St. John's Episcopal Church
48 Middle Street
(Parking across from 18 Washington St.)
Gloucester, Massachusetts
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Sunday, August 25 is the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost.
Service at 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist
Find this week's readings in the bulletin.
SAVE THE DATE! August 28: Niles Beach Service
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We have had a very busy summer, yet the Open Door has not slowed down its services to the Cape Ann community. Contributions from Saint John’s are always welcome. This week, the following are needed: healthy cereal, flavored rice, canned tomatoes, and granola bars. Many thanks.
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Back to School Sale!
St. John’s Regal Rummage is offering 50% off on all clothing, shoes and accessories through Labor Day. Check out our quality clothing, plus shoes and accessories, for men, women and children. The Thrift Shop is also offering 50% off on all back to school and office supplies. Our shop is open Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm. MasterCard and Visa accepted. Free parking available.
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Documentary Screening The documentary film Common Ground unveils the dark web of money, power and politics behind our broken food system. On Sunday, September 8 at 3 pm, the Interfaith Committee of the Cape Ann Climate Coalition is hosting a special screening of "Common Ground" at the Annisquam Village Church. The film profiles a hopeful and uplifting movement of farmers who are using alternative, regenerative, models of agriculture, which could balance the climate, save our health, and stabilize the American economy before it is too late. Refreshments will be served. Parking is available on Leonard Street and Washington Street, south of Leonard. Carpooling is encouraged. For more information, download the flyer, or see the documentary's web site.
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Bookshelves! St. John's has a few used bookshelves that need new homes! Some are free, some have a cost. All are in the Parish Hall. There's also a big bookcase, pictured, for $25. It's 70" tall, 60" wide and 15" deep. It's quite heavy and can't be broken down. You can see it in the Thompson Room.
If you're interested in taking a bookshelf home, email Marge or call the office at 978-283-1708.
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The first choir rehearsal for the Fall season is September 5, 2024, at 7:00pm!
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STAFF VACATIONS: The Rev. Marya DeCarlen will be on vacation from July 20 through August 23. Elizabeth de Veer will be on vacation from August 17 through August 24. John Churchwell will be on vacation August 26 through September 3. | | |
Music Notes will return in September.
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Music on the Meetinghouse Green AUGUST 23, 2024 6:00PM Hye Fusion Middle Eastern Band. Concert to benefit Action, Inc.
This trio of classically trained musicians blends Western jazz favorites with the irresistible rhythms and melodies of their Middle Eastern backgrounds for a thrilling evening of East-meets-West fusion. Get ready for an unforgettable evening as these three virtuoso musicians take you on a unique musical journey that will have you dancing in the aisles. Mal Barsamian is a multi-talented instrumentalist equally skilled on classical and rhythm guitars, clarinet, saxophone, and the traditional Middle Eastern oud. Harry Bedrossian is a classically trained concert pianist who has embraced the Jazz tradition through the work of Oscar Petersen and Bill Evans. He is also an accomplished oud player. Charles Dermenjian is a talented percussionist who has shared the stage with a number of jazz greats and performed extensively both nationally and internationally. He plays the doumbek, a traditional percussion instrument common throughout Middle Eastern cultures. Find more information here.
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August 25, 2024
The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, 10:00 AM
Download the bulletin to see who is participating in the liturgy.
SIGN-UP IN THE PARISH HALL! We always need people to contribute funds for the weekly burning of our sanctuary lamp and for altar flowers. Pick a date that has special meaning for you (anniversaries, birthdays, etc.)! We also always need donations of any kind for the Open Door food bank (no expired items or glass containers please). And don't forget about helping provide lunches for the Action Shelter so people can have something to eat on Sundays!
Sign up in the parish hall for future dates for flower and lamp, Action Sandwiches and coffee hour.
CONTACT MARYA (Priest-in-Collaboration) at or 978-590-1642
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Join us for Zoom Coffee Hour, aka Reliable Joy!
Reliable Joy meets Sundays at 12:30.
Use this Zoom link to join in. Meeting ID: 873 3272 1412
Passcode: 01930 Dial by location: 1 646 558 8656
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- 8:30 - 9:15 am Choir rehearsal (Sept. through June)
- 10:00 am Sung Eucharist
- 9-noon Church open for prayer and meditation
- 9-noon Ms. Fixits Women gathering to tend to the fabric of the church
- 9-noon Church open for prayer and meditation
- 4:30 pm Women's Cursillo Reunion Group (1st and 3rd Tuesdays)
- 7 am Men's Bible Reflection, (Bible study)
- 9-noon Church open for prayer and meditation
- 10 am to 2 pm Thrift Shop and Regal Rummage Open
- 7 pm Fish City AA
- 9-noon Church open for prayer and meditation
- 7 - 8:30 pm Parish Choir rehearsal (Sept. through June)
- 7:00 pm AA
- 10 am to 2 pm Thrift Shop and Regal Rummage Open
Action Shelter Lunch-Making, Carolyn Stewart
- 10 am to 2 pm Thrift Shop and Regal Rummage Open
- 7 pm Big Book AA
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St. John's Intercession List: Francisco Lococo, Clayton Dyett, The People of the Middle East, Jim LaBelle, Eric Leibowitz, Ruth and Gabriel Leibowitz, Anna and Isabelle, Ondine, Don Baker, Mandy, Nina Ziv, Marjorie Frontiero, Hope, Brie-Anne Martel, Patty Reed, Marjorie Fergusson, Laurie Menard, Jeremy, Lucy, Gaëlle K., Sean G., Josh R., Sean, Alexis Morris, Charlie Bishop, Lyn Brakeman, Sarah Clifford, Ace Torrence and Family, Jacoby, Jay Featherstone, Isabelle Higgins, Christopher Antonuk, Miranda Featherstone and Family, Marsha White, Claire Stahler, Carole Secrest, Chris Klosterman, Sereda Feener, Lynn Runnells, Alex Furth, Simeon Teitelbaum, Miriam Teitelbaum, Len Berry, Ellen, Wayne Martin, Ernie Runnells, Jack Ketchopulos, Michael Rocha, Liana and Joe Webb, Anne Sullivan, Linda, Malcolm Henderson, Emelia Currier, Danny, John Fleming.
Contact prayer list manager: Joan Gorga 978-283-5926 or
Please notify Joan Gorga if there is any change with the people on this list. Thank you.
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Parish Office Hours
The office is open!
Monday through Thursday, 9:00 to noon.
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The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates, Diocesan Bishop
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Carol Gallagher, Assistant Bishop
Marya DeCarlen, Priest in Collaboration - e-mail
Marge Bishop, Church Assistant - e-mail
John Churchwell, Director of Music - e-mail
Elizabeth de Veer, Parish Administrator - e-mail
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Wardens & Vestry
Wardens: Patricia Anders & Katharine Newhouse
Clerk:Joan Gorga
Treasurer: Sue Lupo
Ass't Treasurer: Geoff Pope
2025-Steve Jencks, Geoff Pope
2026-Dee Dee Bedford, Sarah Larson, Rick Britton
2027-Karen Kasper, Maryann Tapiro
Delegates to the 2024 Diocesan Convention: Gwen Kopka & Sue Lupo
Delegates to the North Shore Deanery 2024: Rick Britton, Maryann Tapiro, Patricia Anders, and DeeDee Bedford
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