September 28, 2016 
St. Anthony on the Lake Lifelong Faith Formation Newsletter 

Faith Formation Connections
Welcome to our Faith Formation Newsletter! You are receiving this newsletter because we have you listed as having a child age 5 or younger, or are enrolled in our Confirmation or Family Program. We are also sending this to catechists and group leaders. We hope you find this helpful, informing and nourishing. Here you can expect to find connections: ideas to help your family connect to God; ways to connect to our faith community; connections between faith and family life. You may not find all the information directly relevant for your family at this moment; feel free to click to the sections that are. This new method of communication is meant to reduce the number of emails a family receives, while showing a bigger picture of our parish. On the right are some quick links which will lead you to our website with additional information and items of interest.
From our Pastoral Associate... Dr. Kathie Amidei
On September 18th we introduced our theme of Pray Always All Ways through my bulletin article and a video we showed at Mass. In preparing for this theme, I immersed myself in the wisdom of saints and Catholic writers on prayer. I listened to members of our community describe how prayer weaves in and out of their days and nights and what that means to them. Our good friend Jack said in the video, "God is my anchor and prayer is my anchor rope."  I thought a lot about my own prayer life as I asked, "is prayer our anchor rope that keeps us in touch with God when struggling or celebrating?"
Little did I know, as we introduced these ideas at the first Family Program, that my own anchor rope was about to be tested. Upon arriving home that Sunday afternoon, I found out that my younger sister Mary had unexpectedly passed away. Fr. Tony has said that when we cannot pray for ourselves, others' prayers carry us.  I am grateful for the support I feel, and for the ways the prayers of our community are carrying me at this difficult time. You might say that I am in the 'eye of the storm' right now, but God is still my anchor.  This song was shared with me this week and reflects my feelings. It brought me some peace and I pray it does the same for you.    Ryan Stevenson - Eye of the Storm (feat. GabeReal) [Acoustic]
Autumn Prayer
O God of Creation, you have blessed us with the changing of the seasons. 
As we embrace these autumn months,
May the earlier setting of the sun
remind us to take time to rest. 
May the crunch of the leaves beneath our feet
remind us of the brevity of this earthly life. 
May the steam of our breath in the cool air
remind us that it is you who give us your breath of life. 
May the scurrying of the squirrels and the migration of the birds
remind us that you call us to follow your will. 
We praise you for your goodness forever and ever.  Amen.

Teresa Burns
Faith in the Storm
"I am so proud of you, Jamie and Chris!", Fr. Tony said after Jamie eloquently shared Eli's battle with Neuroblastoma at the G9 Mass celebrated last Wednesday morning. Gold in September is an initiative to raise awareness of childhood cancer. Thank you to Jamie Hansen for so beautifully giving us insight into Eli's journey, their reliance on God and prayer in this difficult time, and gratitude for the many things people do as service to others that make a huge difference and let people know they care. Fr. Tony blessed the Hansen family and the parents of Anna Snopek, who is also battling cancer right now. We continue to keep both of these families in our prayers!
This was a living testimony of the Gospel, where we are called to follow Jesus in good times and in bad. 
Ch. 12 News Story 

An article we thought you might enjoy on Making a Sacred Space at Home by Emily Watkins
Dan Burnett wrote an article What's in a Name? for Inspirio.

Molly Ministry; Early Childhood Ministry 
 We are offering options 
for your children during the 9:00 Mass.
  • First you are most welcome to bring your children to Mass and have them stay with you during the Mass. Feel free to borrow books from the basket by Jesus in the Boat. 
  • Or you are most welcome to have your children 4 and under in our wonderful free Child Care.
  • A third option during the 9:00 Mass is to have you children ages 4 through 1st grade in church with you but have them participate in Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW). No pre-registration is necessary. All children are welcome and encouraged to attend. CLOW details
Planning Meeting:   Monday, October 3; 10:00-11:30 in the childcare room.
Mom's Night Out:   Monday, October 3 at 7:00 pm at The Melting Pot. All moms are welcome! RSVP and timely arrival are required. RSVP on evite
Guardians and Angels Playgroup:   Wednesday, October 5; 10:00-11:30  in the childcare room. Moms, dads, grandparents, and caretakers, are all welcome to bring your little angels for play, a faith-based story time, craft and snack.
Church, Cheerios and Children: Sunday, Oct. 23, 10:15-11:15 Partnering in Parenting; Spirituality of Children will be the topic for parents of toddlers and preschoolers. Children will play and learn together with some Cheerios fun!  Sign up here
Grades 1-5 Ministry
Our classes are off to a great start. We are grateful to the 18 catechists who lovingly teach our students grades 1-5 in LaPetite, Sunday morning and Monday evening Family Programs. 

The Archdiocese gives us guidelines for student learning at each grade level. We use these expectations to guide our curriculum and lesson planning. In order to meet these expectations, work is sent home each month. When take-home activities have been completed, please send the work with your student to their next class. The catechist will mark the assignment as completed in their student folders.  As an incentive for your children, Fish Awards are given for completed work that is turned in. 

We encourage children to memorize their prayers before 5 th  grade by rewarding them with a rosary. We have expanded on our Prayer Memorization Program in include all students grades 1-5 in each of our Family Programs. The "Teach your children memorized prayer" handout can be found in the folder contents under Family Program info.

Server Training: Youth can be trained as servers beginning in 5th grade. Trainings will be offered Oct. 1, 10-11am and Oct. 16, 12-1pm. Sign up here  
First Reconciliation parent/child session:   Our first parent/child preparation session for First Reconciliation is on Thursday, October 13, from 6:15-7:45.  Child care is provided for siblings preregistered with Kathy Paro  
Middle School Ministry
The middle school years are a time of important growth; not just physical and mental but also spiritual. At St. Anthony on the Lake we strive to help youth make the most of these years. The video on our web pages shows why our parish believes this is important. One way we connect with youth is through Middle in the Middle - a gathering once per month for fun, food, friendships and faith. We invite all youth in grades 6 - 8 to join us.
Middle in the Middle
Middle in the Middle meets next on Wednesday October 12, 6:15-8pm. In honor of All Saints Day help us create scarecrows to be used at the end of the month! Enjoy other fun fall activities too! Email Ann Fons to RSVP
High School Ministry
Mission Trip Meeting
Have you heard about the life-changing experiences of a youth mission trip?  Do you want to find out more?  Do you want to register for a 2017 summer Mission Trip?  Come to hear more on Sunday, October 2 at 1:00pm in St. Anthony Hall.  We will have a short informational meeting and then offer the first opportunity to register for these trips. Parents, Youth and those interested in chaperoning a trip are all welcome to attend!  See the website for images from our trips last summer.
Freshman Retreat
An annual retreat is an important part of our Confirmation preparation program. The freshman retreat, on the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Love was held last weekend.  A big thank you goes out to all the parents and parishioners, and staff from Inspirio who made this retreat a success!  Fr. John Yockey and Julie Farrell also made it possible for us to end with a Mass; another great aspect of our retreats. It was a joy to be with the Freshman!
Confirmation Preparation
The Wednesday night sessions for Confirmation Preparation begin October 5th for grades 9 & 10 (with Fr. Tony as our speaker) and on the 19th for grade 11.  
We so appreciate the adults who serve as small group leaders for these sessions.  There is a need for three more small group leaders for the freshmen.  If you feel called to serve in this role, please contact Cindi Petre.

  Nov. 6 service day permission slip for 9th and 10th grade Confirmation Please print and return to the Faith Formation office by Oct. 17.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament designed especially for teens and young adults, but all are welcome
Mark your calendars and join us! 10/10, 10/ 24, 11/14, 12/12, 1/16, 1/30, 2/13, 2/27, 3/13, 3/27, 4/10, 4/24, 5/8, and 5/22. 5:30-6:30pm in the Chapel.   Find out more
Adult Formation
Scripture Studies are beginning! Read about the three options, and see which is best for you. More information...

Church & Creeds Do you wonder: What are the essential features of the church?  What might be the best way to describe the church?  How did the Nicene Creed come about? Come for a presentation and discussion on our Catholic understanding of CHURCH & CREEDS , on Saturday October 1 from 8:15am to noon.  All are welcome to join us at this Forming the Catechetical Spirit session!  RSVP to Ann Fons if you plan to attend and have not already registered for the entire series. 

Marriage Enrichment: Date Night Fun!  Wine/Beer Social 
October 8 from 6:15-8:00.  Childcare available with preregistration.

Firstfruits returns to St. Anthony on Tuesday, October 11! Separate sessions are available during the day and evening.  
Topics include Love and Logic, Thomas Merten/Psalms, Firm Believers, What makes love last?, Joy in the Mandala, and more. Our evening sessions are  Gathering, Gratitude, and Grounding... and Franciscan Prayer: To Gaze, To Consider, To Contemplate, and To Imitate.   Details and registration  Questions? email Angie Flanagan

Marriage Enrichment: Date Night Fun!  Wine/Beer Social 
October 8 from 6:15-8:00.  Childcare available with preregistration.

Open gym: Buckets & Beliefs   Open gym night for those in their 20's and 30's takes place on Mondays from 7:30 - 9:00pm.  Please bring gym shoes and an ID.  We ask you to sign a waiver the first time you join us and to check in each time.  Enter the gym from the lower parking lot.  Questions? Contact Ann Fons
Family Program
Important information for Oct. 2 & 3: Weather permitting, our plan is to do the family activity outside. Dress for the weather. Bring a blanket or sit-upon if you wish.
High School youth remember to bring your bibles and study workbooks.

Resources from our first session: Catechetical Sunday video, traveling shrines, prayer memorization, prayer partners, folder contents, and the  powerpoint from Al McCauley's presentation can be found  here.
In the Classroom 
High School youth are meeting in small groups for a Bible Study during their class time this year.  
T3: The Teen Timeline  by Mark Hart  is the teen version of the revolutionary Great Adventure Bible Timeline learning system that hundreds of thousands of Catholic adults have used to learn the Bible. Dynamic teen presenter Mark Hart makes the Bible come alive for Catholic teens by unpacking God's Word in a way they can relate to. T3 teaches teens the Bible by showing them the "big picture" of salvation history. When young students of the Bible first understand the "story," they are eager to learn more. The net result: teens begin to wrap their minds and hearts around the Scriptures. They come to see the Bible as a relevant part of their lives.
Family Inspiration 
At one of the morning masses this week,  Fr. John Yockey encouraged us to slow down enough to take in all the beauty that is around us. Let nature touch you and lift your minds and hearts to God, the source of it all. Take time today to be open to the magnificence of God's creation.
La Petite Family Program
Our focus this year during family time is learning bible stories. Each time we meet we will learn a new story and add a new puzzle piece to our stained glass window puzzle. At the end of the year we will have learned 11 new bible stories and  have a beautiful piece of art to help us remember them.  Once a month during our Learning Centers we will focus on learning about the parts of the Mass.
In This Issue
Upcoming Dates

-Oct. 2nd 1pm Youth (Gr.9-12) 2017 Summer Mission Trip Informational Meeting in St. Anthony Hall.

-Oct. 2nd/3rd Family Program.

-Oct. 3rd 2pm Pet Blessing.

-Oct. 3rd 10-11:30am  Molly Ministry Meeting, come help us plan!

-Oct. 3rd 7pm Moms Night Out, The Melting Pot.

-Oct. 4th 7:30pm The Armor of God women's bible study.  It's not too late to join us!

-Oct. 5th 10-11:30am Guardians and Angels.

-Oct. 5th 6:30-8:15pm 9th/10th Gr Confirmation Preparation.

-Oct. 8th 6:15-8:00pm  Marriage Enrichment: Date Night Fun!
Wine & Beer Social, childcare available with advance registration.

-Oct. 11th Firstfruits - A Gathering of Women.  Morning (childcare available), afternoon and evening sessions offered.

-Oct. 13th 6:15-7:45pm First Reconciliation Parent/Child Session. Childcare available if preregistered with Kathy Paro.

-Oct. 16th/17th Family Program.

-Oct. 19th 6:30-8:15pm 11th Gr Confirmation.

Make a Difference
Food is still needed for the Hope Center Meal on Oct. 4. Sign up.

Hospitality Greeters
Here at St. Anthony, "All are Welcome!" and...let's all be welcoming!
Come welcome our visitors and parishioners before Mass, showing that all are indeed welcome at St. Anthony on the Lake!
Sign up as a family, arrive 15 minutes early and stay for Mass.
Help open the doors and prepare the way for what will happen in the sanctuary during Mass!  
more details and sign up

Mass Servers are needed, Training is available for new servers and for anyone who would like a refresher. Oct. 1, 10-11am and Oct. 16, 12-1pm

Children's Choir is open for all 3-8th graders. Join us for rehearsals on Thursday from 2:30-3:30 or 4:30-5:30. Contact Julie Farrell to register.

Childcare Volunteers
help care for our little ones 
Mass Helpers Sign-up
St. Vincent DePaul Meal Servers are needed every 4th Sunday.  This is a great opportunity for all, individuals, families, teams etc.  Children 8 or older may help if supervised. More...
Come Along on the Faith Journey of our Children
We need a few more of you to guide our children and teens.Find an opportunity here that fits your needs and gifts:

*Adult leaders and middle school youth helpers are needed for Children's Liturgy of the Word during the 9:00 Mass. Please consider helping for about 20 minutes during Mass. Reply on the  website  or email Debbie Kusch.

*One or two (if you'd like to team-teach) Middle School catechists are needed for Monday evening Family Program. Lessons are provided. Contact Ann Fons.
*Adult Small Group leaders are needed for the teen Bible Study 
during Monday Family Program and for freshman confirmation groups on 5 Wednesday evenings. Your role in facilitating discussion is important. Contact 
Cindi Petre .

Prayers and Celebrations
Congratulations to the Brzeski family on the Baptism of Micah!
Thank you to all catechists, group leaders, teachers, parents, and friends for passing on the Catholic faith to our children! Planting seeds of faith makes all the difference!
Prayers for all our parish families to know God as their anchor. May those dealing with loss, illness or struggles feel His strength and comfort.
Thank you to all who participated in so many ways to the success of the Hot Summer Slice event last Friday. To everyone who bought raffle tickets, donated items, helped at, prayed for and attended the Hot Summer Slice event, we are grateful. Your support for our parish school is much appreciated!
Did you know?
Did you know?
Our parish cabinet, return today from LA, where they participated in the last of four sessions as part of the  Parish Catalyst 
project. T he founder of Parish  Catalyst, William E. Simon, Jr. authored a book about vibrant Catholic parishes and we are in it!  The book is now available on Amazon .
Walk with us!  October 15
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Pewaukee, WI 53072