• Minute to Win It - Friday, February 9
  • Summer Camp Info Meeting - Sunday, February 11
  • Elementary Youth Group - Sunday, February 11
  • Mardi Gras Dinner - Tuesday, February 13


  • Middle School Youth Group - RESCHEDULED DATE - March 10


Lutherdale Bible Camp!

Summer Camp

Information Meeting

Sunday, February 11, at 11:15 in the Fellowship Hall

(youth and parents)

Sun, Fun, and God's Love!

Camp is an amazing experience for campers of all ages! Kids completing grades 1-12 are welcome to spend time at camp.

We will talk dates, camp scholarships, and details. Come with your questions!

Intergenerational Events

Friday, February 9, 6:30 - 8:00pm

Join in the fun games for all ages! 

There will be a series of 60-second challenges that use objects that are commonly

available around the house.

Complete the games individually or with a group! 

We will also have a yummy Ice Cream Sundae Bar to reward all of our competitors!


Minute Sign-up

Mardi Gras Dinner

Tuesday, February 13

5:30 - 7:00pm

All are invited to join us for a delicious dinner provided by our Calvary Youth! We will have some Mardi Gras favorites along with some yummy homemade treats.

This is a fundraiser for the youth summer trip and camps.

Youth helpers arrive at 4:30

Youth families - please click the link for sign-up help and items to bring.

Dinner Sign-up

Youth Group Events

Elementary Youth Group

Sunday, February 11

11:30 - 1:30

Lunch will be provided. We will pray and play exploring the endless love of God!

Please let Angie know if you can come.


Middle School

Youth Group


Sunday, March 10

11:30 - 1:30

Lunch is provided. We will be checking out a new Podcast...

God, Games, & Geekery!


Mark your Calendars will all the exciting Youth and Family Ministry Events that are now scheduled January - March!

Winter 2024

Friends are ALWAYS

welcome to join us for any activities from Youth and Family Ministry!

Questions? Contact me! Angie Schatz

Email Angie