The Fluid Humanities" was the topic of the 2019 Virginia Humanities Conference hosted by VWU on April 12-13.
More than 60 scholars from a diverse set of disciplines representing 19 schools of higher education shared their research. Special guests Matthew Gibson, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities Executive Director, and Carolyn Fuqua, American Academy of Arts
and Sciences Senior Research Associate, led the plenary session on the "State of the Humanities." A reception in the new Susan S. Goode Fine and Performing Arts Center preceded the keynote address given by the Mexican artist Julio Ca
sco Bretón, whose mural depicting fluidity called "Inocencia y Maldad," served to illustrate the general theme. The two-day event was presided by Diana Risk and the organizing committee, Rich Bond, Vivian Teter, Cathal Woods, Stephen Hock, Susan Wansink, Sherry Matis, Patrick Goold, Kellie Holzer, and Dan Margolies.
Mort Gamble
presented his paper, "The Soul of the Circus: What Animals Under the Big Top Continue to Teach Their Audiences," at the national conference of the Popular Culture Association in Washington, D.C.
Kathy Merlock Jackson
presented two papers, "Mister Ed, 1960s Television, and the Horse Who Was Not Just a Horse" and "The Journal of American Culture Then and Now: Politics, Purposes, and Perspectives," at the Popular Culture Association Conference in Washington, D.C.
Doug Kennedy
, along with Jason Boccaro of North Carolina State University, conducted a four-hour webinar to train accreditation visitors. This was sponsored by the Council on Accreditation of Park, Recreation, Tourism, and Related Professions.
Dan Margolies
gave a paper on "Offshore Submerged Lands and U.S. Legal Spatiality" for the Coastal Waters and Terraqueous Histories of the Pacific panel at the American Society of Environmental History conference, Columbus, Ohio.
also gave an invited lecture on "Migrant Music Cultures of the American Southeast" for the Global String Band course at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
Sherry Matis
facilitated the Nexus Interfaith Dialogue entitled "Same Sex Relationships, the Bible, and Christianity" sponsored by the Center for the Study of Religious Freedom, the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, and Hands United Building Bridges. The panelists included Rev. Craig Wansink and Rev. Brandon Nichols '12.
As an invited presenter at the National Science Teaching Association conference in St. Louis, MO, Bill McConnell presented his published article, "Constructing Arguments with 3D Printed Models." McConnell also
presented a paper entitled, "Reflective Journaling and Inclusive Co-Teaching," at the Virginia Council For Learning Disabilities Symposium at Old Dominion University.
Kathy Stolley
presented a paper titled "Beautiful Bodies: Body Adornment, Lifestyle Holism, and Cosmetic Surgeries for Animals" at the Popular Culture Association in Washington, D.C.
Jeff Toussaint
presented a paper titled "If You Can't Trust Women, Whom Can You Trust? Feminist Identity, Hostile Sexism, and Generalized Trust in People" at the annual meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, GA. Toussaint
also gave a talk (originally presented with
Takeyra Collins
) on "Diversity and Organizational Advantage" as part of the Professional Development Workshop series (via webinar) for the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology.
Michelle Albert Vachris
presented a paper, "Persuasion in Jane Austen and Adam Smith," at the annual meetings of the Association of Private Enterprise Education meetings in Nassau, Bahamas.
Denise Wilkinson
presented "Integrating Web-based Engagement into a Mathematics Course for Generation Z students" at the national Teaching Academic Survival and Success (TASS) conference in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
The accomplishments of more than 75 VWU faculty and staff were c
elebrated at the annual "Feather in Your Cap" event, hosted by The Center for Innovative Teaching and Engaged Learning (INTEL) and the Hofheimer Library on April 26.
Ben Dobrin
recently earned the professional certifications for the Open Water Scuba Instructor Trainer, Course Director, ERDI Instructor, ERDI Drysuit, ERDI Full Face Mask, ERD rescue swimmer and ERDI Contaminated Water from Scuba Diving International and Emergency Response Diving International. These are the highest rankings in professional diving. He can now instruct instructors and is currently the only professional diver in Coastal Virginia with these particular credentials.
Larry Hultgren
has been re-appointed to the Conflict of Interest Committee, the Institutional Review Board (IRB), and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Eastern Virginia Medical School.
Kathy Merlock Jackson
received the President's Award for Outstanding Contributions to t
he Popular Culture Association and The Journal of American Culture at the Popul
ar Culture Association conference, April 17-20, 2019, in Washington, D.C. Kathy ser
ved on the PCA Governing Board and
edited The Journal of American Culture for 15 years. In addition, Merlock Jackson
assumed the presidency
of the Popular Culture Association, an interdiscipl
inary academic organization of more than 3,000 members from all over the world who gather annually in a major American city to share and discuss their research and attend events exploring popular culture studies. This year's conference speakers included April Ryan (CNN) and Doug Jones (The Shape of Water).
During the spring business meeting, Joyce Easter was elected to another three-year term (2019-2022) as secretary-treasurer for the Virginias Collegiate Honors Council.
Lisa Lyon Payne
received a $2,000 grant from 1 for All, a nonpartisan educational program based at Middle Tennessee State University's Free Speech Center. The funds will be used in her fall public relations class to implement a campus campaign to raise awareness of First Amendment freedoms among students.
Recognizing his efforts to advance ethical practice in his field, the Southeast Recreational Therapy Symposium honored Wayne Pollock for his s
rvice and established the Dr. Wayne Pollock Ethics Session to be conducted at the yearly symposium. Wayne retired this year from the organization's Board of Directors after serving 25 years furthering the mission and practice of recreational t
Terry Lindvall
was appointed to the Animators Educators' Forum (AEF) Faculty Grant Committee of ASIFA, the international animation society.
Sharon Swift
participated in the Art Exhibition, "Artists Who Teach," at the Charles Taylor Art Center in Hampton, Virginia.
Denise Wilkinson
was reappointed to serve on both the Proposal Review Committee and the Advisory Board for the National Teaching Academic Survival and Success conference.
Travis Malone
directed "Legally Blonde: The Musical," which
was th
e firs
t theatre production held
in the new Susan S. Goode Fine and Performing Ar
ts Ce
Jason Squinobal directed
the Pit Orchestra. Malone and Sally Shedd played Elle Woods' parents in the musical, which was presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International.
Community Engagement
Students in
Kathy Stolley's SOC 237 "
Animals and
Society" course organized the annual "
Animals and
Fair" in the Batten Student Center. Class members presented poster displays, handouts, and interactive activities that highlighted diverse topics on human interactions with, and about, the
animals with which we share this wonderful world. The class also took guided tours of the Virginia Beach Animal Care and Adoption Center (organized by
Kathy Bartkus) at the Norfolk Zoo in April.
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Faculty Focus