St. John's Episcopal Church

48 Middle Street 

(Parking across from 18 Washington St.)

Gloucester, Massachusetts


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Sunday, October 13 is the Twenty-first Sunday

after Pentecost and Indigenous Peoples' Sunday.

Service at 10:00 AM, Holy Eucharist

Find this week's readings in the bulletin.

Happenings at St. John's

This Sunday is the Kick Off for our Annual Pledge Campaign

Each year we are asked to make an annual financial commitment to support the year-round mission and ministries of St. John’s. Making a commitment helps our leadership team and staff plan for the year ahead. Making a gift is part of a larger spiritual practice of giving your time, talent, and financial resources. Giving is making a statement that you are a part of this faith community. This year the theme of our Annual Giving Campaign is Walk in Love.  As we walk together in love, you will find:

· God’s presence,

· a welcoming and loving community of people,

· meaningful and relevant liturgies with beautiful music,

· well-maintained buildings and grounds, and

· numerous ministries that support the world beyond our doors through outreach and engagement.

As you consider your pledge, please ask yourself:

· How does my commitment reflect gratitude for the abundant blessings I experience at St. John’s and in my daily life?

· How will fulfilling my commitment be a part of my spiritual practice for the coming year?

If you have not yet received a pledge packet in the snail mail, you can pick up pledge card in worship on Sunday.  

Blessings of Animals

Last Sunday, St. John’s hosted the Blessing of Animals in honor of  St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and the environment. He was known to preach to animals! Our animals are constant reminders of the love, humor and creativity with which we all are made. Thirty-two humans from the neighborhood brought forth 37 animals who were blessed with personal blessings based on their good health or needs for healing. We raised $170 for Cape Ann Animal Aid, a Gloucester organization dedicated to facilitating appropriate placement of adoptable animals and enhancing the lives of all companion animals by promoting respect and well-being through education and outreach. Below, Marya blesses Miss Sylvia, who belongs to Director of Music John Churchwell and choir member Kip Ellis, and she blesses Gertie, who is accompanied by her human, Dani Stotzer.

Evensong: A Choral Service with Musicians from Four Local Churches On Sunday, October 27 at 4:00 pm, please join us at St. John's Church for a choral Evensong with musicians from St. John's Episcopal Church, Annisquam Village Church, First Congregational Church-Rockport, and Trinity Congregational Church.

100% of donations will benefit Cape Ann Arts Alive.

Download the flyer.

September 30 Pledge Statements

From the Parish Administrator: Hi friends! On Monday, October 7, I emailed pledge statements to all parishioners. The email notification, pictured below, may look generic, but this email includes your pledge statement. The statement itself is attached to the email as a PDF. If you have trouble opening it, if you did not receive a pledge statement, if you'd like me to mail you a copy or if you have ANY questions, email Elizabeth at Thanks!

Make a Shrine for Lynn

On Sunday, October 20, after coffee hour, we will gather to make a shrine in Lynn's honor (making shrines was a gift she gave to this congregation). Please bring a bag lunch so that your tummy does not give out before your creativity and care for Lynn!

On All Saints Day, November 3, we will display her shrine along with other shrines and photos you bring to honor the saints in your life.

Speaking of Shrines...

When making shrines, including contributing items to the shrine for Lynn Runnells, consider a few things: the objects will go into a shoe box, so they should not be very big, no more than about 10 inches tall. Do not bring valuables, or any object you would be sad to lose. Very good choices include: items from nature, photos, poems or phrases printed on paper or written on an object of interest. Thanks!

Village Fair Progress Report The pine cones are waxed and the dog biscuits baked. Hooray! Our thanks to all who have helped. What do we need now? Your empty wine bottles, holiday decorations, including artificial trees and wreaths, gift boxes, wrapping paper and ribbon. Sue Lupo also needs your old wooden cutting boards, condition irrelevant, which she will make into delightfully shaped new cutting boards. We'll let you know about upcoming group projects later this month.

Bring a Friend!

From Marya: I found an article published in Episcopal Church Foundation Vital Practices this week (Making our Congregations More “Find-able” by Jacob Sierra) and I wanted to share a survey with you. It states boldly that 26% of the people in the pews in Episcopal Churches are there because someone invited them to be there. Beyond Ask-a-Neighbor-to-Church Sunday, which we celebrated in September, please consider again inviting someone you know who could benefit from an invitation to lengthen their life expectancy, strengthen their immunity, improve their body's response to stress and boost sources of prayer filled encouragement, growth and support in their lives!!! When you invite someone, please let me know before worship!!! - Marya


We know that the parking lot is getting crowded on Sunday mornings (due to increased attendance - a great problem to have!) and we are taking steps to make parking easier in the future. (See Vestry Notes below)

In the meantime, on Sunday mornings until noon, parishioners may park in the newly available spaces #7, 8, 9 and 10.

Thanks for your patience!! And thank you for filling up our parking lot!!


Want to help with this year's Village Fair? Donate a gift card from a local business for the raffle! If you frequent a coffee shop, bookstore, restaurant, or other Gloucester business, purchase a card, drop it off in the office and we'll raffle it off. The raffle always brings in significant funds, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to contribute to the Village Fair. Many thanks!

Snack Time The kids are back in school, and everyone knows how hungry young folks can get between meals. Proper nutrition keeps the kids' engines going throughout the day, so anything that will boost their energy (especially before doing homework) is helpful. This week, the Open Door would appreciate: granola bars, crackers, breakfast bars, and other healthy snacks. Many thanks.

FREE!!! Music Lessons? Yes!

Have you ever wanted to learn how to play the piano? Have you ever wondered how the pipe organ functions? Do you look at the music in the hymnal and question all the components of a hymn? These questions can be answered by your Director of Music, John Churchwell, during private music lessons! You heard that right! John is offering 4 people, 4 music lessons, during a 4 week period, FOR FREE! Each weekly lesson is 30 mins. This is a time for you to spend with John and learn anything and everything you have ever wanted to know, ask, and learn about music. There is no catch, no smoke and mirrors, and no guilt-trip for you to join the choir or display what you have learned. This is a personal time for you. Music lessons start the week of October 7, and run each week through the week of October 28.

There will be three more opportunities to take have music sessions with John: the weeks of Nov. 4 through Nov. 25, the weeks of Jan. 6 through Jan. 27, and the weeks of Feb. 3 through Feb. 24. These special times are for YOU IN THE PEWS. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! If you have any questions or want to request one of the 4 time slots for any of the 4-week sessions, email John Churchwell at

Music Notes

Sunday’s Music for Indigenous Peoples’ Day



Flautist: Kate Woodward

Composer: Florence B. Price (1887-1953)

Composed in the 1950’s for the organ, “Adoration” was discovered in 2009 in a box of her compositions that had been previously considered lost.


Processional Hymn

Bring Many Names

Text: Brian Wren (b. 1936)

Music: Carlton Young (1926-2023)

In his book What Language Shall I Borrow?, Brian Wren discusses the significance of ascribing names for God: “Naming God truthfully is important, since to name God untruthfully is to delude ourselves and worship an idol. Naming God truthfully is especially important if language shapes and angles thinking and behavior, since untruthful God-language will then hinder our encounter with God and our knowledge of God.”

Choral Anthem

Word of Chief Seattle

Text: attributed to Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

Music: Amy Stephen

A chief to the Duwamish people his native name is closer to Si’ahl. The city found in the state of Washington is named after him. He is famous for having made a speech that was generally in favor of being responsible to the environment and to have respect of the land rights of his people. He was baptized Noah into the Roman Catholic Church. In March of 1854 he gave a speech to a great number of people just outside of Seattle in regards to Native lands. He spoke while resting his hand on the Governor and it has been translated several times. He reportedly thanked the Europeans for their generosity and also asked to have guaranteed access to the Native American burial grounds.

Gospel Hymn

Many and Great

Text: Philip Frazier (1892-1964)

Music: Lacquiparle, Dakota Indian Chant

The tune name LAC QUI PARLE (lake that speaks) comes from a long, narrow lake running northwest to southeast near the present border of Minnesota and South Dakota. The original text, beginning with "Wakantanka taku nitawu," was paraphrased in 1929 by Philip Frazer (1892-1964) for a national YWCA meeting in 1930. Correspondence from Mr. Frazier's wife, Suzie, with United Methodist hymnologist Fred Gaely, indicates that Mr. Frazier prepared the paraphrase "because for years this hymn had appeared in camp songbooks and young people had been singing the Indian words, not knowing what they meant, but they loved to sing it for the lovely native tune."

Music Notes Continue! CLICK HERE to read the rest.

Looking Ahead: More Dates for Your Calendar!

Indigenous Peoples Sunday Sunday, October 13 at 10:00am


The Rev. Julia E. Whitworth Ordination Saturday, October 19 at 11:00am, Trinity Church Boston (more info about this below)


Shrine/Diorama Workshop for in honor of Lynn Runnells for All Saints Sunday Sunday, October 20 during Coffee Hour


Evensong with Seating of the Bishop

Sunday, October 20, 2024,5:00pm, Cathedral Church of Saint Paul


The Rev. Ali Lutz Preaches at St. John's Sunday, 10/27 at 10:00am


Evensong (St. John’s, Annisquam Village Church, First Congregational Rockport, Trinity Congregational Gloucester)

Sunday, October 27, 2024, 4:00pm at St. John’s Episcopal Church


All Saints Sunday and baptism Sunday, November 3 at 10:00am


The Rev. Ali Lutz Preaches at St. John's Sunday, 11/10 at 10:00am


Generosity Sunday Sunday, November 17 at 10:00am


Village Fair November 23


Advent Calming Service Sunday, December 1 at 10:00am


A Service of Lessons and Carols Sunday, December 15 at 10:00am


Christmas Eve Service Tuesday, December 24 at 8:00pm


A Service of Christmas Carols Sunday, December 29 at 10:00am

Vestry Notes

Vestry Notes from Meeting 10/8/2024

·      October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) and in recognition and commemoration of this designation, the Vestry authorized Marya to use purple outdoor lighting at St. John’s for the month of October. The national theme for this year’s DVAM is to do 1 Thing to call attention to this issue and the purple lights signify our commitment.


·     With the kitchen renovations almost complete, discussions are being held with other non-profits who have also renovated kitchens with the goal of renting the space to local entrepreneurs seeking to prepare their specialties. We will be inventorying our equipment to assure our kitchen has the appropriate tools for the chefs who may use the facility. 


·      Parking on Sunday mornings will soon become easier. Staff will be using the lawyer’s lot accessible by Middle Street and the residential “paying partners”, will be asked not to park on Sunday mornings effective January 1. As we have grown in number at our services, we need the additional spaces for parishioners.


·      Looking forward to the Annual Meeting and Elections, the Vestry has established a Nominating Committee and set expectations for new Vestry members based on a paragraph from the Wardens and Marya. We are looking for people invested in St. John’s long-term health and viability, who want to shape the future of our faith community. We are looking for people who want to engage in learning how to run our parish, including planning and decision making. Responsibilities: Attendance at 11 Vestry meetings, one Vestry Retreat, and the Annual Meeting, focus on one particular ministry at St. John’s and pledge time, talent and treasure. Speak to one of the Wardens or Marya if interested or for more information.


·      The Vestry unanimously approved the adoption of a Human Resources Handbook. In addition to abiding by the best practices of human resources and employment law, the guidelines in the Handbook seek to live into our values as followers of Jesus to respect the dignity of every human being and promote fairness and equity. 

From the Diocese

Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at Trinity Church in Boston. God willing and the people consenting, The Rev. Julia E. Whitworth will be ordained and consecrated a Bishop in the one holy catholic and apostolic Church and 17th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. Details here.

Join a Watch Party near you! As our diocesan community prepares for the joyous celebration of the ordination and consecration of our new bishop on Oct. 19, you can join the celebration at a distance with others. The service will be livestreamed, and for those who would like to watch the service together with others, regional Watch Parties are being hosted by these church sites around the diocese:

·   Christ Church (33 Central Street) in Andover

·   St. Paul's Church (127 Summer Street) in Lynnfield


Doors at Watch Party locations open at 10:00 a.m. The liturgical procession begins at 10:30 a.m. and the service at 11:00 a.m. 


RSVP here as soon as possible to help our host sites plan for seating and hospitality. They look forward to welcoming you!

Evensong with Seating of Our New Bishop Our new bishop will be seated at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, 138 Tremont Street, Boston on Sunday, Oct. 20 at 5:00 p.m. 

BREAKING NEWS: John Churchwell and Kip Ellis will be singing in the joint choir with the Cathedral and Old North Church.

A message of gratitude and farewell from

Bishop Alan M. Gates

Oct. 10, 2024


Dear People of the Diocese of Massachusetts,


As I approach the consecration of my successor on Oct. 19 and commit you to her gifted leadership and care, I want to express the gratitude which is on my heart for the decade past.


It has been an extraordinary honor to serve alongside the people of this diocese these past years. I have cherished deeply our common life and work together in this large, complex and wonderfully diverse community of communities. For the dedicated clergy, my remarkable staff colleagues and all the committed lay leaders around the diocese, I give God thanks!


I am grateful for the sacrifices you made during the COVID pandemic, and for the creativity and devotion you showed in responding to that unimaginable challenge–and indeed throughout this time of change and reimagining. 

I am grateful for the esteem and affection you have shown to me as your bishop, even at times when we were all flying blindly together. I am grateful for the patience and forgiveness you have shown for my own failures–known and unknown, things done and left undone. I am grateful especially for the ways we have striven to reflect ever more deeply the truth that because we all belong to the One who loves us beyond measure, we belong also to one another.


Tricia and I will hold you in our deepest prayers as we begin a new chapter of our lives in Western Massachusetts. We trust you will likewise pray for us.  


And now I commend you to God and to the message of God’s grace, a message that is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all who are sanctified.

[Acts 20:32]


Faithfully and fondly,




The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates

Bishop XVI of Massachusetts


Episcopal Relief & Development is working closely with partners to support people affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton. The Hurricane Relief Fund is an important tool for responding to immediate needs and supporting long-term recovery. Please contribute to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Hurricane Relief Fund to support long-term recovery efforts.


A CASE FOR LOVE, a documentary that investigates how Bishop Michael Curry's teachings of unconditional, sacrificial love are applied in the wider community, includes interviews with well-known personalities and common people. This film reminds people that unselfish love and care for one another are paramount in our relationships and communities, particularly during election season. A CASE FOR LOVE is now on all CABLE, SATELLITE, & DIGITAL RENTAL OUTLETS. Find the movie everywhere, from Amazon Video, iTunes, and the Dish Network, to Vudu, Direct TV, and more!

October 13, 2024

The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost

and Indigenous Peoples' Sunday.

10:00 AM

Download the bulletin to see who is participating in the liturgy.

SIGN-UP IN THE PARISH HALL! We always need people to contribute funds for the weekly burning of our sanctuary lamp and for altar flowers. Pick a date that has special meaning for you (anniversaries, birthdays, etc.)! We also always need donations of any kind for the Open Door food bank (no expired items or glass containers please). And don't forget about helping provide lunches for the Action Shelter so people can have something to eat on Sundays!

Sign up in the parish hall for future dates for flower and lamp, Action Sandwiches and coffee hour.

CONTACT MARYA (Priest-in-Collaboration) at or 978-590-1642

Join us for Zoom Coffee Hour, aka Reliable Joy! 

Reliable Joy meets Sundays at 12:30. 

Use this Zoom link to join in. Meeting ID: 873 3272 1412

Passcode: 01930 Dial by location: 1 646 558 8656



  • 8:30 - 9:15 am Choir rehearsal (Sept. through June)
  • 10:00 am Sung Eucharist


  • 9-noon Church open for prayer and meditation
  • 9-noon Ms. Fixits Women gathering to tend to the fabric of the church


  • 9-noon Church open for prayer and meditation
  • 4:30 pm Women's Cursillo Reunion Group (1st and 3rd Tuesdays)


  • 7 am Men's Bible Reflection, (Bible study) 
  • 9-noon Church open for prayer and meditation
  • 10 am to 2 pm Thrift Shop and Regal Rummage Open
  • 7 pm Fish City AA


  • 9-noon Church open for prayer and meditation
  • 7 - 8:30 pm Parish Choir rehearsal (Sept. through June)
  • 7:00 pm AA


  • 10 am to 2 pm Thrift Shop and Regal Rummage Open


  • Action Shelter Lunch-Making, Carolyn Stewart
  • 10 am to 2 pm Thrift Shop and Regal Rummage Open
  • 7 pm Big Book AA 

St. John's Intercession List: Abby Baxter, CoCo Baxter, Isaiah Woods, Nancy Neschis, Francisco Lococo, Clayton Dyett, The People of the Middle East, Jim LaBelle, Eric Leibowitz, Ruth and Gabriel Leibowitz, Anna and Isabelle, Ondine, Don Baker, Mandy, Nina Ziv, Marjorie Frontiero, Hope, Brie-Anne Martel, Patty Reed, Marjorie Fergusson, Laurie Menard, Jeremy, Lucy,  Gaëlle K., Sean G., Josh R., Sean, Alexis Morris, Charlie Bishop, Lyn Brakeman, Sarah Clifford, Ace Torrence and Family, Jacoby, Jay Featherstone, Isabelle Higgins, Christopher Antonuk, Miranda Featherstone and Family, Marsha White, Claire Stahler, Carole Secrest, Chris Klosterman, Sereda Feener, Alex Furth, Simeon Teitelbaum, Miriam Teitelbaum,  Len Berry, Ellen, Wayne Martin, Ernie Runnells, Jack Ketchopulos, Michael Rocha, Liana and Joe Webb, Anne Sullivan, Linda, Malcolm Henderson, Emelia Currier, Danny, John Fleming.

Contact prayer list manager: Joan Gorga 978-283-5926 or

Please notify Joan Gorga if there is any change with the people on this list. Thank you.

Parish Office Hours

The office is open!

Monday through Thursday, 9:00 to noon.


The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates, Diocesan Bishop 

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Carol Gallagher, Assistant Bishop

Marya DeCarlen, Priest in Collaboration - e-mail

Marge Bishop, Church Assistant - e-mail

John Churchwell, Director of Music - e-mail

Elizabeth de Veer, Parish Administrator - e-mail

Wardens & Vestry

Wardens: Patricia Anders & Katharine Newhouse


Clerk:Joan Gorga  

Treasurer: Sue Lupo

Ass't Treasurer: Geoff Pope



2025-Steve Jencks, Geoff Pope

2026-Dee Dee Bedford, Sarah Larson, Rick Britton

2027-Karen Kasper, Maryann Tapiro

Delegates to the 2024 Diocesan Convention: Gwen Kopka & Sue Lupo

Delegates to the North Shore Deanery 2024: Rick Britton, Maryann Tapiro, Patricia Anders, and DeeDee Bedford