1312 Race St. Cambridge, MD


Randall Blackmon, Pastor

Linda Blackmon, Choir Director


Sunday School Class

9:30 am

Worship Service

11:00 am

Children's Church-Grades K-5 11:20 am

Nursery Care Available-up to age 4


Family Supper- 3rd Wednesday/ every month-6pm

Intercessory Prayer Ministry - 6:15 pm

Bible Study and Prayer - 7:00 pm

Choir Practice - 8 pm

Faith Baptist Fellowship

Please see our website for the most up to date information:


Follow us on Twitter @faithship

Find us on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/f8thbaptistfellowship




Steve Abbott: 410-330-4287

Sonny Travers: 410-463-3578

Peter Kontgias 410-279-3171


Eddie Elzey: 443-477-5502 (Feb-May-Aug-Nov)

J.D. Hill: 443-477-5070 (Mar-June-Sept-Dec)

Jimmy Wright: 410-228-5588 Jan-April-Jul-Oct)

To make online giving to our ministry at FAITH simple, we are now using the online giving platform Tithe.ly
This tool enables folks to give their tithes, offerings, and donations online. Just go to our church website at:
www.faithwalking.net and click on the green button that says “Give” or click on the “Online Giving Tithe.ly” page. It is very easy and safe to use. You can even set up recurring giving if you wish to do so. Thank you for supporting our ministry at FAITH.

Greeters for Sunday, October 9

Tim & Cindy Campbell

1st Autumn Duncan

2nd Jim Marshall

2nd Donna Gootee

4th Kaitlin Wlliams

7th Tommy Gootee

12th Lynne Marshall

12th Beth Secrist

13th Jay Hubbard

15th Bill Travers

16th Samilia Clarke

18th Charles Bryan

Bob & Kris Evans

Monty & Darlene Holliday