gratifying and fun. Generally 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. or so on Sundays. A generous hourly wage. No need to commit to a regular schedule, as we check availability each month and schedule as available. If this might interest you (or someone you know), I’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to [email protected].
2022/23 Registration Kicks Off!
Growing our children & youth in Faith Development
Margo Whitcomb, Faith Development Assistant
Another exciting year is about to begin and now is the time to register your children and youth! Offerings include Nursery care, Spirit Play, Bible Stories, Building Bridges, OWL and Yuuth Group. However your children might participate (you needn’t know now), registering them will help us plan. Please register your child(ren) or youth with us at the link below!
Immediately following our multigenerational Ingathering service on Sunday, September 11, please join us for a picnic! Tables and chairs will be set up on the lawn so that we can gather and dine together. Bring a potluck dish, or just bring your own lunch if you prefer. Our usual coffee hour beverages will also be available.
We still need some more people to help with picnic set-up at 9 a.m. (before the service) and/or clean-up after the picnic! Let us know if you would like to be on the team. Email Rev. Tricia at [email protected]. Thank you to those who have already offered to help!
Hinduism: the Grandmother of Spirituality
Erika Reif, Director of Lifespan Faith Development
Thursday, September 15 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
New member and longtime scholar of the world’s religions, Phillip Brentwood, will be repeating the first multimedia session in his series introducing participants to Eastern religious traditions, last presented in February with the pandemic raging and the weather less pleasant. We are offering another opportunity for those who missed it, this time under the tent in our beautiful Memorial Garden, with special finger foods provided by professional chef Linda Vogler.
Erika Reif, Director of Lifespan Faith Development
We are reviving the tradition of marching as a group in the Vermont Pride Parade! Come one, come all, and celebrate Pride together! We are registered already and hoping to march alongside a group from the CVUU congregation in Middlebury. If you are able to help organize (a simple job, mostly handing out signs and flags and telling people where to go) or if you are interested in staffing a table for First UU at the Waterfront Park Pride Festival, contact Erika ([email protected]).
First UU Climate Conversations
Rosanne Greco, Climate Justice Team
Are you feeling confused, conflicted, concerned, overwhelmed, scared, hopeless and/or more about climate change? Uncertain what to do, or even whether to do something, about the greatest crisis humankind has ever faced? If so, you are in the majority. But even though most people are worried about what’s to come and what to do, the vast majority don’t even talk about it. And, talking about it is actually the first crucial step forward, and something every one of us can do.
Wise people say one of the greatest antidotes to despair is action. And, most actions start by talking with others. So, the FUUSB Climate Justice Team is proposing to start a small group (or groups) in person and/or virtually to talk about the climate crisis and our feelings surrounding it.
If folks are interested, the FUUSB Climate Conversation group(s) will start in mid-September on a day and time convenient for the participants. Please email Rosanne Greco if you would like to join the group.
Regain hope and energy, inspire others, and be part of the solution. See you in September.
Mary Williams, Society Administrator
We are seeking article submissions for the next Steeple newsletter! The deadline to submit articles is September 20, and the word limit is up to 400 words. The newsletter will be published the week of October 9.