Stay Informed!
We promote upcoming professional development opportunities in this newsletter, on the portal, and on our Faculty Center Facebook Group. The Facebook Group allows you to receive reminders of upcoming events that you are interested in participating in, enjoy photos from various events, and interact with your colleagues.
Turnitin Canvas Training “Live” Webinar on NEW Features
Wednesday, September 1st
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Learn how to use Turnitin’s External Tool and the new “Online” Plagiarism Framework Tool options in Canvas.
A one-time “live” webinar training opportunity will be presented by our Turnitin Solutions Consultant via Zoom.
(Session will be recorded.)
This deep dive into using Turnitin in Canvas will cover:
- how instructors create a Turnitin assignment (including how to create rubrics)
- how students submit a Turnitin assignment and how they access the originality report and “e-rater” spelling and grammar feedback
- how instructors access the originality report and what it means
- how instructors access the “e-rater” spelling and grammar feedback and what it means
- how instructors provide feedback to their students (including how to grade with rubrics and manage quickmarks)
- how students access their feedback and grades
- how instructors create a PeerMark assignment
- how students conduct peer reviews using PeerMark
- how instructors access and grade the peer reviews that were made
- how students that were reviewed access their peer’s reviews
- how to create a Canvas assignment that has Turnitin enabled
- how students submit to a Canvas assignment that has Turnitin enabled
- when you might want to use Turnitin as an External Tool or through an online submission
- best practices for using Turnitin
Bandwidth Recovery with Samantha Gross and Kate D’Auria
Thursday, September 9, 2021, 3pm-4pm
Join the discussion! We’ll discuss how racism, poverty, and social marginalization impact physical and mental health, human capacity and result in loss of cognitive resources and bandwidth. Based on the book, Bandwidth Recovery by Dia Verschelden.
Zoom Link: Join Zoom Meeting
Bucks County Community College will host a “Constitution Day Forum”. A panel discussion on “Community Policing 2021: Preserving Public Safety and Civil Liberties”.
Panelist Bucks County District Attorney Matt Weintraub; Bucks County Community College/NTHRC Chair Kevin Antoine Bucks County NAACP President, Karen Downer, Bensalem Township Director of Public Safety, Fred Harran Bucks County Human Relations Commission member, Dr. Bernie Hoffman.
Moderated by Social and Behavioral Science Department member, Bill Pezza, Lower Bucks (Epstein) Campus of Bucks County Community College.
Difficult Dialogues in the Classroom: Successfully Intervene with Groups Who are Unable to Dialogue Webinar
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Many faculty members are experiencing a significant increase in both the frequency and intensity of difficult dialogues in their classrooms. Their ability to engage students and facilitate meaningful dialogue in these moments not only furthers learning but can also impact student success. Mismanaged conversations often result in unresolved issues, misunderstanding, and summering conflict that undermine learning outcomes and campus-wide goals to create inclusive campus environments.
Presenters: Rhonda Fitzgerald serves as the Managing Director for the Sustained Dialogue Campus Network and works to train, mentor, and provide guidance to a broad range of institutions and individuals seeking to transform their communities through Sustained Dialogue.
Dr. Windy Y. Lawrence serves as both Professor and as the founding director at the University of Houston- Downtown Center for Public Deliberation.
Faculty Learning Communities
Let’s THINK, PAIR, and SHARE in this upcoming Fall 2021 Faculty Learning Community!
We would like to invite YOU to participate in this forum. Our goal is to have faculty members paired with a partner outside of their department to create some extra SYNERGY!
We will be investigating the latest research that points to creating relationship-rich educational experiences at the college level and how these relationships can foster success at BCCC and beyond. In a sense, it is related to networking and the notion that creating a sense of belonging is critical to engaging our students, faculty, and staff in these trying times.
Join us to create some plans that you can put into action this semester or in an upcoming one.
This online FLC runs from September 22 to October 14th with optional but recommended Zoom meetings scheduled at 2 pm on Thursday, September 23rd, September 30th, and October 7th, and October 14th. A participation stipend of $250.00 is being offered.
Facilitators: Kate D’Auria and Kelly Sell
Middle States Minute
In the next few months, we have a few re-affirmation of accreditation milestones! First, an updated version of the self-study draft will be available in early September. Next, employees and students provide feedback on the draft and learn more about upcoming events. At the end of October, our peer evaluation team chair will visit with college representatives to discuss preparations for the peer evaluation team visit occurring around March 2022.
Key take-aways:
Instructional Tech Tuesdays for September
Create Collaborative Conversations Asynchronously with VoiceThread
In a small group training session, either on-campus or remote, learn how to build VoiceThread assignments in your Canvas course space to facilitate asynchronous conversations and presentations.
Synchronous and Asynchronous Engaging Lectures with Nearpod
In a small group training session, either on-campus or remote, learn how-to use Nearpod to gather real-time insights into student understanding through interactive lessons, interactive videos, gamification, and activities.
VidGrid for Recording, Uploading and Creating Engaging Multimedia
FaST LANE – Zooming Online Now!
FaST Lane Canvas and Course Help
Bucks Wellness
September is National Yoga Appreciation Month
- T/Th – Outdoor Yoga Walks (meet in the Linksz courtyard) 9:15 am – 9:40 am
- W – Outdoor Yoga (meet in the Linksz courtyard) 11 am to Noon
- W – Meditation in the Orangery 12:30 pm
- W – Yoga in the Orangery 1 pm
- F – 30 minute Outdoor Yoga (meet in the Linksz courtyard) 2:30 pm
Also Fitness Center Hours:
- M – 7 am to 3 pm (closed 11:30 to noon)
- T/Th – 9:45 am to 6 pm (closed 10:45 am to 12:15 pm)
- W – 7 am to 3 pm (closed 10:45 am to 12:15 pm)
- F – 7 am to 2:25 pm (closed 11:30 to noon)
Stitch-in via Zoom
Wednesdays, noon-1pm
Join us for our usual Stitch-in. We are using Zoom to meet. Bring your project to your computer and take your mind to a different place. The Zoom link will be posted in the announcements on MyBucks.
Need Help? Visit the Help Desk and Services Center LibGuide
Check out this link to locate useful information including contact information, hours, and tutorials for the technology used at Bucks.
Feedback and Ideas? Contact Us!
If you have an idea for a topic you'd like to present, or one that you would like to see presented by someone else, contact any of us!
We promote upcoming professional development opportunities in this newsletter, on the portal, and on our Faculty Center Facebook Group.
The Facebook Group allows you to receive reminders of upcoming events that you are interested in participating in, enjoy photos from various events, and interact with your colleagues.
We hope you’ll join our Facebook Group- Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
Linda McCann
Faculty Development Coordinator
Karl Carter
Director, Personal and Professional Development
Kate D'Auria
Associate Professor, Education
Faculty Learning Communities
Samantha Gross
Associate Dean, Academic Initiatives
Jacqueline Burger
Learning Technologies Liaison