Stay Informed!
We promote upcoming professional development opportunities in this newsletter, on the portal, and on our Faculty Center Facebook Group. The Facebook Group allows you to receive reminders of upcoming events that you are interested in participating in, enjoy photos from various events, and interact with your colleagues.
Middle States Minute
The drafts of the chapters of our Middle States Self-Study are undergoing revision and review by our Working Groups. Stay tuned for a campus-wide accessible draft by the end of the semester.
Wellness Book Discussion Thursday, April 8 @ 1:30pm
Join Bucks Wellness and The Library for an online discussion of Flourish by Martin E.P. Seligman on Thursday, April 8th at 1:30PM.
Flourish "Repaves the path to true happiness. A relentlessly optimistic guidebook on finding and securing individual happiness."-Kirkus
Back to Basics – Revisiting the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education in a Technology-Based World
Friday, April 9, 1pm
Presenter: Diane Darling, Instructional Designer
We are already doing so many great things here at Bucks, join this session to review Chickering & Gamson’s 7 Principles to talk best practices and share ideas to implement and/or keep these research-based principles in the forefront of our courses.
Wordsmiths Reading Series—Friday, April 16, 7:30pm
Poets Maggie Smith and Cleveland Wall will read from their works during the live-streamed event.
The event is free and registration is needed. The series is presented live on the college’s YouTube channel.
Hosted by program director Ethel Rackin.
Apply to the Faculty Open Educational Resources Institute!
The second Open Educational Resources (OER) Institute will be held remotely June 7-10, 2021. It’s designed for full and part-time Bucks faculty who are interested in replacing commercial resources in their classes with free and open materials for their students. The Institute will provide instruction in identifying, evaluating and adapting OER, in understanding Creative Commons licensing, in redesigning courses to accommodate open materials, and will promote open pedagogy.
Letters of interest (email is fine) are due to Bill Hemmig, Dean, Learning Resources and Online Learning (, by Friday, April 9.
Virtual Arts Faculty Showcase Through May 31
If you're missing the Hicks Art Center Gallery as much as we are, be sure to check out our Virtual Arts Faculty Showcase! Eleven of our amazing faculty members are involved in this exhibition, representing the Visual Arts, School of Music, and Multimedia areas of the Arts Department. Fran Orlando, who has curated more than a dozen such faculty exhibitions here at Bucks, believes this event shows the extraordinary range of our professors. Works in the exhibition include sculpture, painting, photography, digital imaging, glass, fine woodworking, and music. You can view the gallery online through 5/31 by visiting,
Faculty Learning Communities
Facilitator, Kate D'Auria
FLC in May and June:
Course Design for Learning: Prepare for fall with Backward design, scaffolding, and a variety of instructional and assessment approaches. Use the science of learning to support student success!
This FLC will run for four weeks in late May and early June, meeting once a week on Zoom. Looks for details on MyBucks soon."
Workday Update from Brant Steen
Need Help? Visit the Help Desk and Services Center LibGuide
See the tab for Workday and other useful information and tutorials for the technology used at Bucks.
Bucks Wellness with Tina Permar - Spring 2021 Reminders
- April 6 and 8 Gratitude and Attitude thru Wellness
- April 20 and 22 Lower Body Strength Training with and without dumbbells
- May 4 and 6 Visualizations and Wellness Visions
*Schedule is subject to changes
FaST LANE – Zooming Online Now!
FaST Lane Instructional Design appoints available:
FaST Lane Instructional Tech:
FaST Lane Canvas and Course Help:
PADLA is now NEDLA (Northeast Digital Learning Association)
The website has been updated to reflect this change. If you click on the link below, there are some professional development offerings on the left side of the home page.
Learning Assessment Professional Development
Spring 2021
Trainings prepare faculty to participate in student learning outcomes assessment processes at Bucks. Training will be offered live and posted on Sharepoint as webinars. Additional and tailored training is available upon request.
- April 8 & 22 12:30-1:30 and April 16 & 30 12:00-1:00 - General Education Assessment
This training will introduce faculty to the 2021-2026 general education assessment plan and provide guidance for preparing for collection of artifacts.
SLOA Professional Development Calendar – Spring 2021
Shaded sessions are not open to all faculty.
Stitch-in via Zoom
Wednesdays, noon-1pm
Join us for our usual Stitch-in. We are using Zoom to meet. Bring your project to your computer and take your mind to a different place. The Zoom link will be posted in the announcements on My Bucks.
Need Help? Visit the Help Desk and Services Center LibGuide
Check out this link to locate useful information including contact information, hours, and tutorials for the technology used at Bucks.
Academe Today
Flagship daily newsletter. It’s free to receive, and features the best of their journalism, breaking news, expert analysis, opinion, and advice. Delivered every weekday.
The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Free Newsletters
Teaching Newsletter—Teaching and learning experts give you insights. Delivered on Thursdays
The Quick Tip Newsletter—Get fast advice to help you thrive—in your job and your academic life. Delivered Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Feedback and Ideas? Contact Us!
If you have an idea for a topic you'd like to present, or one that you would like to see presented by someone else, contact any of us!
We promote upcoming professional development opportunities in this newsletter, on the portal, and on our Faculty Center Facebook Group.
The Facebook Group allows you to receive reminders of upcoming events that you are interested in participating in, enjoy photos from various events, and interact with your colleagues.
We hope you’ll join our Facebook Group- Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
Linda McCann
Faculty Development Coordinator
Karl Carter
Director, Personal and Professional Development
Kate D'Auria
Associate Professor, Education
Faculty Learning Communities
Samantha Gross
Associate Dean, Academic Initiatives
Jacqueline Burger
Learning Technologies Liaison