India Center Update
As Fall arrives in New England so is the buttoning up of our building. With Tywrap, shingles and plumbing in place, we are getting close to finishing the exterior of the building. Our ISW supporters, who put their marks on the building columns, represent the community spirit of the ISW India Center. If Your Name is missing from our Donor Wall - please consider joining the inner group of ISW Volunteers who are helping with 'tan, man and dhan" .. No amount is too small - please check out donation options here https://iswonline.org/Donate
Hold the date: ISW Virtual Garba and Diwali
Join us for ISW's first ever virtual celebration of Navratri Garba and Diwali !
Navratri Garba October 17th and Diwali Celebration Nov 21st
We are planning a unique Garba with the first ever virtual Dandiya and an online Diwali celebration.
Join SAYAA online Oct 7th, 8:30 pm
Hello community members! We are excited to host our first monthly meeting for South Asian Activists and Allies (SAYAA) on October 7th at 8:30 pm!
SAYAA is dedicated to disseminating resources about important social justice and racial equity initiatives while also increasing our own self-reflection of the role South Asian communities can play in supporting social justice and promoting activism to combat such trends.
If you are between the ages of 15-35 and are interested in joining us or learning more, please email SAYAAec@googlegroups.com.
India Day Brochure
Our special digital version of the India Day brochure will be coming soon to a device near you. Keep an eye in our next eSandesh
Back Issues of ISW eSandesh newsletter
If you have missed a previous issue of eSandesh or just joined, you can find and archive of past issues here. Enjoy! As always your feedback and contributions welcome.
ISW Language and Cultural School Open House was held September 20, 2020. The Webex event was attended by parents of the students. At the Open house, the teachers for Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Telugu and Tamil introduced themselves. We described the online program for next few months, and shared the nine month academic calendar. Parents heard ISW’s guidelines for safe online practices. This year 124 students have enrolled including 25 new students. We welcome new teachers Ranga, Asha, Divya & Bindya, and we will miss our veteran teachers Neena and Ragini.
Thanks to the new ISW website built under Puneet's initiative, the online registration process is going smoothly. It also provides access to the school leads to download registrations and post our weekly newsletters to the ISW school blog. We are very grateful for the new features that help us research and troubleshoot ISW membership issues and to audit payments.
We are off to a great year, thanks to our dedicated teachers, who embraced online teaching willingly in early March. We thank them because there would be no school without the teachers and staff !
Ruchi Chauhan 508-439-7607 Shiamin Melville 508-353-4316
Contact: School@iswonline.org
ISW Tutoring Match Program Update
ISW School launched an online Tutoring Match program to help hassled parents by providing one on one online tutoring for kids. Tutoring is done by by IYG (Indian Youth Group) students in subjects of Math, Physics, Science, English, Languages (Spanish/French) and Life skills like Time Management. The initial pilot is open only to ISW members and IYG members, to allow us to monitor the program for online safety.
So far we have received 38 requests with some multiple requests by the same family. We have 28 amazing Tutors signed up! After being interviewed by the Tutoring Team, they were given their assignments. Interestingly, most of the requests were for English tutoring.
We welcome more signups. If you are looking for help with your child's online homework or course work in any school grade, please fill out the info ASAP.
Tutoring Team: Krishnaa, Mansi, Ruchi & Shiamin
Don't forget to register and vote!
Regardless of which candidate or party you support, voting is a civic responsibility that was hard fought over the years. Today, as US citizens, all eligible voters have the right to vote regardless of race, gender or ethnicity. That wasn’t always the case. Keep these important dates in mind.
Register to vote by October 24th, if you haven’t already done so. You can do it online, in person or by mail, if postmarked by Oct 24th.
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov 3rd!
In addition to in person voting on Election Day, This year you have two additional options
- You can request a ballot by mail by Oct 28th and mail your vote no later than Nov 3rd.
- You can avoid the rush and Vote Early in person from Oct 17th to Oct 30th.
By Ria Seth, Grade 4
Covid-19 is a scary time. Schools and stores are shutting down. This is bad for everyone. Almost 200,000 people died in America because of this virus. People say it was China's fault, but it isn't; it's our fault, we made it happen. We always eat meat and there are viruses in it. Read the rest of Ria's essay on our website.
Town of Grafton Soliciting Feedback
Mimi Kaplan, Associate Planner, Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission
Fifteen Dollar Tomatoes
by Pravin Trivedi
They have to be good tomatoes. Really good tomatoes. Maybe they are the elephant variety, like the garlic from that town in California. Gilroy, that’s the town. But really, why fifteen dollars? Finish reading the rest of the story on our website.
Tips to Work From Home like a Pro
By Venkat Kolluri
A lot of us have resorted to working from home and taking calls from home. How do you prepare yourself and not make it a disaster? Here are some tips from our friend Dr. Venkat Kolluri via an infographic on our website here!
Contact Information
India Society of Worcester
Mailing Address: PO Box 136, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Answering Machine: 508-842-9795