Stay Informed!
We promote upcoming professional development opportunities in this newsletter, on the portal, and on our Faculty Center Facebook Group. The Facebook Group allows you to receive reminders of upcoming events that you are interested in participating in, enjoy photos from various events, and interact with your colleagues.
Remaining Fall 2021 In-Service Sessions
Tuesday, Aug 24 - Faculty In-Service Day
Fall 2021 in-service will run the same way as in-service from the last two semesters. Full-time faculty will complete three hours of professional development over the summer and part-time faculty will complete one hour. Of course, faculty are always welcome to do more. We are excited to bring you many impactful and engaging in-service professional development opportunities this summer. Please see the attached document for information about the sessions. More information will be sent later in the summer about day-of in-service Zoom programs. Please keep your eyes open for additional session offerings to be added. Any questions, email
We are excited to bring you many impactful and engaging in-service professional development opportunities this summer. Please see below for information about the highly recommended Bandwidth Recovery Workshop (and a free book!) and many other excellent programs coming your way. More sessions will be added soon. Please see emails from your deans about in-service details and requirements and links to sign-up for sessions.
In-Service Professional Development Sessions
All sessions are one hour in length unless otherwise noted.
Highly Recommended Program Highlighted in Yellow
Links to Register and Connect Are Below
Sessions Descriptions, Sign-Ups, and Links
Chicken Soup for all Modalities
Presented by Learning Resources Faculty and Staff
Chapter 5 - New and Advanced Features in Canvas
Wednesday, August 4th
11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Canvas provides faculty and students with an intuitive and engaging online experience when all of its features and functions are practiced. Learn about the new and upcoming revisions to Canvas, as well as, some of the advanced features that will empower you to become an expert Canvas user.
COLL 101 for Employees, 3rd Edition
What do our students need to know to make the most of Bucks? Find out by attending these sessions! They’re a great way to find out what happens outside your own department and make Bucks truly “one college!”
Week 4: Counseling, The Accessibility Office, the CARE Team, Student Life & Athletics
Tuesday, August 3 at 2pm or Wednesday, August 4 at 3pm
Week 5: Graduation and Commencement, Center of Student Employment & Career Development, Alumni Services and Opportunities
Tuesday, August 10 at 2pm or Wednesday, August 11 at 3pm
Program of Study Assessment
Presented by Maureen McCarty
Tuesday, August 3 at 7pm or Wednesday, August 4 at 1pm
What is the difference between a course assignment and a Program of Study assessment? What happens to the Program of Study assessment results? How does everybody else assess their program? What am I supposed to do when there is an assessment scheduled in my class? Is there more than one way to do Program of Study assessment? Join Maureen McCarthy, Director of learning Assessment, to discuss these and all of your questions about program of study assessment.
General Education Assessment
Presented by Maureen McCarthy
August 10 at 7pm or August 11 at 11am
This fall, we will be embarking on the second assessment of our General Education Program. Join Maureen McCarthy, Director of Learning Assessment, to find out what we learned from the first assessment, what we are doing about it, and what we have planned for the second assessment.
A Plan to Recruit Students from Underrepresented Groups into Technician Education Majors
Presented by Christine Delahanty
August 5 at 1pm
This professional development session will be designed as a round table to get perspectives on recruiting students from underrepresented groups into technician education majors. This will involve raising awareness of industry careers, the importance of them, the present and future needs of industry, and the opportunities for those who seek technician education. The intention is to develop a plan that will be used as a blueprint for encouraging students in these groups to seek higher education and employment. Exposure to career exploration is very important as many students (as well as teachers and their parents) do not know the wide array of career opportunities available or the steps needed to achieve the necessary credentials for employment.
Meeting ID: 814 261 0289
Roundtable: Writing Intensive Course Designation Proposal Draft Review and Feedback
In this session, participants will be introduced to the proposal draft for revamping the College’s Writing Intensive course designation in order to reinforce writing skills, get better writing from our students to read when grading, and prepare students for the academic and workplace challenges ahead of them. This proposal draft also includes a “Writing Enhanced” option individual faculty can choose to participate in, training for faculty, and recognitions for both faculty and students. The proposal review will cover how the proposal draft relates to writing-across-the-curriculum principles and common practices at other community colleges and some of our transfer schools. Participants will then be invited to ask questions and give feedback on the proposal draft. Taking “Writing Across the Curriculum 101” will enhance one’s experience in this session, but is not required; WAC concepts will be explained as needed by the participants.
Middle States Minute
Middle States Commission for Higher Education (MSCHE) Self-Study Draft is ready for your feedback.
Need a MSCHE ref-fresher? Check out our video:
Throughout the summer and fall, we welcome your input to this draft. To access the draft and to share your feedback anonymously, complete the “Give us Feedback” form at: Recipients of the form are self-study co-chairs Associate Professor, Jackie Burger and Associate Provost, Kelly Kelleway. You may provide your name and email address if you prefer.
FaST LANE – Zooming Online Now!
FaST Lane Canvas and Course Help
Stitch-in via Zoom
Wednesdays, noon-1pm
Join us for our usual Stitch-in. We are using Zoom to meet. Bring your project to your computer and take your mind to a different place. The Zoom link will be posted in the announcements on My Bucks.
Need Help? Visit the Help Desk and Services Center LibGuide
Check out this link to locate useful information including contact information, hours, and tutorials for the technology used at Bucks.
Feedback and Ideas? Contact Us!
If you have an idea for a topic you'd like to present, or one that you would like to see presented by someone else, contact any of us!
We promote upcoming professional development opportunities in this newsletter, on the portal, and on our Faculty Center Facebook Group.
The Facebook Group allows you to receive reminders of upcoming events that you are interested in participating in, enjoy photos from various events, and interact with your colleagues.
We hope you’ll join our Facebook Group- Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
Linda McCann
Faculty Development Coordinator
Karl Carter
Director, Personal and Professional Development
Kate D'Auria
Associate Professor, Education
Faculty Learning Communities
Samantha Gross
Associate Dean, Academic Initiatives
Jacqueline Burger
Learning Technologies Liaison