TONIGHT: 'Face Lift' with Tamala
Earlybird Deadline for 'Yoga' is
This Thursday
Our Anniversary Celebration is April 3rd 
In This Issue
TONIGHT: Face Lift with Tamala
Earlybird Deadline is Thursday for New Perspectives on Yoga
Birthday Event April 3rd
ATM Breathing Series
Quick Look Ahead at the Rest of April
Join Our Mailing List 





Today is the first day of Spring. While it may have felt like Spring for weeks now, the season officially began at 1:14 am this morning. I love this season and during these longer, warmer days, I often find myself thinking of rebirth and renewal. Tonight, we've got an opportunity to renew in a way that's completely natural, uses the best of your body's and brain's natural abilities, and will make you feel better and look younger. The first day of Spring is the perfect time for Tamala's workshop, A Feldenkrais Face Lift. If you're available this evening, come on over to the Feldenkrais Institute to experience three hours of pleasurable renewal.  More details are below.  Pre-registration is not necessary. 


The earlybird deadline for next Thursday's, New Perspectives on Yoga Through the Feldenkrais Method, is in two days. Our guest instructor, Carol Kress sent me more detailed thoughts on her workshop that I found fascinating reading. But don't take my word for it, to read Carol's words for yourself, click here. More workshop details and a link to register are below. 


The Feldenkrais Institute of New York was born seven years ago next month. In case you missed it last week, we'd love to see you at our Anniversary Celebration on Tuesday, April 3rd. All the details are below. 

Last night, Kathy Yates taught the first in her six-class ATM series, Balance and Power Through Breath. Those in her class of eight were blissful after the experience and it's not too late for you to share in the enthusiasm so often generated by Feldenkrais breathing work. You can still save by registering in advance for the remainder series. If you'd like to "try out" the work, speak to anyone at the front desk to drop in for a single class. More details can be found in the article below.   


To sign up online for any of our daily ATM classes, click here. To purchase books and audio programs, click here.These links are also accessible via our website.


As always, thanks so much for reading.  We hope to see you soon.


All the best,


Mark Hirschfield 

Feldenkrais Institute of NY

A Feldenkrais Face Lift

with Tamala Bakkensen


An intricate network of interconnected muscles in our face gives us the ability to express a wide range of emotions. Unfortunately, not all of our feelings are happy ones. Frequently, muscular tension caused by stressful or unhappy emotions can linger in our face, neck and jaw. Over time, these patterns of muscular tension can become habitual, and cause us to have an unnecessarily older, or worn-out appearance. 

Many of the stress lines in your face can be reduced dramatically by learning to relax the muscles in your forehead, eyes, cheeks, jaw and neck. This exciting and innovative workshop will teach you simple tools to support a younger, fresher look. Join us to explore a series of Feldenkrais lessons specifically designed for relieving facial tension.

This workshop will help you to:

  • Reduce the appearance of tension lines around your forehead, mouth and eyes.
  • Learn to recognize and release tension in your facial muscles.
  • Discover a greater ease and softness in your face.
  • Improve circulation and muscular tone.
  • Reduce headaches and jaw pain.
  • Feel more self-confident and expressive.
Date: Tuesday, March 20th
Times: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Regular Tuition: $60.00
Member Tuition: $30.00
Location: The Feldenkrais Institute
134 W 26th St, 2nd Fl
New York, NY 10001
Earlybird Deadline Thursday!
 New Perspectives on Yoga Through the Feldenkrais Method
with Carol Kress


Some people have called Feldenkrais lessons or exercises "western yoga". From the beginning of his work, Dr. Feldenkrais was interested in yoga. With his scientific understanding of the brain and movement, he used certain asanas as a starting point for his lessons. The Awareness Through Movement lessons in this workshop are selected from those where Dr. Feldenkrais uses particular yoga postures as the subject of inquiry.


This workshop is for practitioners of yoga and anyone wishing to expand their Feldenkrais experience. For the yoga enthusiast, this workshop will shed light on how to improve the quality and ease of your practice, and how to avoid injuries. For the non-yoga enthusiast, you will experience Feldenkrais lessons leading in new directions. 


You will discover how the Feldenkrais Method uses interesting "tricks" to accelerate the learning of these postures: movement variations, new focuses of attention, non-habitual movements, new ways to move in and out of the posture and smaller steps of approach. These insights will benefit every yoga practitioner, making the postures more accessible and efficient, and offering you a process oriented approach to yoga.  Even students of modest ability will be surprised and pleased by how much they will exceed their expectations.

Date: Thursday, March 29th
Times: 6:30 pm - 9:45 pm
Early Bird Tuition: $60.00 through Thu, March 22.
Regular Tuition: $70.00
Member Tuition: $40.00
Location: The Feldenkrais Institute
134 W 26th St, 2nd Fl
New York, NY 10001
(212) 727-1014

Click Here to Register Online with a 5% Discount


The Feldenkrais Institute Turns 7 in April! 


The Feldenkrais Institute of New York celebrates its 7th Anniversary this year!  To celebrate, we are hosting an evening dedicated to two wonderful organizations that support the outreach of Feldenkrais to diverse populations: The Feldenkrais Foundation's Program for Elder Citizens and The Field Center for Children's Integrated Development.  In exchange for donations, we will be offering an Awareness Through Movement group lesson, wine and hors d'oeuvres and chances to win prizes, including a month's membership at the Chelsea Piers Fitness Center and Functional IntegrationSM sessions with our staff, among others.  All proceeds will be divided between the Feldenkrais Foundation and The Field Center, providing Feldenkrais to many generations of students.


Join us on April 3rd for a night of Feldenkrais and fun!  The doors will open at 6:30, and the event will begin with a group Awareness Through Movement lesson at 7:00 pm.  Family members of all ages are welcome!


Date: Tuesday, April 3rd
Time: 6:30-9:30 pm
Suggested Donation: $20
Location: The Feldenkrais Institute of NY
134 West 26th Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10001

If you have items or special skills that you would like to donate as prizes, please contact the Feldenkrais Institute: 212-727-1014 or ATTN: Aimee.      

It's Not Too Late--Five Classes Remain!
Balance and Power Through Breath 
A six-week Awareness Through Movement Series
with Kathy Yates

Six Mondays: March 19, March 26, April 2,
April 9, April 16, April 23

Time: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm   

The series will begin with a review of Kathy's recent three-hour workshop and continue in more detail with a variety of Awareness Through Movement lessons, helping participants make a significant change towards more potent breathing: greater stress reduction, improved stamina, mental clarity and joy. If you have never experienced the transformative power of Feldenkrais breath work, you won't want to miss this opportunity.   


Fee: $120 for public, $60 for members 
Call 212-727-1014 to register for the remainder of the series (registration fee will be prorated).

Or, for more information, write to Belinda He at


Because of the special topic and limited space availability for this class, it will not be included as part of any unlimited ATM or Institute membership plan. Separate payment and registration will be required. 

We are limiting the class size to 18 participants.  Signing up for the entire series is the only way to guarantee your place, so register early to avoid disappointment.


Quick Look Ahead at April!

TMJ Health: Time to Feel Better with Tamala 
Tuesday, April 10th 
For details, click here.

Dynamic Sitting with Zoe 
Thursday, April 19th 
For details, click here.

Walking Better, Step by Step with Anat 
Tuesday, April 24th
For details, click here.

Making the Impossible Possible...
Two Days of Advanced ATM with David Zemach-Bersin
Saturday and Sunday, April 28th and 29th
For details, click here.