Stay Informed!
We promote upcoming professional development opportunities in this newsletter, on the portal, and on our Faculty Center Facebook Group. The Facebook Group allows you to receive reminders of upcoming events that you are interested in participating in, enjoy photos from various events, and interact with your colleagues.
Library IL Sessions, LibGuides, Embedded Librarians, and more...
The library is currently scheduling Spring 2022 Information Literacy Sessions for classes with research assignments. Students benefit from attending these sessions by learning how to conduct research and how to evaluate sources; lifelong academic skills that are forever useful. IL Sessions can take place F2F or over Zoom. Librarians are also available to be embedded in canvas course spaces and to create online research guides specific to class assignments. Use this link to learn more and to access the Information Literacy Session Request Form:
ProctorU Training Webinars
Save the Date! Two “live” training webinar opportunities will be presented by our ProctorU Training Specialist on Tues., February 1 and Wed., February 2.
Learn how to create a ProctorU “Auto/Record + ” and “Live +” Exam.
Auto/Record + Exams
Webinar held on:
Tuesday, February 1
Live + Exams
Webinar held on:
Wednesday, February 2
Already utilizing one of these ProctorU exam options? Bring your questions for the Q&A opportunity. Both sessions will be recorded.
CCCOER’s (Community College Consortium for OER)
Spring Webinar Series
Transforming Workforce Programs with OER and Open Practices
February 9, 2022, 3pm
Community colleges provide training for skilled professions from early childhood education to machine tool technology. With over a million occupational credentials awarded each year, community colleges are our primary workforce education engine but many programs face challenges of equitable access and outcomes. OER can play a significant role in lowering barriers for low-income and other marginalized learners to re-enter the workforce in more stable and well-paid positions.
Join us to hear from faculty who are transforming their workforce programs through adopting OER and empowering learners.
Open Education Leadership
March 7, 2022, 1pm
For nearly two years, the COVID-19 pandemic and the social injustices happening in the U.S. thrust leaders in higher education institutions to reflect, navigate, and strengthen their operations. Specifically, they were uniquely challenged to improve student success, all the while ensuring inclusivity, equity, accessibility, and social justice. Open education has been an obvious route for many institutions to help reach these institutional goals. This webinar will feature leaders who will share their strategies in supporting and enhancing the teaching and learning environments by way of open education.
Register for these free webinars:
Black History Month Events
February 11, noon and 7:30 p.m., Zlock Performing Arts Center: Bucks Live! presents “Rhapsody in Black.” Students and Bucks Employees use code: BACKTOLIFE for free tickets. A one-man show that explores actor LeLand Ganntt’s personal journey to understand and eventually transcend racism in America. It is a powerful personal narrative on the subjects of racism, identity, and self-image.
February 24, 9 a.m. virtual: BCCC Inaugural Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dream Builders Awards Ceremony. The award recognizes honors four individuals in the areas of Corporate Business, Humanitarian Outreach, Community Service, and Student Volunteerism who have demonstrated outstanding commitment and service to nondiscrimination, regardless of an individual’s station in life. Live at 9 a.m. on BCCC’s YouTube channel.
February TBA: Virtual Black History Panel Honoring Dr. Frank Boston (1890-1960), a WWI veteran and physician from Philadelphia who started the first African American hospital and ambulance service, both in Lansdale.
The following free virtual Black History Month programs are available to all students, faculty and staff.
February 6, 3 – 4:30 p.m. (Zoom)
The Baton Foundation, in partnership with the Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History, will host a lecture about the realities of the slave ship — its role in supporting the Transatlantic Slave Trade, and as the incubator of Black resistance and culture. This program is free to the public, but registration is required.
February 20, 3 – 4:30 p.m. (Zoom)
The Baton Foundation, in partnership with the Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History, will host a lecture about the emancipatory power of science. Frederick Douglass is remembered as one of the greatest abolitionists and orators in American history. But his immense intellect—especially his deep engagement with science—is far less appreciated. This program is free to the public, but registration is required.
February 25, 8 – 9:30 p.m.
Hosted by Washington DC History & Culture
Let's travel back in time to 1971-1974 to experience the best sites and sounds of Soul Train, the early years. Soul Train, created by Don Cornelius, debuted nationally 50-years ago: October 2, 1971. Let’s celebrate by taking a look back at some of the most noteworthy performers and performances during the show’s first three seasons: 1971-1974.
The following cultural event is supported by the office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:
February 17, 12:15 and 7:30 p.m.: Bucks Live! presents Indrajit Roy-Chowdhury - Classical Indian Music & Dance. Students and Bucks Employees use code: BACKTOLIFE for free tickets. Indrajit has been able to carve a niche for himself with his eclecticism and versatility on the sitar. Indrajit strives for a fine balance of traditionalism coupled with innovation and is renowned for his meditative style.
Faculty Learning Communities by Kate D’Auria
Our Persistence Project is underway!! 22 faculty are participating in the Faculty Learning Community implementing the strategies in the Persistence Project.
The first and most formidable task is to meet with every student in one course for 15 minutes in the first three weeks of the semester. Our group met several times in December and early January to collaborate and plan ways to do this in all modalities of classes. Each participant had a plan in place before classes started and meetings are underway! The project leaders at Oakton CC told us that this investment of time at the beginning pays off; students feel connected and valued and are more likely to ask for help, complete the course, and return the next semester. Additional strategies in the first three weeks include faculty and students learning classmates' names, providing feedback for improvement on an assignment, and setting high expectations without making it feel impossible.
Bucks faculty are GREAT at building relationships, this approach challenges us to do that sooner and more strategically. Take a look at the article and see what you can implement!
FaST LANE – Zooming Online Now!
Support from Bucks Online, Instructional Designers, Accessibility Advocate, Instructional Technology. Click on the appropriate tabs.
Instructional Design Department Assignments
Diane Darling
- Business & Innovation
- Kinesiology & Sport Studies
- Health Sciences
Regina Hierholzer
- Arts & Communication
- Language & Literature
- Social & Behavioral
- Learning Resources
Instructional Tech Tuesday for Spring 2022
Create Collaborative Conversations Asynchronously with VoiceThread
Synchronous and Asynchronous Engaging Lectures with Nearpod
In a one-on-one remote session, learn how-to use Nearpod to gather real-time insights into student understanding through interactive lessons, interactive videos, gamification, and activities. More information at: Please contact to schedule a one-on-one.
VidGrid for Recording, Uploading and Creating Engaging Multimedia
Bucks Wellness
Bucks Wellness with Tina Permar
The Fitness Center is open this semester!
M/F 7 am to 3 pm (closed 11:30 to Noon)
W 7 am to 3 pm (closed 10:45 to 12:15 pm)
T/Th 10:45 to 6 pm (closed 1:30 to 2 pm)
Meditation in the Orangery
M – 12:30 pm
Yoga in the Orangery
M – 1:30 pm
Yoga in Wellness 102
W – 11 am
Yang Yoga and Meditation with Melissa Mooney
All 3 Campuses starting in February
Bristol - Room 104
Newtown – Wellness 102
Perkasie – Bamboo Room
Th – 12:30 to 1:10 pm
Wellness Book Discussion—February 24, 2022
Sexual Health and Wellness Conference TBD
Hicks Art Center Gallery
Handmade Photographs
The Monalog Collective
JANUARY 19 - MARCH 11, 2022
13 photographers exhibiting a variety of subjects using modern and historic applications of traditional emulsion-based processes. All images are original and hand-made by the artists.
Stitch-in via Zoom
Wednesdays, noon-1pm
For Spring, we will be on Zoom on January 26th, Noon-1pm.
Hello Stitch-in Friends and Happy New Year!
Looking Ahead
Looking Ahead to March—Watch for upcoming information!
Open Education Week (OEW) 2022--March 7 to March 11
Need Help? Visit the Help Desk and Services Center LibGuide
Check out this link to locate useful information including contact information, hours, and tutorials for the technology used at Bucks.
Feedback and Ideas? Contact Us!
If you have an idea for a topic you'd like to present, or one that you would like to see presented by someone else, contact any of us!
We promote upcoming professional development opportunities in this newsletter, on the portal, and on our Faculty Center Facebook Group.
The Facebook Group allows you to receive reminders of upcoming events that you are interested in participating in, enjoy photos from various events, and interact with your colleagues.
We hope you’ll join our Facebook Group- Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
Linda McCann
Faculty Development Coordinator
Karl Carter
Director, Personal and Professional Development
Kate D'Auria
Associate Professor, Education
Faculty Learning Communities
Samantha Gross
Associate Dean, Academic Initiatives
Jacqueline Burger
Learning Technologies Liaison