Stay Informed!
We promote upcoming professional development opportunities in this newsletter, on the portal, and on our Faculty Center Facebook Group. The Facebook Group allows you to receive reminders of upcoming events that you are interested in participating in, enjoy photos from various events, and interact with your colleagues.
Open Education Week
March 1 - 5, 2021
We hope you’ll join us for an exciting week! Please see the professional development opportunities below and be sure to sign up using the SignUpGenius links!
Monday, 3/1— OER101
Presenter: Bill Hemmig, Dean, Learning Resources and Online Learning
Open Educational Resources (OER) are alternatives to commercial textbooks and supporting materials that are free—free to adopt, free to your students, and free of most copyright restrictions. Bucks has had an OER initiative in place since 2016. As a result, today there are 23 courses with OER sections that have saved our students over a million and a half dollars in textbook expenses. Many other of our faculty have adopted OER outside the formal initiative, and the college is offering sections of nearly 150 courses with zero textbook cost (ZTC)!
To kick off Open Education Week (March 1-5) this session will bring you up to date on what’s happening with OER and ZTC initiatives at Bucks and beyond. Find out how you can get on board!
Tuesday, 3/2—Faculty Learning Community—Open Pedagogy, 2pm
Presenters: Kate D’Auria, Kelly Sell, and participants of the FLC
Open pedagogy goes beyond open educational resources. Learn how your students can become creators rather than just consumers of information.
Help them by assigning renewable assignments rather than disposable ones!
Tuesday, 3/2—OERs and Accessibility, 3pm
Presenter: Debbie Carney, Accessibility Advocate
Learn about accessibility and OERs as I review the key points of the BC Open Textbook Accessibility Toolkit. This session will include ways that you can design your OER course so that it will be accessible to all students at BCCC.
Wednesday, 3/3, 2:30pm—Creative Commons, Fair Use, and Public Domain
Presenters: Monica Kuna, Director, Libraries
Jackie Burger, Associate Professor and Learning Technologies Liaison
Matthew Seibert, Associate Professor Emerging Media Librarian
Join us and learn about copyright, fair use, and creative commons. When is a work copyrighted? How does it enter the public domain? Is fair use the answer? What about creative commons? Find all the answers by attending this informative session.
Thursday, 3/4—2:30pm-3:15pm
OER45 Conversation: Turning your students into content creators.
Presenters: Regina Hierholzer, Assistant Professor, Instructional Designer
and Stacey Bennett, Associate Professor of Communication Studies
Open Educational Resources Advocates
Description: Suppose you found a great open textbook to use in your course. However, you don’t have ancillary and other supplemental materials to use along with the open textbook. Have you thought of having your students create course content for you to use? Most of you could be doing this right now!
Friday, 3/5, 1pm—OER Community of Practice Panel Discussion
Moderators: Regina Hierholzer, Assistant Professor, Instructional Designer and Stacey Bennett, Associate Professor of Communication Studies
Please join us to hear and interact with our panel of faculty who use open textbooks and/or open materials, discover their ease of use for both faculty and students, and how the open materials are just as effective, if not more so, in meeting course goals without any textbook cost to the student.
We have also invited students to participate in the panel discussion to confirm the same. The students will have the opportunity to offer other reasons why they prefer registering for courses with zero textbook costs.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Please review My Bucks for additional free learning opportunities and useful resources as we celebrate Open Education Week!
-------- Learn more! ---------
Open Education Week virtual events at Virginia Tech (March 1, 3, & 5, 2021)
This is a link to their LibGuide to register for sessions:
Connecting the Opens: A Panel Discussion for the Future Professoriate
Monday, March 1st 6:00pm ET - 8:00pm ET |
Making Math More Accessible
"Moving STEM Documents Online: Sustainable Workflows for Accessible Content"
Monday, Mar 1, 2021 06:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Friday, March 5th, 11am - 12:15pm ET*: “*Getting Started with OER*” with Abbey Elder (Iowa State University), author of the *OER Starter Kit*
New Course Modalities for Fall 2021—Do you know them?
Wednesday, March 10 - 3pm
If not, join Dr. Scott Bradshaw, Jackie Burger, and Diane Rapp for:
“An Advisor's Guide to New Course Modalities for Fall 2021”
- Attendees will define new course modalities for Fall 2021
- Attendees will identify strategies to advise students on ways to minimize scheduling problems.
- Attendees will receive a downloadable chart to reference during advising sessions.
We plan to schedule another session during the advising period. The information will also be in the Advising Newsletter.
5 Keys to Retiring Fearlessly
Do you know what next steps to take so you can retire?
Join us for 5 Keys to Retiring Fearlessly, a free workshop with insights to help you achieve your retirement goals, by answering the following questions:
- Will I have enough to retire?
- Will my retirement income last?
Are my assets protected?
This workshop will be held at Zoom on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 2:00 PM.
Presenter: Vicki Lilley, Financial Consultant Redtail Financial Consultants.
Writers Reading
Wednesday, March 10 - 3 pm
Who is ready to participate in a virtual Writers Reading event on March 10 at 3 pm? Send me a quick email stating that you would like to read some, or all, of original work and I'll add you to the list. Please keep your offering to five minutes or less (five minutes or fewer??) so that we can include everyone who would like to read.
Tell your Bucks friends, please, and encourage your Bucks writing friends to participate! We like lots of listeners in attendance, too.
Email Margaret Montet with any questions.
Wordsmiths Presents Grady Chambers and Lynn Levin
Friday, March 12 at 7:30pm
No registration is necessary.
Grady Chambers is the author of North American Stadiums (Milkweed Editions), winner of the inaugural Max Ritvo Poetry Prize. Recent poems have appeared in The Paris Review, The Sun, and elsewhere. Grady is a former Wallace Stegner Fellow, and he lives in Philadelphia.
Lynn Levin is a poet, writer, translator, and teacher. Her most recent poetry collection, The Minor Virtues (Ragged Sky, 2020), was listed as one of Spring 2020’s best books by The Philadelphia Inquirer. Her poems have appeared in Boulevard, The Hopkins Review, Artful Dodge, Rattle, on Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac, and other places. Her previous poetry collections include Miss Plastique, Fair Creatures of an Hour, and Imaginarium. She is the translator, from the Spanish, of Birds on the Kiswar Tree by Odi Gonzales and co-author of Poems for the Writing: Prompts for Poets. The 1999 Bucks County Poet Laureate, Levin teaches at Drexel University. Her website is
Now Accepting Faculty of the Future Conference Proposals
Now accepting presentation proposals for the 2021 Faculty of the Future Conference, June 4, 2021, on ZOOM.
Join colleagues from across the globe to share best practices in teaching and learning. Lend your expertise and experience by submitting a proposal on a topic of your choice. Some suggested topics:
• Assessment
• Innovative teaching strategies
• Faculty leadership
• Learning environments
Presentation proposal deadline is Friday, April 2, 2021
Questions or need more information? Contact
Middle States Minute
In February we kicked-off our spring series of self-study panel discussions and open forums with a student-focused event. In the coming months, our self-study will be presented to the college community for feedback and discussion. Each forum will focus on the Middle States Commission for Higher Education's (MSCHE) standards of accreditation most applicable to the forum audience. Relevant to all members of the college community are the three institutional priorities showcased in our self-study. Our institutional priorities are the first three objectives of our 2019-2025 Strategic Plan:
Our Learners of Tomorrow, Our Promise and Our Programs
Virtual Arts Faculty Showcase Through May 31
If you're missing the Hicks Art Center Gallery as much as we are, be sure to check out our Virtual Arts Faculty Showcase! Eleven of our amazing faculty members are involved in this exhibition, representing the Visual Arts, School of Music, and Multimedia areas of the Arts Department. Fran Orlando, who has curated more than a dozen such faculty exhibitions here at Bucks, believes this event shows the extraordinary range of our professors. Works in the exhibition include sculpture, painting, photography, digital imaging, glass, fine woodworking, and music. You can view the gallery online through 5/31 by visiting,
Cultural Incentive Grant Application Now Open
The Cultural Incentive Grant at Bucks provides funds to an employee or group of employees to support original works of art. This grant was established for employees to demonstrate and publicize their cultural talents to the community at large. It is administered by the Committee on Cultural Affairs and jointly funded by the Committee and the Bucks County Community College Foundation.
Current full and part-time employees of Bucks County Community College who have completed two years of continuous service and retired employees with a minimum of ten years of service are eligible to apply. Qualified works include those of choreographers, dancers, mimes, designers, sculptors, creative writers, poets, folk artists, recitalists, composers, interdisciplinary artists, visual artists, storytellers, craft persons, vocalists.
Deadline for submissions is April 2, 2021.
Faculty Learning Communities
Facilitator, Kate D'Auria
"Our February FLC is exploring Open Pedagogy, the idea that students are creators of content and not just consumers. Faculty are moving away from "disposable assignments" and creating assignments where students create study guides, video summaries of theories, podcasts, and other content to share with classmates in this semester and future semesters. If you are interested take a look at some of these resources.
Short video
Workday Update from Brant Steen
Need Help? Visit the Help Desk and Services Center LibGuide
See the tab for Workday and other useful information and tutorials for the technology used at Bucks.
Bucks Wellness with Tina Permar - Spring 2021 Reminders
Individual Health & Wellness Coaching
- March 9 and 11 Yoga For You
- March 23 and 25 Balance out your Workouts
- April 6 and 8 Gratitude and Attitude thru Wellness
- April 20 and 22 Lower Body Strength Training with and without dumbbells
- May 4 and 6 Visualizations and Wellness Visions
*Schedule is subject to changes
FaST LANE – Zooming Online Now!
Set-up your Zoom meeting links for your class meeting time. Instructions on how to set-up Zoom meetings are available in the Canvas Resources for Instructors course space.
Determine your office hours and availability. If preferred, you can set-up a Zoom meeting office hour link. Instructions on using Zoom for office hours are also available in the Canvas Resources for Instructors course space.
- Update your syllabus through Concourse to reflect your class meeting schedule, contact information and availability.
- If using Canvas, add your class meeting schedule, class meeting link(s), your contact information and availability, including office hour information and/or office hour meeting link(s) to the home page of your course.
Communicate your first synchronous remote class meeting date, time, and link to your students. You might want to include other information specific to your course and information to help your students transition to remote learning. In the Canvas Resources for Instructors course space, you can find a Student Checklist for Remote Learning that you can modify and send to your students to help them prepare for their first day.
- You can contact your students up to 14 days prior to the start of the semester using the Canvas Inbox if you have published your course. Or, you can email your students by copying their email addresses from your WebAdvisor course roster and pasting them into an Outlook email message.
One-on-one guidance on Zoom, Canvas and Concourse is available. Sign-up at
One-on-one instructional design appointments are available at:
- You are encouraged to publish your Canvas space by the first day of the semester, rather than the day of your first synchronous remote class meeting. Remote students will be looking for it then, regardless of when the first class/Zoom meeting is.
Learning Assessment Professional Development
Spring 2021
Workshops provide instruction and resources, as well as time to implement with support.
Trainings prepare faculty to participate in student learning outcomes assessment processes at Bucks. Training will be offered live and posted on Sharepoint as webinars. Additional and tailored training is available upon request.
- March 4 and March 18 12:30-1:30 – Using Planning & Self Study for Learning Assessment
This training will introduce faculty to the college’s new assessment management system – Planning & Self Study – and demonstrate how the system will be used for learning assessment.
- April 8 & 22 12:30-1:30 and April 16 & 30 12:00-1:00 - General Education Assessment
This training will introduce faculty to the 2021-2026 general education assessment plan and provide guidance for preparing for collection of artifacts.
SLOA Professional Development Calendar – Spring 2021
Shaded sessions are not open to all faculty.
Stitch-in via Zoom
Wednesdays, noon-1pm
Join us for our usual Stitch-in. We are using Zoom to meet. Bring your project to your computer and take your mind to a different place. The Zoom link will be posted in the announcements on My Bucks.
Need Help? Visit the Help Desk and Services Center LibGuide
Check out this link to locate useful information including contact information, hours, and tutorials for the technology used at Bucks.
Academe Today
Flagship daily newsletter. It’s free to receive, and features the best of their journalism, breaking news, expert analysis, opinion, and advice. Delivered every weekday.
The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Free Newsletters
Teaching Newsletter—Teaching and learning experts give you insights. Delivered on Thursdays
The Quick Tip Newsletter—Get fast advice to help you thrive—in your job and your academic life. Delivered Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Feedback and Ideas? Contact Us!
If you have an idea for a topic you'd like to present, or one that you would like to see presented by someone else, contact any of us!
We promote upcoming professional development opportunities in this newsletter, on the portal, and on our Faculty Center Facebook Group.
The Facebook Group allows you to receive reminders of upcoming events that you are interested in participating in, enjoy photos from various events, and interact with your colleagues.
We hope you’ll join our Facebook Group- Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
Linda McCann
Faculty Development Coordinator
Karl Carter
Director, Personal and Professional Development
Kate D'Auria
Associate Professor, Education
Faculty Learning Communities
Samantha Gross
Associate Dean, Academic Initiatives
Jacqueline Burger
Learning Technologies Liaison