The FUUSN Chime

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

Sunday Reminder

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Order of Service

The Way is Long

Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 10:15am

Rev. Mary Margaret Earl

Justice work is the work of faithful people. A reflection and ritual to renew ourselves for the journey.

The Rev. Mary Margaret Earl has served as Executive Director and Senior Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry for 9 years. In this ministry, she strengthens connections between UUs and the Roxbury neighborhood where the UUUM operates. She has served on the leadership team of Moral Movement Massachusetts, the Roxbury Cultural Network, and currently serves on the search committee for the new Roxbury Community College president. Prior to her arrival at the UU Urban Ministry, she spent 10 years at a faith-based nonprofit in RI serving the homeless community, She is past president of the Board of the Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless, recipient of the Heroes of Faith Award from the Rhode Island State Council of Churches for her interfaith work, and received a Courage of Conscience award from the Peace Abbey in Sherborn, Ma. She is a longtime vegan committed to standing up for nonhuman animals.

Covid Policy Reminder

Your Ops Council continues to monitor the Covid wastewater levels and public health recommendations. As cases rise with a new variant again, and we also are seeing increases in hospitalizations due to RSV and flu, we are encouraged by the fact that our current practices and recommendations align with current public health guidance. We especially encourage anyone eligible to be up to date on Covid boosters!

As a reminder, here are our guidelines for FUUSN gatherings:

  1. Stay home if you feel unwell and definitely if you have tested positive for a communicable illness.
  2. Wear a mask if you feel well but may have been exposed.
  3. Remember that the last few rows of pews in the sanctuary are reserved for folks masking due to increased vulnerability to illness, and respect that space appropriately.

After Service This Week

11:30am: Band Rehearsal - Sanctuary

11:30am: FUUSN Community Expo

Come see what FUUSN is all about! Representatives from our many committees, clubs, groups, and teams will be present to tell you what they do and how you can get involved. Light refreshments will be served. Childcare is available. Bring your friends!!!

Fill Out Our Newsletter Survey

We've made some recent changes to the newsletter format, most notably switching to Constant Contact. We'd like to hear from you about how you like these changes and what else we can do to improve! Fill out our survey.

FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton |

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