First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

Ministerial Search Report

Friday, February 16, 2024

From the Ministerial Search Committee

Following the practices recommended by the UUA, your Ministerial Search Committee has completed reviewing applications from ministers in search of a post who have applied to be FUUSN’s next settled minister. We’ve had Zoom interviews with the most promising, and in the coming weeks, the top

applicants will come to visit in person.

This part of the process remains strictly confidential: these “pre-candidates” may meet with Rev. Parisa if they request it, but no other staff or congregants will even know when they are here. The pre-candidates will not conduct services at FUUSN at this stage, and instead members of the Ministerial Search Committee will observe them leading worship at a different UU congregation.

Once the committee has completed our evaluation, we will deliberate and discern and finally choose the applicant we have concluded offers the best fit for FUUSN now. If that person agrees to go forward with us, they will be presented to the community as our candidate for next settled minister. That is when everyone else gets involved, and we want to be sure we are clear about this time because we want as much participation as possible.


"Candidating Week” is Saturday, April 27 through Sunday, May 5. This is a time when congregational leaders, staff, and congregants will be able to spend time with the candidate, who will lead the services on both Sundays. After the first Sunday’s service the Membership Committee will serve a congregational lunch so that everyone will have an opportunity to meet the candidate.

Your search committee will publish a schedule of activities and meetings with various constituencies to help the candidate minister get to know FUUSN and for members of the congregation to get to know the candidate.


This extended visit culminates in the congregational vote to call our next settled minister, at a special meeting after service on Sunday, May 5. Some important things to note about this meeting:

  • Note that only FUUSN members may vote. If you are not a member, or are not sure you are a member, please contact Member Services ( as described below. Anyone wishing to become a member must do so in time to be formally accepted by the Board at their March 26 meeting. A person must be a member for 30 days prior to the vote.
  • In accordance with FUUSN’s Bylaws, this special meeting will not be a hybrid meeting, and proxy voting will not be permitted. To participate in the vote, the member must be present in person. We will make every effort to arrange transportation for members with limited mobility so they can attend.
  • The vote is strictly an up or down (yes or no) vote on the candidate. We will have no second choice. Our Bylaws state that at least three quarters of those voting must vote yes to call the minister; the UUA sets a higher bar at 90% of the vote in favor and goes on to say that some candidates will not accept the call if fewer than 95% of the voting members are in favor of their ministry.

Obviously, your participation is very important, and we want you to understand the process. Please feel free to contact the committee at if you have questions.


The Ministerial Search Committee


Barbara Bates

Eric Haas

Julia Huston

Melissa Kogut

Eric Moore

Erin O'Donnell

Cindy Orrell

Can You Vote for Our Next Minister?

Did you know that you must be an official Member of FUUSN for at least 30 days prior to the vote to have your vote count?  Here are some steps to take to ensure that your vote is counted:

  • Confirm that you are actually a Member (You are not able to see your own status in Realm)
  • Members with current email addresses in Realm have received confirmation that they are a member via email. If you did not receive that email by February 7, 2024:
  • Check your status at the Realm table during Coffee hour
  • Send an email to Dan Stoll, and he will look it up for you
  • NOTE: Member Services has a team of people contacting Friends (non-members who pledge to FUUSN) to inform them of the membership requirement and that they are not Members.
  • If you wish to become a Member, fill out this application form so you can be listed as a member in time to vote.  
  • Online form:  Application for Membership at First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton (
  • Alternatively, you may print out this PDF form and bring or mail it to FUUSN instead.
  • Apply by March 15 so we can get your application to the Board in time for their monthly meeting on March 26 to ensure you can vote in the special meeting in the spring.
  • Questions? Contact

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

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