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FWI in the classroom

Dear Faith & Work,

Do you remember the name of a special grade-school teacher or college professor you had, who somehow touched and impacted your life? I do. Mr. Byrnes in high school, and Professor Sid Miller in college (no relation!). Professor Miller was somewhat like Professor Kingsfield (played by John Houseman in the classic 1973 movie, The Paper Chase). He was the toughest and most demanding, exacting, and amazing professor I ever had. While my style is different than his, Professor Miller certainly was a master teacher who taught me how to think, lead, and teach.

Teaching is one of FWI’s three key areas of impact, the other two being research and thought leadership through external events and conversations. This "FWI Quarterly Review" for Q3 is focused on our teaching. Helping to shape and inform the ethics, values, and sense of responsibility of future leaders is both humbling and invigorating – particularly, what I learn from them!

Read on for a quick bird's-eye-view of our recent teaching on both undergraduate and graduate levels. One of our primary teaching goals is to help students cultivate skills of ethical awareness and reflection, and giving them practical tools to navigate thorny issues, unknown territory, and the “ethical gray zone.”

Going forward you can look for a more regular rhythm of four FWI Quarterly Reviews throughout the year, each focusing on one of our key areas of impact, with occasional notes on specific events or news.

I’ll close by saying that the greatest leaders I know are all at heart teachers. You may not have the title of “professor.” But through your words and actions and the culture you set for your team, you are impacting the values-based leadership skills for tomorrow's leaders.


Teach on!


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David W. Miller, Ph.D.

Director, Faith & Work Initiative

Princeton University

EGR501: "Responsible Conduct in Research:

A Course on Ethics in Engineering"

Above: Prof. Miller with guest speaker Tyler Shultz, via Zoom

This course focuses on ethical challenges pertaining to engineering industries through case studies, the IEEE Code of Ethics, and varying ethical schools of thought. It was taught by David W. Miller and Michael J. Thate, and speakers included Tyler Shultz, whistleblower in the Theranos scandal, and Dennis Muilenburg, (ret’d) chairman & CEO, Boeing.

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"Professional Responsibility and Ethics:

Succeeding Without Selling Your Soul"

Above: Mid-terms!

The spring 2023 cycle of Prof. Miller's course "Professional Responsibility and Ethics: Succeeding without Selling Your Soul" was again oversubscribed with student representing 17 different majors across the university. The course draws on the ethics wisdom found in different faith traditions and provides students with robust theory and practical tools to address the ethical dilemmas they will inevitably face during their careers. Cross-listed among Engineering, Entrepreneurship, and Religion, it brought in speakers such as Doug Hodge, former CEO of PIMCO swept up in the Varsity Blues Scandal; Mark Mason, CFO, Citigroup; and Sherron Watkins, the Enron whistleblower and Time Person of the Year (2001). Students learned from interactive lectures, materials, speakers' insights and experiences, and small-group reflections relating it to their own anticipated work lives.

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Michael J. Thate offers summer lectures

in Budapest and France

This summer, FWI Associate Research Scholar/Lecturer Michael J. Thate delivered a lecture to the undergraduate students at Corvinus Institute for Advanced Study at the University of Budapest on the question of business ethics in our era of market capitalism. He also lectured at Climont, France, on clarifying the ethical task as “Ecological Attunement." These lectures were the first public sharing of his current book project, Scented Life.

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David Miller takes his signature Princeton course "Succeeding Without Selling Your Soul" on the road

As FWI explores impact through teaching that expands beyond Princeton University classrooms, Prof. David W. Miller was invited to speak to a class at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, scaling and adapting key aspects of his undergraduate course at Princeton.

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The Princeton Bioethics Exchange officially launched, gatherings hosted by David W. Miller,

co-moderated with Penelope Georges 

The Princeton Bioethics Exchange is co-sponsored by Council on Science and Technology (CST), Princeton Bioengineering Initiative (PBI), the Princeton Faith & Work Initiative (FWI), the University Center for Human Values, and GradFUTURES. 

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David W. Miller invited to speak at

the Princeton Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute's Wintersession:

"Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biotech"

FWI director David W. Miller, as part of his ongoing collaborative work with the Princeton Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute (ODI), was invited to speak at the PBI Wintersession 2023. 

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FWI Advisory Board

  • George Bauer, Chairman, GPB, Ltd.
  • Marc Belton, Founder, Wisefellows Consulting
  • Rich Berg, Executive Chairman and Co-Founder, Performance Trust Capital Partners
  • Barbara Byrne S76, Independent Director, Paramount Global, PowerSchool, LanzaTech
  • Laura Forese MD '83 P13 P18, COO (ret.), New York-Presbyterian Healthcare System
  • Brill Garrett '88 S89, Jason Garrett Starfish Charities
  • Pat Gelsinger, CEO, Intel
  • Lou GiulianoOperating Executive, The Carlyle Group LP
  • Tom Horton P15, Partner, Global Infrastructure Partners
  • Dale Jones, President and CEO, Diversified Search
  • Tom Levinson '96
  • Yung Bong Lim '87 P23 P25, Managing Partner, RDG Funds LLC
  • Devon Naftzger McCourt '16 S15
  • Mimi Pivirotto Murley '76 S72 P07 P10, Leading civic volunteer
  • Robert Murley '72 S76 P07 P10, Vice Chairman and Senior Advisor, CS First Boston
  • Craig Philip '75 S76, Director, Vanderbilt University Center for Transportation Research
  • Marcus Stroud '16, Co-founder and CEO, TXV Partners
  • Toni Townes-Whitley '85, CEO, Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC)
  • John Tyson, Chairman, Tyson Foods, Inc.
  • Kevin Weiss '79 S79 CEO, Sectigo, Inc.
  • Jacob Worenklein, Chairman and CEO, US Grid Company
  • Johanna Zeilstra, CEO, Gender Fair

Princeton University

Faith & Work Initiative

Princeton University

Keller Center for Innovation

Engineering Quadrangle

Princeton University

Princeton, NJ 08544

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The Faith & Work Initiative is a teaching and research center within the Princeton University School of Engineering and Applied Science and the Keller Center committed to exploring ethics, values, and practices of exchange on the frontier of complex social challenges. We explore foundational meanings and promote ethical awareness across our constituencies at every phase of life and work. To do so, we look back—both in terms of the histories of ethical philosophy and also the varying authoritative traditions of religious communities. We approach such histories and wisdom traditions as beneficial for understanding as well as framing contemporary global challenges. With our team of ethical philosophers, philosophers of religion, and historians, as well as our global partners from a range of other disciplines, we commit to this rigorous portfolio of offerings for students, academic peers, religious communities, and leaders in the marketplace.