Jeepers Miniatures News
May 2012 

Memorial Day is upon us and that signals the beginning of summer and outdoor activities for most of us.  Don't forget about your minis during the summer months, as they are the perfect escape from the summer heat!  Bring a little summer indoors with a fairy garden (or add a touch of whimsy to your real life flowers).  We have three more secret books during the summer months, and even if you've never done 1/4 or 144th scale miniatures, I can assure you that you'll enjoy a day of small scales and fun.  As usual, you'll find one basic wiring class during the summer months to refresh your knowledge or, if you're new to the hobby, get you started adding light to your dollhouse or miniature setting.  While our regular hours of Monday through Saturday from 10 am til 5 pm, be sure to make a note that we may be closed a few days during the week of July 16-20.  Read on for more information.
So What's Going On at Jeepers?


It's Fairy Garden Time

 Fairy Garden Items Now in Stock!


Fairy Tree StakeI have entertained the idea of bringing fairy garden supplies into the shop for a while now, and after repeated requests the past couple months, I finally gathered together the first of many items that I think you will enjoy.  Whether you are considering tucking a few fairies and necessities among your real life plants, or if you would like to create a tiny magical world for fairies in a pot or box, I think you'll find a few wonderful items to complete your fairy world.  Imagine a delightful herb garden peppered with fairy items!  Remember, you can create a little setting where everything is from a fairy's perspective or one that is easily adaptable to one-inch scale from the furnishings to the accessories. 
If you'd like to create a fairy garden, but aren't sure where to start, let me know and I'll be happy to help.  We are also considering a simple fairy garden workshop, but I'd like to get some feedback from anyone who might be interested in attending. 


Come on, take a peak at what's in stock.   Click here to see what we've found.  Better yet, if you can, come on in and see these delightful fairy garden items in person in the shop!


More Secret Books 

Last Three in This Series

  Lydia Pickett Image

I've got to admit, I had my reservations about doing these small scales, but there is something magical about seeing such little scraps and bits come together to form a delightful and amazingly realistic scene or setting. I might also add, that working on these itty bitty scales helps create a better understanding of how to build furniture and accessories in 1" and 1/2" scale.  Come join us for one, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!


You will need to bring along a sack lunch and your favorite tools for miniatures.  If you need a list of necessary tools, just give me a call or send me an email and I'll let you know.  


Next in our Secret Book of the Month is a two-room book for Miss Lydia Pickett, which includes wallpaper and flooring as well as all materials necessary to create a big double bed, an armoire, a day bed, a coop, and a cottage clock all in 144th scale. Under the guidance of Pat Saunders-Angrick, we will spend the day creating this delightful miniature. The class begins at 10 am on June 16, 2012 and will requireThrilling Halloween Image  the entire day. Click here read more or register online for Miss Lydia Pickett.  Registration is required by June 2, 2012. 


One of my favorite holidays for minis is Halloween, so you can be sure I can't wait for Thrilling Halloween from the series of Secret Book of the Month! This fifth book with two rooms includes wallpaper and flooring as well as all materials necessary to create two spiderweb beds, a monster chest, a pumpkin carving on a table and two ghost chairs in 144th scale. Under the guidance of Pat Saunders Angrick, this workshop will take place on July 21, 2012 at 10 am. Like the other classes in this series, it will take all day. Click here to read more or register online.  Registration is required by July 7, 2012.

  Sweet Nothings Image

Last in this Secret Book of the Month series is the quarter scale single room book, Sweet Nothings that includes wallpaper and flooring, as well as all materials necessary to create a 1/4" scale sweetheart desk and goodies to fill it, such as a heart shaped box of chocolates, several oval gift boxes and bags plus lots of pre-cut little hearts to decorate the room. The Sweet Nothings class will take place on August 25, 2012. Like the other classes, it will begin at 10 am and last all day. Pat Saunders Angrick will again provide guidance and a watchful eye!   Registration for Sweet Nothings is required by August 11, 2012.

All of the classes listed in the newsletter (including basic wiring) qualify for a 10% discount when you register and prepay for three or more of any combination of classes per person.


We are discussing the probability of doing a few more of these small scale workshops since everyone attending is enjoying them so much.  And, we haven't stopped planning other classes and workshops.  Some just take a little longer to get together than others!  We'll update you when we add more of the secret books and others classes and workshops. Stayed tuned.    

Next Basic Wiring Class

 Refresh or learn a new skill!

Light Bulb 


Learn the basics of wiring with the tapewire system. In this class you will learn to plan your wiring layout for a dollhouse or roombox, make connections, and install a lamp. This hands-on class will provide you the knowledge and experience to wire your next project. 

Basic wiring classes are offered every other month at Jeepers, alternating weekdays and weekends.  The next workshop is Saturday, July 14, 2012 at 10:30 am.  The class will last about 2 hours.

Registration is required by July 7, 2012.




...and a Mini Vacation

 the middle of July


CalendarPlease make a note that we may be closed a few days during
the week of July 16-20th.  We are planning a much needed
family vacation and will keep you posted in the event of scheduling conflicts.

Our regular hours are Monday through Saturday from 10 am til 5 pm,
but If you are thinking about visiting in July, be sure to
call first to confirm we are open the day you are considering.
Looking forward to seeing (or hearing from) you soon.  Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend!   Be sure to remember our troops, past and present.  We salute them!

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