October 27, 2016 
St. Anthony on the Lake Lifelong Faith Formation Newsletter 

Faith Formation Connections
From the heart of our Pastoral Associate... Dr. Kathie Amidei
View From the Back Pew
Often I sit in the back pew. I like it there. Between me and the altar are the people I know and love. From this vantage point, I remember to pray for all those I know who bear burdens, are hurting, are wounded. As I look out and see all the people who have been kind to me, helped me, and loved me, I more often remember to be grateful.
There is a space, in the row in front of me, that looks very empty right now. Elaine's spot is empty since she recently passed away. My friends, Dave and Ann, had brought Dave's mom, Elaine, to our church regularly since she moved to an assisted living facility in our area. I would watch them get her out of the car, into her wheelchair. I wondered how much earlier they had to leave home to get her and bring her to church. Carefully, they would wheel her into "their pew", with Elaine at the end of the row in her wheelchair. For the most part she sat there, but when we all rose at the Eucharistic prayer, Elaine, grasping the pew in front of her, pulled herself up and stood reverently.
When she did, her son, imperceptibly, but carefully, ever so slightly, rearranged her chair so when she sat down it would be positioned perfectly. I had come to look for this sweet dance; Elaine's life force still there, Dave's slight glance checking on her, and the tiny movement, re-positioning of her chair. As I watched Dave, I thought about this small gesture of care and love for his elderly mom. In fact, I looked for it every week, so touching I found it. She didn't know he was doing this for her, anymore than I imagine Dave knew the thousand, maybe million, little gestures of care and love his mom had done for him, even before he was old enough to be aware of them. His mom did this long before he had any clue to say thank you. Somehow, the love story told on the altar, was made more real in the little story that unfolded as I watched it from the back pew.
And I wonder is this how we learn to love, by being part of the circle of many indiscernible unremarkable caring gestures shown to us and then passed on?
Year of Mercy Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ,
you have taught us to be merciful
like the heavenly Father
and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. 
Let the Church be your visible face in the world. 
Send your spirit so that the Jubilee of Mercy
may be a year of grace from the Lord,
and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm,
bring good news to the poor,
proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind.
We ask this through
the intercession of Mary,
Mother of Mercy,
you who live and reign with the Father
and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever.
Adapted from the prayer penned by Pope Francis.
The Jubilee Year of Mercy - Closing Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist will be Sunday, Nov. 20, at 11 a.m. Reception following in the Atrium with Deaneries displaying Year of Mercy highlights.
To review the Works of Mercy or more Jubillee Year resources, click here.

2016 St. Anthony Annual Pastoral Report is now available. Take a look!  I hope this little snapshot of life at St. Anthony will inspire each of us to continue "Loving Without Limits" in whatever ways the Holy Spirit calls us. In doing so, we live in the truth that truly, "it was from Heaven" that we have received. ~Ben Brzeski

Last week you should have received a mailing inviting your participation in the annual Sacrificial Giving renewal.  Please bring your completed pledge card to Mass this weekend, or return it to the parish office. Thank you.
Happy Veteran's Day - November 11th 
Thank you to all you have served and are serving our country.  May God bless you for your service.
Molly Ministry; Early Childhood Ministry 
Thank you to the moms and children who joined us for Halloween Fun and Outreach  at Mission Creek Nursing Home on Halloween
The children were adorable and brought so much joy to the residents, who were dresssed up themselves to hand out candy. It was beautiful to see their faces light up at the smiles from the children and the conversation from the adults. 
Baptism Preparation Session: Tuesday, November 15, 5:45-8:15. Parents who wish to have a child baptized at St. Anthony are asked to participate in a Baptism Preparation class, which begins with fellowship and a meal. Parents are encouraged to attend the preparation session before their child is born. Our next session is in January.  If you are unable to attend a session prior to the birth of your child infants are welcome to stay with parents. On-site childcare is provided after the meal with pre-registration for other children in the family. Please register for the session with Kathy Paro.

Guardians and Angels Playgroup:   Wednesday, November 16, 10:00-11:30  in the childcare room. Moms, dads, grandparents, and caretakers, are all welcome to bring your little angels for play, a faith-based story time, craft and snack. New friends are welcome!
Moms Group: Tues. Nov. 22, 9:30-11. Childcare is provided, please preregister with Kathy Paro Moms Group is an opportunity for women to connect with other moms while we laugh with, learn from, and support one another in our vocation of Christian motherhood.  Our focuse for this gathering will be gratitude.
Molly Ministry Field Trip: December 1, 10AM we will be returning to Mission Creek.  We will do a craft with the residents and pass out candy canes. 
Molly Ministry Planning Meeting:
Mon. Dec. 5, 10-11:30 in the childcare room. Little ones are welcome to play while we meet. Our focus will be O Come Little children.  
O COME LITTLE CHILDREN: Save the date Dec. 11 , following 9:00 Mass for this annual event to share The Nativity Story. Join us for songs, a play, crafts, and a simple brunch. Registration will be available soon.
Grades 1-5 Ministry
First Reconciliation Parent/Child Session: Dec. 1, 6:15

We have expanded on our Prayer Memorization Program to include all students grades 1-5 in each of our Family Programs. The "Teach your children memorized prayer" handout can be found here.

We celebrated All Saints Day Nov. 1

Would you like to learn more about our brothers and sisters the Saints? Here are some resorces.

Middle School Ministry
Middle in the Middle, Novenber 16, will take place offsite this month for a service day! We will meet with the residents at Mission Creek and watch a short video of cartoons from World War II, to spark conversations with them. We will have our snack on our own, there, before parents arrive to take the youth home. Please RSVP .

Grades 6 - 8 had a lesson on Grace and the Sacraments. To illustrate, we used magnets, a pencil, a large nail and containers of smaller nails, magnets and dirt. You can find out more about this lesson, and a sharing question to continue the lesson, on our blog.
High School Ministry
Mission Trip Registration is OPEN! First meeting for youth is next week, so register today.
Have you heard about the life-changing experiences of a youth mission trip?  Do you want to find out more?  Did you miss the meeting on Oct. 2? Find out meeting details here and register today for a 2017 summer Mission Trip.  See the website for images from our trips last summer.

The first  team building meeting is November 14, 6:30 - 7:30pm.  All participants are asked to participate. Future meeting dates:  April 24, and May 22, 6:30 - 7:30

Did you know the Archdiocese sponsors a recreational Basketball League for high school youth?  It is called CYM (Catholic Youth Ministry) Basketball.  Our parish will once again participate, and new this year, we are preparing to have both male and female teams.  The registration is now open. Register here or Learn more. If you have any questions regarding CYM Basketball registration, please contact Mary RossiWe will be looking for volunteers to coach the teams.  Please contact the Faith Formation office if you are interested.  
Confirmation Preparation
Upcoming Wednesday night session for Confirmation Preparation is Nov. 16 for grades 9 and 10.    

COLLEGE CARE PACKAGES!!! The 9th/10th grade high school teens will be making Advent/ Exam time care packages for the college students of St. Anthony. If you would like a package sent to a college student please sign up in the Gathering Space or email michaelsm@stanthony.cc. We need their name and complete address! We will be packing the care packages December 7.

Fall Service Day: So many were blessed by the hard work and kindness of our teens!   We sent out 16 groups from our 9th/10th grade Confirmation class to serve the elderly of our parish and community by doing fall yardwork. It was a beautiful day and everyone had a great time!
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament designed especially for teens and young adults, but all are welcome . J oin us! 
Nov. 14,  5:30-6:30pm in the Chapel.
Adult Formation
Buckets and Beliefs:   Sundays, 7-8:30pm

Forming the Catechetical Spirit:  Come for a presentation and discussion on Old Testament/New Testament, Dec. 3, 8:15am-noon. All are welcome! Please contact Ann Fons if you plan to attend.

Women's Advent Morning of Reflection with Mary Matestic will be Dec. 14, 9-11:30AM  Register
Family Program
Praying with the Saints:  
At Family Program we focused on praying with the Saints. We asked a few families to research and report on a Saint. A special thanks to all the families who did this.  
As part of our Family Activity each family member had a chance to vote using "Poll Everywhere" by texting responses of their favorite Saints and specials prayers they are known for. 
Here is the Hotter family from Fellowship Hall on Sunday giving a report on St. Patrick. Above is the Keller Family on Monday in the PLC, reporting on St. Francis.
The adult speaker,  Chad Griesel, the Director of Adult Faith Formation at Old St. Mary parish in Milwaukee, spoke on Mary and the Saints.

He shared a video of Fr. Jim Martin, from his series "Who Cares About the Saints? I Do." 

More info from last session can be found here.

Looking to complete your payment for Family Program? To pay online, click here  and scroll down to payment options.

Upcoming Dates  
Nov. 20 & 21, A family favorite every year - we will be packing food boxes for The House of Peace
Food assignments were in your folders last weekend. Full list can be found here: Family Program Food Assignments

Please call the office or email Maureen if the purchase of the is a hardship for you, or if you would like to help fill the need for assistance and purchase additional food. 
If you cannot be at the next family program when we do this activity, please do bring you food to the office with your family name and program day/room you attend. 

In the Classroom 
Our 5th graders on Sunday morning learned of the importance of doing good and shared ways they try to follow Jesus. 
Family Inspiration 

This summer, we asked our friend Patti, what is prayer to you? View her inspirational story about food tumbling out of her freezer onto the floor.  

Here is a link to a sung version of Mary's Prayer, The Magnificat. Enjoy!

La Petite Family Program
The children learned about the story of Zacchaeus, the tax collector and how he climbed the tree to try to see Jesus.  They are adding a puzzle piece to their puzzle with each story they learn.  We are all excited to pack food boxes for the House of Peace next time during Centers. It's one of the favorite activities they do!

CONGRATULATIONS to Heath Brozovich,
Winner of the Vatican II John Paul II Youth Award

Indeed, you have been called and appointed to share the good news to the youth of our faith community. May God who has begun the good work in you, bring it to fulfillment.
Thank you for your servant leadership...we are so very proud of you!
With love and prayers,
Your faith family of St. Anthony on the Lake Parish

In This Issue
Upcoming Dates
Nov. 10, 2:30 and/or 4:30pm Children's Choir rehearsal.

Nov. 12/13 Quilters' Christmas/Craft Sale before and after each Mass.

Nov. 13 Donut Sunday 

Nov. 14, 5:30-6:30pm SPARK. Stop in for 15min or stay the hour.

Nov. 14, 6:30-7:30pm High School Mission Trip team building meeting.

Nov. 15, 5-8, Support St. Anthony school by eating at Culver's on Grandview.

Nov. 15, 5:45-8:15 Baptism Preparation Session. Register. 

Nov. 15, 6:30pm Evening for Eucharistic Ministers (FH).

Nov. 15, 7pm 2018 Mid-Winter Gala planning meeting.

Nov. 16, 10-11:30am Guardians & Angels 

Nov. 16, 6:15-8pm Middle in the Middle, at Mission Creek..

Nov. 17, 2:30pm and/or 4:30pm Children's Choir rehearsal. Gr. 3-8 can join the choir at anytime!

Nov. 19, 10-11:30am Family Promise Volunteer Training.

Nov. 20/21 Family Program Packing Food Boxes for House of Peace FP Food Assisgnments If you are not in Family Program and would like to contribute, please contact Maureen.

Nov. 22nd 9:30-11am Moms Group.

Nov. 23, 6:30pm Thanksgiving Eve Mass

Nov. 29, following 9:00 Mass, Treat Bags for Seniors

Dec. 1, 10AM Molly Ministry Field Trip to Mission Creek

Dec. 1, 6:15-7:45 First Reconciliation Parent/Child Session

Dec. 4, 4PM, Annual Concert of Lessons and Carols

Make a Difference
sign ups available for several upcoming activities.
Treat Bags for Seniors  - All Ages!
Create a simple craft & pack treats and items in decorated bags for Seniors of Waukesha County after the 9am Mass on November 27th. Project will last an hour and include a light snack. All ages welcome! Sign up.
Have Halloween candy to get rid of? Donations of candy, snacks, etc. are also needed and can be dropped off at the parish offices by November 23rd.
House of Peace Food Boxes - Check & Deliver Nov. 21-23

Family Promise
Family Promise of Waukesha County helps homeless families in our area. Our parish will be helping provide volunteers and meals November 27th-December 3rd at Gethsemane Church in Pewaukee. All new adult volunteers will need to attend a training on Saturday, November 19th from 10-11:30am at St. Anthony. Children are not required to attend the training but are welcome to volunteer with their parents. Please contact Terri Mahoney Ogden for more information or to register for the volunteer training.
Families needed to be Hospitality Greeters
Here at St. Anthony, "All are Welcome!" and...let's all be welcoming!

Mass Servers are needed!  Sign up here

Altar Servers:  If you have gone through the training to be an altar server, here are the handouts:

Children's Choir is open for all 3-8th graders. Join us for rehearsals on Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 or 4:30-5:30. Contact Julie Farrell  to register.

Childcare Volunteers
help care for our little ones 
Mass Helpers Sign-up
St. Vincent DePaul Meal Servers are needed every 4th Sunday.  This is a great opportunity for all, individuals, families, teams etc.  Children 8 or older may help if supervised. More...
Come Along on the Faith Journey of our Children
Feeling called to share your faith? Want to get more involved at our parish? Have gifts you want to share? Contact our faith formation department for opportunities. 
Prayers and Celebrations
Heath Brozovich, Winner of the Vatican II John Paul II Youth Award
Thank you, God, for
Saints in heaven and those saints here on earth that reach out to others, sharing Your love. Thank you, God, for inspiring people to be kind to one another, and share gratitude with each other . All holy men and women, pray for us.
We pray for...
healthy marriages,
friends and family affected by and suffering with cancer and other medical issues,
a friend's dad in ICU, 
our country,
our children and grandchildren,
that all may have food and shelter, 
and gratitude. 
Lord, hear our prayers.
Did you know?
This is National Vocation Awareness Week:
"Over and over again when asked, newly ordained priests and newly professed men and women religious, credit the encouragement of family members, coworkers, friends and clergy, as being a significant factor in their pursuing a vocation."
-Fr. Ralph O'Donnell USCCB's executive director of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations

St. Anthony 2018 Mid-Winter Gala
Planning has begun for the 2018 Mid-Winter Gala!  If you are looking for a fun way to connect with others from our Parish and would like to help plan the fundraiser that supports our Lifelong Faith Formation at St. Anthony, come to the planning meeting on Tuesday, November 15th at 7pm, or click here to sign up.
Schola,  the singing group for ladies in grades 6-12 had its first rehearsal this week. They meet again on Nov. 16, 5:00, preparing for L essons and Carols Dec. 4, and Christmas Eve.   Schedule  
St. Anthony Spirit Wear Site is OPEN!
Ordering will close November 17, in order to get items in time for Christmas.
Now-December 16 (or while supplies last), there will be a limited number of special small denomination gift cards available, perfect for stocking stuffers and holiday gift-giving!
Welcome to our Faith Formation Newsletter! You are receiving this newsletter because we have you listed as having a child age 5 or younger, or are enrolled in our Confirmation or Family Program. We are also sending this to catechists, group leaders, and staff. We hope you find this helpful, informing and nourishing. Here you can expect to find connections: ideas to help your family connect to God; ways to connect to our faith community; connections between faith and family life. You may not find all the information directly relevant for your family at this moment; feel free to click to the sections that are. This new method of communication is meant to reduce the number of emails a family receives, while showing a bigger picture of our parish. On the right are some quick links which will lead you to our website with additional information and items of interest.
             Email:  maureenm@stanthony.cc   |  amideik@stanthony.cc
Phone: 262-691-9170
St. Anthony on the Lake | (262) 691-1173 | http://www.stanthony.cc  facebook
W280N2101 Prospect Ave
Pewaukee, WI 53072