Mary, Queen of
Martyrs Parish News

Biweekly Date: August 4, 2024 / Issue 133

"'Amen, amen, I say to you, it was not Moses who gave the bread from heaven; my Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.'"

Please see the tentative schedule for next year below.

Please be aware that the schedule may be modified before September 1, 2024. If you are aware of any major conflicts, please let the office know ASAP.

MANY THANKS to all of the wonderful volunteers who helped make this year’s VBS a success! Kathy Bom Conselho was our amazing decorator and music station leader; Lauren MacPherson planned crafts for all ages every day; Karen Welsh led skits and taught the children at the faith station; Dot Doherty led the snacks; Preston and Carson Fava the sports station; the Roberts family not only procured a grill and supplies on short notice, but also manned the grill for the cookout on Friday; Mrs. Nickerson, Mrs. Murphy, Ms. Baker, Dominic Mota, Abby Farmer, Raphael Bom Conselho, Miguel Bom Conselho, Riley Isa, Garrett Kelly, Lila Villano, Mae Giroux, and Henri and Lucas Barriere were all amazing small group leaders and helpers. Next year’s VBS will be A MARVELOUS MYSTERY on July 21-25, 2025!


All middle schoolers are invited to join us for a night of fun and games and of course food on August 6, 2024 from 6:00pm-8:00pm at Saint Kateri! Bring a friend or two for our cookout, volleyball game, soccer game, relay races, and s’mores!


AUGUST 18, 2024 at 2:00 PM

We are blessed to have over 50 youth already registered for our middle school program and are expecting upwards of 60 youth this year! The program we used is simple to use, however we need more small group leaders to help the program run smoothly. Small group leaders are given discussion questions, activities, and supplies for roughly 15-20 minutes of small group time for each session. Each session begins with an engaging game or activity followed by a 10 minute teaching. Small group leaders can give the large group lesson if they are comfortable, but this is not something that is expected. Several nights throughout the year are fun nights of basketball, soccer, board games, and more which aim to build community. Email Patsy for more information at


Patsy Gillespie

Director of Faith Formation

Mary, Queen of Martyrs Parish

(508) 746 - 0663 ext. 206


"For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me" (Jeremiah 29:11-14).

Spotlight on Activities

Click Here for Printable Summertime Activities for Kids

The Gift of Laughter

July 31, 2024

Maureen O'Brien


Jesus wanted us to have joy, and often, laughter is a part of that. Yet it can be so elusive. Think of the most recent times where you have laughed. Where were you? Who were you with? Can you feel the beauty of the Spirit there?


God, help me notice when I am laughing,

so I can point my heart straight towards you.

It’s easy to be distracted by despair.

To come to you only in turmoil.

But you desired joy for us, and so today, if there is laughter,

I promise I will linger there, and let the laughter last

even longer.


Do you have a particular friend with whom you always laugh? Take some time to reach out to them today, and let them know how much you value their connection.

A 12-Step Program Based in the Upcoming Sunday Scriptures
All Are Welcome
Mary, Queen of Martyrs Parish
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Church
126 South Meadow Road
Plymouth, MA 02360
Weekly meetings on
6:30 PM—7:30 PM
Please contact Deacon Jim Greer for more information at 617-645-7915
Catholic in Recovery is a nonprofit organization that seeks to serve those suffering from addictions and unhealthy attachments (including alcoholism, drug addiction, pornography addiction, sex and relationship addiction, compulsive overeating and food addiction, gambling addiction, codependency and the impact on family, and general fear,
control, and anxiety).

The Most Important Prayer You Already Know

Laura Kelly Fanucci

Friday 26th of July 2024

Want to hear a secret? You likely know a prayer that can reorient you to everything in your life. And it goes like this:

"Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen."

(Or as you might have learned it growing up: "BlessusOLordandthesethygifts," spoken in one breathless prayer, racing at break-neck speed to get to dinner, stomach rumbling.)

The traditional Catholic grace before meals is familiar to many families, dating all the way back to the Gelasian Sacramentary of the eighth century. The prayer asks God's blessing and offers gratitude for Christ's abundance.

At mealtime, some opt for particular petitions, blessing the food and all the hands who prepared it, or thanking God by name for each person gathered around the table. But there is a beauty in the wideness of this traditional grace, casting a wide net to draw in the bounty that God provides. We become like the disciples, fresh from fishing, amazed at the overflow in our nets.

What's more, the words at the heart of the prayer -- Thy gifts, which we are about to receive -- can open our eyes to all the gifts God is ready to give, beyond the warm food waiting to be enjoyed.

Over the years, these words sprung to mind for me on the threshold of great change, like the final days before we welcomed a new baby. I've found myself praying this line while we were keeping vigil at the deathbed of beloved family members or while wrapping presents on the night before each child's birthday.

In each of these moments, our family was about to receive God's gifts, all over again.

Sometimes the words we rattle off without thinking are precisely the place to pause and reflect. At least three times a day our family sits and speaks these words aloud over meals -- but what other gifts might God be waiting to give us?

More than a mealtime blessing, this prayer invites us to bring our whole selves into a stance of openness toward God: a dependence on divine mercy that will transform our entire life. To pray like this keeps us on our toes, arms open, waiting to receive, trusting that God will provide.

Just as Jesus prayed over meals, from the miracle of the loaves and fishes to the Last Supper, we too return to this daily practice of thanksgiving. We believe that whatever is good, loving and fruitful -- grace beyond what we deserve -- is exactly what God desires to give. We are always about to receive God's gifts, standing in each moment on the threshold of Christ's self-giving love, the same agape we celebrate in the Eucharist.

"Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts" could fittingly be used as morning prayer, orienting us to receive whatever God has to offer today. Or we might pray it as evening prayer, giving thanks for the gift of rest and the promise of another tomorrow.

These familiar words can become a prayer for labor and delivery, a blessing over a new school year, a petition for marriage preparation, or even a prayer in grief, as we strive to trust that God will offer mercy even in our hardest moments.

As we turn from one season to the next, what surprises of grace might be waiting around the corner? Can we trust that God will not only provide, but will pour out blessings upon us?

Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive: always about to receive.

- Laura Kelly Fanucci is a writer, speaker and author of several books, including "Everyday Sacrament: The Messy Grace of Parenting." Her work can be found at

Scott Hahn brought back to the Catholic Faith a great number of persons than many Priests and Bishops could ever do in their entire life time. I believe that one day he will be Counted among the Saints of The Holy Roman Catholic Church.

There will be a Men's Choir Sectional workshop on Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 7:00pm in St. Peter's lower church for all men who are interested in improving their music reading skills. This is for all New and Returning choir members . For more information contact Crystal Payne  at 

There will be a Women's Choir Sectional workshop on Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 7:00pm in St. Peter's lower church for all women who are interested in improving their music reading skills. This is for all New and Returning choir members. For more information contact Crystal Payne at 

St Vincent de Paul Poor Boxes are located near the doors of all three churches. Through your generosity we will be able to continue to help the residents of Plymouth and Carver with their heat, electric and rent. Thank you for your support!

Spotlight on Food Pantries

St. Vincent de Paul at St. Peter’s


The SVdP Food Pantry is held every Friday from 2:30-4:00 PM at the St. Peter Parish Center, 10 Memorial Drive. Thank you to our friends and parishioners who have so kindly remembered the Society, and those we serve, through your generous private gifts, and donations left in the church donation boxes, located at each door of the church. Your kindness helps many.

We are currently in need of: Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Hearty Soups, Cream of Mushroom Soup, Tomato Soup. Donations may be dropped off at the Parish Center or at the church.

If you are in need, please call the office at 508-746-0663 Ext. 307 and leave a message. We can help with resources and aid. You may also call us at this number if you are interested in volunteering for SVdP. 

The Saint Kateri Food Pantry

Tuesdays from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
The Food Pantry is always in need of any non perishable food items such as canned soups, pasta and sauce products, baking goods, cereals, canned tuna or chicken, boxed meals such as Hamburger & Tuna Helpers, canned vegetables and canned fruit and fruit juice. Liquid dish detergent, Kleenex, paper towels, toilet paper and cleaning products are very much needed. Personal hygiene products, such as deodorant, body wash/soap and shampoos are staples in every household and always appreciated!!

Thank you for your continued support of the food pantry!
Saint Kateri Parishioners, we need your help! On the 3rd Tuesday of each month, we receive a large order of food delivered from the Boston Food Bank. This delivery is generally about 3,000 lbs. Our staff is older and unloading this amount of products is difficult for the small group of people who usually help.
PLEASE consider taking an hour of your time to come by the church around 8:30 AM that day to help unload. We meet every third Tuesday of the month!

We now have a food donation box at Saint Kateri in the function hall by the office doorway. You may put your food donations in this box during office hours or after the weekend Masses.

We welcome your donations of new or gently used goods to sell, but can only take them during the hours we are open!

Please, do not leave any items at the door outside of our business hours.
Every Monday 2PM to 5PM
Every Wednesday 10AM to 2PM
Every Thursday 10AM to 2PM
First Saturday of every month
from 10 AM to 2PM
If you like to bake, please consider baking some of your delicious recipes for our bake sale. 

Large heavy 8 ft rectangle tables for sale.

Asking $25.00 for each table.


Large heavy 6ft round tables for sale.

Asking $40.00 each


Please call the parish office (508-746-0663 ext 401) if you are interested in them. 

Celebration of the Priesthood Dinner 2024


In light of the recent passing of Fathers Jack Schatzel and Jim Rafferty, it is fitting highlight that their health and wellness needs during their retirement from public ministry were provided for by the Clergy Trust, an independent trust committed to serving senior, as well as eligible active, priests of the Archdiocese in good standing. A main effort of the Clergy Trust is to support Regina Cleri, the retirement residence for priests located in the West End of Boston, where both Fathers Jack and Jim lived their last days under the care of the nursing team there. The single largest annual fundraiser for the Clergy Trust is the Celebration of Priesthood dinner, which will be held this year Wednesday September 18th, 2024 at the Omni Seaport Hotel in Boston starting at 5:30pm. The night is a hallmark event in the life of the Archdiocese, bringing dozens of parishes, many priests, inspiring stories in ministry, and great food. This year your very own Fr. Joe will be featured in the video that will be played during the dinner, and I am serving on the priest committee reaching out to encourage parish involvement. This year also promises to be a record breaking one, as the lay committee for the dinner has set an aggressive goal in support of our senior priests. It should be an exciting night. Parishes may purchase a full table of 10 seats for $4,000, or a half table of 5 seats for $2,000. If you would be interested in being part of a parish contingent to attend the dinner, would like to donate a dinner seat for someone else to attend in your stead, or would like to make straight donation to the Clergy Trust in honor of Fathers Schatzel and Rafferty, please contact the parish office. As we gage interest, we will decide how many tables to buy. As we thank God for the ministries of Fr. Jack and Fr. Jim, let us also thank the Clergy Trust and its supporters for their work for our retired priests, as well as thanking the Mary, Queen of Martyrs parishioners who were of special support to those faithful priests in their times of need. – Fr. Paul 

There will be a Mass of Installation held for

Fr. Michael Rora on August 18, 2024

at 11:00 am at

Most Blessed Sacrament Church

1155 Main Street in Wakefield, MA.

All are welcome to attend.

Fr. Michael will be installed as the pastor of the Incarnation Church in Melrose.

Congratulations Fr. Michael, we are so proud of you! 

The Weekly Gospel

John 6:24-35

"'Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him the Father, God, as set his seal.'"

Scripture Reflection for Aug. 4, 2024, Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deacon Greg Kandra

Wednesday 31st of July 2024

When you think about it, we got our first clue at Christmas.

It was there, in the very name of the town where Jesus was born: Bethlehem, a word which means in both Aramaic and Hebrew, "House of Bread." His followers shouldn't really have been puzzled or surprised when he told them, as we hear this Sunday in John's Gospel, "I am the bread of life."

It couldn't be any other way.

But the now-famous words that Jesus utters in this passage are obviously about more than just food or sustenance. Jesus is telling us something we urgently need to hear. It's about craving, desire, yearning -- and the gnawing emptiness and holy longing that only he can fill.

It's no accident that this passage in John's Gospel begins with people looking for Jesus -- seeking for him to feed their particular hunger. When they finally find him, he tells them that he does more than provide bread for the multitudes. He turns their expectations upside down and states something bold and new. Searching for bread to feed you? The search is over. Look no further. Here is the bread of life.

Bread, of course, is a staple in every diet around the world. Google tells us that the earliest bread was made around 8,000 years before Christ in the Middle East, most notably in Egypt. Various forms of it eventually materialized in parts of Europe, India, Mexico, and virtually every part of the globe, made not only from wheat but also from corn, barley, and rice. It is truly the universal food.

So, it makes perfect sense that the Savior who came for all would describe himself in a way that can be understood and consumed by all. Here he presents himself as a food that is not only ordinary, but humble and easily accessible.

Which makes his presence for us under the appearance of bread in the Eucharist even more understandable -- and, in fact, even poignant.

It's been said that part of the power of the Incarnation is that through this astounding act the Creator became part of creation. In a similar way, the One who is the source of everything shows a desire to share himself as almost nothing -- a mere crumb of bread, a sliver of baked wheat, something that can be held in the palm of your hand and, even, broken and then shared.

Here is a generous love that almost defies human understanding.

I don't know that any of that mattered to the crowd that traveled by boat to Capernaum, looking for the rabbi who fed them. They were searching for the miracle worker who had done something astounding. Whether they realized it or not, they found someone even more remarkable.

"I am the bread of life," he told them. "Whoever comes to me will never hunger and whoever believes in me will never thirst."

This passage should spur all of us to wonder anew: Just what are we hungering for? What do we search for in Christ Jesus? What do we want him to give us?

The one who fed a multitude continues to feed multitudes today through the Eucharist, through his Word, through his boundless generosity that has redefined for all time mercy, sacrifice and love.

He's more than a wonder worker, more than a rabbi, more than baker who knows how to fill empty stomachs. As a familiar hymn puts it, he satisfies the hungry heart, with gift of finest wheat.

Here is the bread of life.

Who could crave anything more than that?

- Deacon Greg Kandra is an award-winning author and journalist, and creator of the blog, "The Deacon's Bench."

Spotlight on Mass
Mass Streaming

streaming St Peter Sunday 11:30AM

streaming Our Lady of Lourdes Sunday 10AM
Mary, Queen of Martyrs Facebook Page
9:00 am Weekday Mass Schedule is as Follows:

Mondays & Thursdays at
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
Tuesdays & Fridays at
Our Lady of Lourdes

Wednesdays & Saturdays at
Saint Peter’s

Mary, Queen of Martyrs Bulletin

Our bulletin is now available on the new website at

Weekly Eucharistic Adoration
and Confessions
 Please join Fr. Paul for a Holy Hour with Confessions every Tuesday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM at St. Peter's Church (upstairs church and sacristy).
Fr Paul will also lead the Holy Rosary
(15 decades) after the Holy Hour from
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the upstairs church. All are welcomed to attend.


Email to receive occasional updates about this Holy Hour, in event of cancellation, etc.

Bible Study Anyone?

Fr. Joe’s Monthly Bible will be starting up again on September 26, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM at St. Peter’s Parish Center (lunch is included). The class meets once a month for 9 months. Please contact Kathy at 508-746-0663 ext. 401 if you would like to register for these sessions. 

Children's Liturgy of the Word will be taking a break for the summer. We will resume when school begins in September. Enjoy a restful, relaxing and safe summer!

Blessings from the Children’s LiturgyTeam 

Parishioners and Friends of Mary, Queen of Martyrs Parish can now make a one-time or recurring gifts directly on our parish website. Stop worrying about weekly envelopes or mailing in special donations or ministry program fees. Instead, give a gift at any time (from any device that connects to the internet) using a current email and checking account/credit card. It’s simple and secure. You can even turn your tithe into an automatic gift that gives when and how often you’d like with your own online donor account.

to see how easy it is!

We are people of faith, called to live the Gospel!


News from the Diaper Pantry...



   Our mission is to provide supplemental support to families in need of baby diapers. Diapers are a basic need of all babies, essential to their health and well-being. Keeping infants and toddlers clean, dry and healthy helps build the strong foundation all children require to reach their full potential. However, 1 in 2 U.S. families with young children struggles to afford clean diapers for their baby according to The NDBN Diaper Check 2023 Report. Your generous contributions help fill this need. Thank you!


 Diaper size needed this week:

Size 4 & 6

We currently have a good supply of sizes 2 and 3


For questions contact Jeanne at 508 – 591- 3510 or

Diaper donations can be dropped off at the entrances of our three churches before or after Mass, or at the church offices during open hours (Our Lady of Lourdes: Tuesday and Friday 8:30am–12:30pm; St. Peter: Monday through Friday 9:00am–12:30pm)

Thank you for your generosity!

Note: Our latest Diaper Pantry Update and Report to Parishioners is now available! To view the report, please click below, visit our parish website, see the parish newsletter, or pick up a hard copy at our church entrances.

                                                                                              Diaper Pantry Hours


 The 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month (held on the same day as the food pantry, so our clients can have easy access to both vital services)

9:30am–11:00 am at

Saint Kateri Parish Office

Click Here for the Diaper Pantry Update and Report


Learning to pray to learn to live


“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me.”

Revelation 3:20

Looking for new ways to pray? Wishing to experience a more intimate relationship with the Lord? Seeking peace and joy in your life? 

Find out how to become a more understanding, forgiving, and patient person. Give yourself time to go deeper into your encounters with God and let yourself be loved by Him. Learn how to make the Bible a part of your prayer life and how to be transformed by your friendship with Jesus.

Where: Holy Family Church, 601 Tremont St, Duxbury, MA 02332

When: Every Thursday. Choose your preferred time!

Morning: 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or

Evening: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Duration: 15 Weeks (15 Sessions)

Orientation Session: Thursday, August 22, 2024

Start Date: Thursday, August 29, 2024

NO REGISTRATION FEE – Only pay for materials ($14)

Don’t miss this opportunity. Jesus is knocking at your door. Open and see!

To register please call or email:

Mary Crespo at 413-478-51-41,

Dear friends of The Pope Video,

Pope Francis emphasizes the importance of praying for political leaders, inviting us to join him in praying for this intention this month.

In the video accompanying his message, produced by his Worldwide Prayer Network, the Pope reminds us that we cannot “move ahead toward universal fraternity without good politics,” and to be grateful for “the many politicians who carry out their duties with a will to serve, not of power, who put all their efforts toward the common good.

”Even though “politics doesn’t have a very good reputation” today, Pope Francis invites us to see politics as “one of the highest forms of charity,” in search of the common good.

“Let us pray that political leaders be at the service of their own people, working for integral human development and the common good, taking caring of those who have lost their jobs and giving priority to the poorest.”

Please join us at a

 Holy Hour of

Eucharistic Adoration

on Sunday, August 18, 2024

from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

at St. Peter’s Church.

A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent sweetly communing 

with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament." ~ St. Padre Pio ~ 

…. to Pembroke this summer!
You are a leader! Whether you are called to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, single or married life…. are a parent, or are an employee of a parish, a business or beyond, you are a missionary disciple who uses your influence to lead people into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Pastors, pastoral teams, councils, and parishioners too, can improve their leadership skills to bring about a Catholic community that strengthens the Central Ministries of the Archdiocese of Boston and strengthens and invigorates all of parish life!
Invest in your leadership this summer!
Join the Global Leadership Summit on August 8-9, 2024!

• Discover and discern your mission as a disciple.
• Overcome barriers and challenges in leadership.
• Strategize and create vision for your ministry or business.
• Receive inspiration to lead within your area of influence.
• Engage your curiosity, creativity, and persistence in evangelization.
Visit the page for Catholic Parishes here:

  Prayer Requests

 There is a link on our Mary, Queen of Martyrs website available for prayer requests. Please click on the link and you may write out your request.


There is also a Book of Intentions available at each of our churches. You may write your prayer intention directly in the book.


There are prayer angels in our parish community praying for all the intentions and ALL intentions are remembered at all the Masses in our parish community!

The Prayer Life Team

Click Here to Request Prayers
As a Parish We Pray for:
Click To Read the Names of All Who We Pray for Today
Prayer Line
Please call Mary Harmon at 508-746-4989 with your prayer need and it will be passed on from friend to friend.
Spotlight on Vocations
Click Here for Vocations Boston
Sign Up for the Hallow App
Join Dynamic Catholic
This Week on FORMED
Join Taylor and Ben each week as they walk you through amazing content on FORMED! You'll discover all kinds of videos and audio to accompany you during the weekly liturgical calendar, Saint feast days and world events taking place.
This Week on Formed
Click Here for Summer Retreat Information at Glastonbury Abbey

Fall Adult Confirmation

Monday, October 21, 2024


The Sacrament of Confirmation will be offered for adult Baptized Catholics at St. Mary’s in Randolph, MA this fall in an evening ceremony with our Episcopal Vicar for the South Region of the Archdiocese, Fr. Bob Connors. Candidates should reach out to Mary, Queen of Martyrs office by phone or email to register and plan out an appropriate preparation plan with Fr. Paul. Please let your interested friends and family members known as well! 

Women’s Retreat

Lasalette Retreat Center, Attleboro

August 15-18, 2024!

Want to grow in your relationship with Jesus while sharing your faith with other women of the parish? During this beautiful weekend you will spend time getting closer to our Lord when you attend Mass, pray the rosary, and adoration. You will also get to spend some time sharing your faith with other women who will soon become your sisters in Christ. If interested, please email Cindy Baptiste at: or call/text: 508-510-0512.

On Friday, July 26, 2024, the flag at Our Lady of Lourdes was raised in memory of Robert Ashman. The flag was donated by Charlie and Joan Ashman.


If you would like to purchase a 5x9.5 cotton Government Issue Flag ($100) to be flown at Saint Joseph’s Cemetery or Our Lady of Lourdes; or a 4 x 6 Government Issue Flag to fly at Saint Kateri in honor of a loved one, please call Kathy at the parish office, 508-746-0663 ext 401. We will announce the loved ones name when raising the flag (which usually remains up for 3 months) and when we retire the flag. 

Our Catholic faith is a faith of renewal whereby God works to awaken us to new life and perspective. It is in this spirit that we can be instruments of restoration

and support for others. 

Want to get a jump start on giving a gift?

Every donation makes a difference!

Two words, passing and lasting. We're always chasing things in our lives. Sometimes we're chasing things that are passing and sometimes we chase things that are lasting. This reading is about passing and lasting. It's about yearning. It starts out, we read the people were seeking Jesus. They're looking for Him. They're looking for Him. They're searching for Him. When's the last time you actively sought Him out in your life? Was there a situation you were dealing with where you thought, "Hmm, I need Jesus' advice. I need Jesus' counsel. I need His wisdom." 

Click Here to Hear More of Matthew Kelly's Reflection on the Gospel
All Are Welcome!
Do you know you are loved by God?
You belong to Jesus Christ and
you belong with us.
Regardless of:
Your present status in the Catholic Church,
Your current family or marital situation, or personal history, Your age, ability, income, or background,
Your gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity or spirituality, Your own self-image of holiness or virtue.
You are invited, accepted, and respected here at Mary, Queen of Martyrs Parish. We want to share our Roman Catholic way of faith and life in Christ with you.