Professional Development
Carefully curated faculty events
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Save the Date
The Big Read: various events April 3-April 28
Fast Track to Success 2018: April 19-20, 2018
4th Annual FCTL Riverboat Cruise: Purchase Tickets by Monday, April 30

Register for Events
42nd Annual ACC Student Art Exhibition: March 21 - April 8, 2018
Wednesday, April 4, 10:00am-11:30am
Tuesday, April 10, 3:00pm-4:30pm
Creating a Culture of Peace: Friday, April 13th, 8:30am-4:00pm
South Austin: Thursday, April 19, 10:00am-2:00pm
Faculty Connection Series: Friday, April 27, 8:30am-12:00pm
#FUERZALATINX Voces Unidas Forum: Friday, April 27, 8:30am-1:00pm

Online Training Options
April Sustainable Assignment
For April, the Teaching & Learning Excellence Division calendar: “Producing Sustainable Assignments for Student Engagement” focuses on generating a Wikipedia entry project as a type of sustainable assignment. Read more...
Regularly sharing information about our resources and opportunities to keep faculty up to date and apprised of significant initiatives impacting the college.

This month, we’re featuring “Behind the Scenes” work of Articulation & University Relations. Read more...
Faculty Spotlight
Highlighting ACC faculty successes in and out of the classroom.
Michelle Fitzpatrick does not live in a silo. Listening to Michelle talk about the programs in her area and the classes she teaches you’d think her students never even see the inside of a traditional classroom (in the best way possible!). Her team works tirelessly to provide opportunities for their students that are unique. They focus intensely on creating lessons and assignments that translate directly to what their students would experience in the real world...
Online resources for teaching & learning excellence
Did you know that ACC has articulation agreements with almost 60 universities?

 You will find university specific information including transfer guides, degree-specific agreements, course equivalencies, and core curriculum information where available online. Our students may start here , but we also help them get there ! See a list of our university p artners...
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Teaching & Learning Excellence Division | | | 512.223.7522