Weekly Newsletter of the
First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton
May 1, 2024
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Worship Service
Guest Sermon
Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 10:15am
Lindsay Donnelly-Bullington
Our faith calls us to listen with, not just to, the world around us. What gifts and lessons do our senses offer us in our quest to build and become Beloved Community?
Lindsay Donnelly-Bullington (she/her) is an itinerant preacher and an aspirant for Unitarian Universalist ministry. She is completing her MDiv at Boston University School of Theology and previously served with the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth working with congregational involvement. She is looking forward to serving as Intern Minister with First Church in Boston this fall.
Join us in person or on Zoom:
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RE This Sunday
Spirit Circle: Mental Health Focus
4-5:15pm: 4-6th Grade OWL - Downstairs Classrooms
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Annual Pledge Drive Update
WE ARE IN THE HOME STRETCH!!! Our church year is drawing to a close, and we are so close to attaining our goal this year. As of today, we are at $527,749.57 (84%) pledged, and 180 (78%) pledges. If you have not yet pledged, please pledge now to put us over the top! Thanks to everyone who has already pledged!
Every pledge helps! Pledge now; the earlier we get the pledges in, the more easily can the Finance Committee (thanks Karen Bottar, chair, and Judy Curby, Laurel Farnsworth, Neil MacGaffey, Faith Kreider, & Urban Larson) formulate the FY24-25 budget which begins June 1. PLEDGE HERE.
Spotlight: Over 60s! A robust, wonderful Committee as we have enjoyed our work together via zoom meetings, in-person dinners together. Monthly committee meetings planned and future new committee members welcomed!
Steering Committee:
Connie Adkins, Ruth Comstock, Emily Gelbert, Judy Friedman, Wendy Haskell, Sandy Horne, Helen Jordan, Nancy Stanton, Connie Stubbs, Claire Willis
Over 60s Activities and Initiatives:
- Fall/Winter 2023 -2024 - Sunday Coffee Hour Art Fest Program: Fiber Arts, 175th Anniversary, Poetry, Voice, Instrumental Music, Visual Arts, Authors, Photograph, Gardening
- Speaker Presentations: Palliative Care and Hospice, Dementia - Where Are We Now?, Everything You Wanted to Know About Pronouns, upcoming Haiku Retreat on June 20
- Small Support Groups: Aging Together, one Women's Group, two Men's Groups, Small Group - Spiritual Journeys
- Sponsored Activities: Walking Group, Pickleball
| | Most recent Over 60s Fest: The Photographers! - April 28, 2024 | | | |
NEED REALM CONNECT HELP? Realm Connect is FUUSN's online Directory. If you would like help getting the Connect app on your smartphone or signing into your account come to the Realm Help table by the piano in the Parish Hall after the service. | | | |
Please Deposit Your FUUSN Checks!!!
If you have a check from FUUSN languishing on your desk, please deposit or cash it by May 15th so that we can close out our accounts for the year. Thank you!
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Please Submit Your Annual Reports by May 15th
We are hard at work putting together our Annual Report. If you have something to contribute, please send it in to Fran at office@fusn.org no later than May 15th.
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Upcoming Events This Week | |
Thursday, May 2
5-7pm: UUUM Open House - 10 Putnam St., Boston
| The UU Urban Ministry is having a Program Spotlight and Open House on Thursday, May 2, 5-7 pm. This is a great opportunity to see what our partners are doing in Boston. We can arrange for carpooling closer to the date. LEARN MORE | |
Reparations Task Force Meeting - 12-2pm
The Reparations Task Force (RJM) will meet after service on Sunday, May 5th, in the Children’s Chapel. We will be reviewing our networking activities and recent speakers, as well as planning for future events at FUUSN. All interested parties welcome. Questions? Contact lindalancz@aol.com or jeanlsmith@rcn.com.
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Climate Policy Game - May 5, 2024
We all know climate change is happening, so what can we do to slow it down and turn it around? Join us for a game using MIT's En-ROADS climate model simulator to see what does and doesn't help on individual and community levels -- FUUSN, city, state, nation, and planet. Middle schoolers and up are welcome to participate, and light refreshments will be served. In-person only, RSVP requested.
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5-7:30pm: All8 Arts Workshop (registration closed) - Parish Hall and Kitchen | |
Monday, May 6
2:30-3:30pm: Member Service Committee: Sunday Morning to First Year Mtg. - online
7:30-9pm: Soul Matters Small Group Ministry (registration closed)
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Do Your Kids Want to Sing on RE Sunday, May 19th?
This is an invitation to your children or youth to join me this Sunday and next Sunday to learn a new song after worship. We'll meet Director of Music Ministry Anne Watson Born in the sanctuary on Sunday, May 5th immediately after worship (around 11:30am) to rehearse the new song for RE Sunday which takes place on May 19th this year.
Here's the song we will sing: Give Us Hope. Let Devin know if we can expect your young person. The more the merrier!
Join FUUSN’s team for the Louis D Brown Peace Institute’s 28th Mother's Day Walk for Peace - May 12, 2024
The peace institute’s goal is to empower survivors and communities impacted by murder, trauma, grief and loss to cultivate cycles of peace and healing. To register to walk or to donate to our team effort visit https://www.mothersdaywalk4peace.org/FUUSN. Team captains are Valerie Miller and Kevan Hartshorn. Come chat with us at Coffee Hour. To learn more about the Louis D Brown Peace Institute visit https://ldbpeaceinstitute.org.
Dinners for 7 Needs Hosts - May 18, 2024
This is a great opportunity to have dinner with 7-8 people in your home. Host provides the main course and guests are assigned various side dishes.
Sign up to host here. Questions? Contact Lynne Karlson.
Community Lunch Helpers Wanted!
The Community BBQ Lunch scheduled for June 2, 2024 has been moved to June 9, 2024 to coincide with the Annual Meeting. Volunteer to help cook, set up, or clean up!
| For these and ALL other volunteer opportunities, visit the Volunteer page on our website. Have a volunteer opportunity to add? Contact Jenise. | | |
Over 60s Walking Schedule
Contact Ruth Comstock 617-571-4945
First Friday of Month: Cutler Park
Meet at Parking Lot at 84 Kendrick St, Needham Heights, MA 02494
Second Friday of the month: Ware Cove/Flowed Meadow, Auburndale
Meet at the parking lot at end of West Pine Street (104)
Third Friday of the month: Hammond Pond Reservation/Webster Woods
Meet at parking lot behind Chestnut Hill Shopping Center before Container Store. Hammond Pond Pkwy north from Rt 9. FIRST left after entering shopping center from Hammond Park Pkwy. Go to end of parking lot and entrance to the Reservation is straight ahead. The pond is on your right. Park anywhere.
Fourth Friday of Month: Kennard Park/Lost Pond
Meet at Kennard parking lot, 246 Dudley Road, Newton
If Fifth Friday of month: Cutler Park
From December- March- ALL walks are at the Newton Cemetery
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Green Sanctuary Meeting - May 11, 2024
FUUSN's Climate Action Task Force will be meeting in the Children's Chapel from 10am-11:30 on Saturday, May 11th. All are invited to attend. We will be discussing how to enroll our congregation in the Green Sanctuary 2030 program.
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Newcomer Potluck - Saturday, May 11, 2024
If you are new or still feel new, you are invited to a potluck dinner in the Alliance Room at FUUSN on Saturday, May 11th at 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM. Children are welcome.
Come talk with other newcomers who are interested in Unitarian Universalism and FUUSN. There will be time to discuss our congregation's services and activities and to ask questions, as well as time just to get to know one another.
Please RSVP to Pat Rohan at jprohan@verizon.net or 617-852-5290 to tell us if you can come and what you would like to bring (suggestions: an appetizer, main dish, side dish, salad, or dessert that serves 6-‐8 people). We will provide beverages.
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Listening Circles on the Israel/Gaza Conflict
May 16, 6:30pm and May 22nd, 4pm
Protests on college campuses in the US grab national headlines alongside the devastating images of civilian suffering in Gaza and heartbreaking stories of Israeli hostages. Many of us are struggling with complex feelings, and unsure how to talk with one another or connect.
Our commitment as a faith community is to create a space for building trust, relationship and understanding, even if we do not agree. If you would like to listen, learn and reflect with others in the FUUSN community on this complex topic, we invite you to join a listening circle this month.
Listening Circle Goals:
- Strengthen our FUUSN community by offering a space for compassionate listening and sharing
- Engage and understand the complexity of our own and one another's experiences and perspectives
What we won’t be doing in listening circles:
- Offering or expecting expertise on the history and politics of the region
- Attempting to persuade or agree on a position
The listening circles will be held on May 16 (6:30pm) and May 22 (4pm) at FUUSN or on Zoom, and led by trusted FUUSN members.
Registration is required. Please complete this form and organizers will follow up with more information before the listening circle.
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Dinners for 7 - May 18, 2024
Dinners for 7 is an opportunity for a small group to get together for a meal at a host’s home. The host provides the main course and the guests are each assigned to bring something. The groups are arranged so that you have an opportunity to get to know different people each time. If you are interested, please SIGN UP HERE.Questions? Contact Lynne Karlson.
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Orchestra Without Borders Benefit Concert
May 18, 2024, 7:30pm
Luca Antonucci, Music Director
borderlines east-west
Hannah Shanefield, soprano
Jonathan Fagan, jazz piano
Michael Rosen, jazz saxophone
Free Concert
Suggested donation of $20 per person to benefit the work of Communities Without Borders, which supports education for at-risk children in Zambia
While this is not an official FUUSN event, many FUUSNites are involved, and it takes place right here. Register or Donate!
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UU Plant-Based Eating Club Potluck
May 19, 2024
Our next plant-based potluck will be held on Sunday, May 19, in small groups of approximately 8 people in the homes of PBEC members. Folks will have the choice to attend a 12:30 brunch or a 6:00 dinner. Invitations with further details will be sent to the PBEC email list closer to the time. If you would like to join the email list in order to receive an invitation, please send an email to UU-Plant-Based-contact-us@googlegroups.com.
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Sandy Island Retreat - Memorial Day Weekend
It's time once again to head up to New Hampshire and relax with all your favorite FUUSN folx! Every Memorial Day Weekend our congregation is invited to Sandy Island Camp on a small island in Lake Winnipesaukee, NH, for an annual retreat (May 25-27, 2024). We stay in rustic cabins and eat shared meals (prepared by the Sandy Island staff) in the dining hall. Visit the link below for more info.
All FUUSNites and their families/friends (no pets) are invited to join in this opportunity for relaxation, enjoyment of nature and connection within our community. Newcomers are especially welcome, as the weekend offers many ways to meet and engage with folks of all ages and interests.
REGISTER HERE. And this year, you can PAY ONLINE HERE. Anyone having difficulties with any of this may contact Sandy Island Coordinator Denise Bousquet at <sandyisland@fuusn.org>.
We run our own activities during our weekend retreat. If you'd like to create a new activity, or repeat a previous one, please contact our Sandy Island Activities Coordinator, Emily Gelbert <emily.gelbert@gmail.com>.
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Climate Educational Forum - May 30, 2024, 6:30-8:30pm, Parish Hall
The FUUSN Climate Action Task Force, in collaboration with Green Newton, and the Newton chapters of Mothers Out Front and 350Mass, invites you to an educational forum about how we can HELP THE CLIMATE by reducing building emissions. The Newton city council is considering a proposal called the Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO), which will affect all existing buildings in Newton over 20,000 sq. ft., including FUUSN's building. Come learn how BERDO works and how it can HELP THE CLIMATE!
Please Register for this event. It will help us plan for how many are coming.
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Congratulations to Willa Gaebler, who has been awarded a Dignity Project Fellowship through the Miller Center for Interreligious Learning and Leadership at Hebrew College! | |
The family of Afghan “parolees” (aka: refugees) that NBARC has been supporting financially and helping in many ways for the past 2 ½ years, has been approved for asylum! We're told that when they got the news, "they were thrilled and sounded very relieved and were so thankful to everyone who has helped them reach this important milestone.”
Many of you have helped the along the way, either with trips, tasks, shopping, doctor appointments, etc. etc., and/or with your generous financial contributions — especially when we fundraised back in the fall of 2021, before we’d even been assigned a family! You all have NBARC’s and this family’s forever-gratitude!
~ Bobbie Sproat and Sandra Mahaniah
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Thank you to all those who offered their time and talent to make the Passover Seder on Sunday night, April 28th, a huge success. Special thanks to lead volunteer, Carol Walker, and all the helpers: Bing Boucher, Cindy Orrell, Debb Bennett, Neal Klinman, CJ Klinman, Ben Klinman, Joe Klinman, Donna LaMontagne, Emily Gelbert, Helen Jordon, Kristina Ashby, Kristy Wacek, Martin Feldman, Paul Antonucci, Deborah Robbins, Urban Larson, Wendy Schwartz, and anyone else we might have missed. Thank you all! | |
Congratulations to the volunteers and participants at the Over 60s Photography Fest! Following the wonderful Folk Music service, the parish hall was filled with 12 FUUSN photographers showing their work on tables lining the walls, with the rest of us happily milling around and getting new glimpses into the lives and artistry of our friends. Thanks to Barbara Deck for organizing the event and to the following photabraphers: Mike Arnott, Louis Atamian, Christian Dame, Eileen Frieberg-Dale, Fran Gardinio, Wendy Haskell, Eileen Kurkowski, Linda Lancz, Alexa Murray, Pete Roberts, Wendy Schwartz. | |
Our heartfelt thanks to our UUA General Assembly delegates for this year: Arthur Anderson, Barbara Bates, Tom Bean, Elaine Becker, Jacki Rohan, Pat Rohan, and Wendy Schwartz. | |
Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.
Submissions to the newsletter must be sent in by the previous Tuesday at 9am. Submissions to the Order of Service must be sent in by the previous Thursday at 9am.
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First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton www.fuusn.org | 617-527-3203 | | |
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