Mary, Queen of

Martyrs Parish News

Biweekly Date: October 13, 2024 / Issue 138

"Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, 'You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.'"


October 14, 2024

Open Gym 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM St Peter

October 15, 2024

Candle Rosary 5:30 PM St Kateri

October 20, 2024

Grades 1-5 8:15 AM St Peter

Grades 1-5 8:45 AM OLOL

Edge Grades 6-8 4:30 PM St Peter

Confirmation I 6:30 PM St Peter

October 21, 2024

Grades 1-5 4:45 PM St Peter

Candle Rosary

All are invited to join us in praying the Rosary at St. Kateri at 3:00 PM on Saturday, October 19, 2024. A candle will be lit for each “bead” of the Rosary and an image of each decade will be held up to help us meditate on the Mystery. Please email Patsy if you are interested in leading a decade (written prayers and instructions are available), lighting the candles, or holding an image. Children, parents, and grandparents are encouraged to attend this beautiful prayer as we honor the feast of Our Lady of Fatima.


Presentation Mass

Over the next few weeks the teens in our High School Confirmation program will be attending the Masses below to officially enroll in the program and sign their names in a book. Please keep all of these teens in your prayers as they begin this next step of their faith journey. 


October 20, 2024

11:30 am at St. Peter

10:00 am at St. Kateri

October 27 , 2024  

10:00 am at Our Lady of Lourdes


All Saints’ Trunk or Treat

All Hallows’ Eve is a celebration of the saints; help us share the lives of the saints and messages of faith during the town’s Halloween on Main St. event. Volunteer your car to have the trunk decorated, dress up as your favorite saint, donate small trinkets of faith to be given out to the children who come.


We are looking for a couple of volunteers to help prepare dinner for our high school Confirmation Candidates on November 3 at the parish hall at St. Peter’s. All supplies will be provided, we just need some cooks and help with kitchen clean up. Contact Patsy if you are interested in helping out at

Patsy Gillespie

Director of Faith Formation

Mary, Queen of Martyrs Parish

(508) 746 - 0663 ext. 206


"For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me" (Jeremiah 29:11-14).

Spotlight on Activities

20 Sunday School Craft Ideas for Fall

Assisi Nights

October 6, 2024

Stephen Copeland


I thought my pilgrimage to Assisi would be aimed toward solitude, silence, and stillness, as I did not know many people on the trip. I sought healing for my burdened heart and assumed this might unfold, if at all, in solitude and private prayer. My pilgrimage had all of these contemplative elements, but I was surprised to find that the healing and peace I found on that trip came through people and conversations with those who, though once strangers, would grow to become dear friends. This is how God works through the power of community and connection, if we’re open to it.



Was this what Francis did too, perhaps before his conversion, walk these cobblestone streets

joyously, raucously at times, with his friends, singing and laughing and drinking in all that life had to offer?

Did those wild wandering days, in some way, form his spirituality

centered around relationship and joy?

I went to Assisi longing for peace, craving retreat, solitude, some stillness to process the pain—what you gave me was people: strangers, soon to become friends, family.

We walked endlessly each night, down alleyways and hillsides;

we climbed Rocca Maggiore, smoked cigars and prayed;

we removed our shoes and sprinted home, yes, home, in the pouring rain.

We found loved ones we’d lost in each other’s eyes; we found you in the hearts

of those we did not know existed merely days before, there in that city of conversion.


Send a message of gratitude today to someone who has impacted your life, and share how God has worked through them to heal your heart in some way.


Our next Ultreya is at:

Mary, Queen of Martyrs Parish

Saint Kateri Church

126 South Meadow Road

Plymouth, MA


Sunday,October 20, 2024 at

5:00 PM.

Celebrant: Fr Joe Raeke assisted by Deacon Jim

Witness: Lauretta Grant

Music: Laura Grant, Mark Carey & Tim Grant

All are welcome! Please bring a snack to share & spread the word. Come join together with us to celebrate this wonderful Community of faith & to thank God for all of our Blessings! 

Palanca for the Men's Cursillo #391 will be gratefully accepted & delivered. We hope to see you!

(Any questions call Patti & John at 617-678-4306. Also, please rsvp any help with food to be offered if possible. God bless & thanks to all!)

Holy Cross Retreat House Cursillos

October 24-27, 2024 Men's

November 21-24, 2024 Women's

January 30-February 2, 2025 Men's

February 20-23, 2025 Women's

March 20-23, 2025 Men's

April 24-27, 2025 Women's

MQM Ultreya's

October 20, 2024-Saint Kateri

November 17, 2024-Saint Kateri

January 19, 2025-Saint Kateri

February 16, 2025-Saint Kateri

March 9, 2025-Saint Kateri

April 6, 2025-Saint Kateri

May 18, 2025 - OLOL

Deer in the Dusky Evening

Effie Caldarola

Friday 4th of October 2024

On a dusky fall evening, I take a walk down a familiar neighborhood street. Ahead of me, a small deer looks my way at the same moment I spot him. Freezing, I realize he's being followed by seven companions. They dash across the street and disappear into a backyard.

I gaze into the yard, where I see a maze of fences. But I suppose deer can easily jump them.

The encounter brings thoughts of the juxtaposition of our natural environment and the challenges it faces. The news on climate change grows more dire. When I check the local weather, I note how often the day is above normal for warmth. Today, as I write this, it's four degrees above the average daily high. We face melting glaciers, coastal flooding (even when it hasn't been raining), landslides, fires, brutal heat waves.

My town, with walking trails through a beautiful park, is a lovely place. But a major freeway borders one side of town. To disguise this, an embankment was built and trees were planted. If you gaze down a dead-end street in that part of town, you see lovely homes, a bucolic setting of grasses, trees and, yes, deer. But listening, you hear the continual rumble of fast-moving traffic. It's the sound of our dependence on fossil fuel, a nagging reminder of our environmental challenge.

We long for technological answers, and, hopefully, some will be forthcoming. But at heart, does not our fate rest on our personal commitment to living a more sustainable and simple lifestyle?

Addressing an environmental conference in 2021, Cardinal Blasé Cupich of the Archdiocese of Chicago said, "I am convinced that it is useless to talk about advancing a culture of life absent a vigorous commitment -- both by individuals and communities -- to making the sacrifices required for improving the socioeconomic, ecological and political crises of our time."

This includes a commitment by churches and church leadership. Cardinal Cupich announced in 2023 that the Chicago Archdiocese, including its nearly 400 parishes, schools, and offices, is shifting its entire electricity purchase to 100 percent renewable in 2024.

In 2015, Pope Francis gave the world his first environmental encyclical, "Laudato Si, on Care for Our Common Home." It's a beautiful, thought-provoking call to end the greed and consumerism that threaten our mother Earth. In it, he quotes from other popes, John XXIII, Paul VI, Benedict XVI who also warned of the dangers to the earth, to the poor and to our children from our unbridled consumption.

The dangerous individualism that we Americans cultivate sometimes makes us forget the poor and the earth itself in our quest for economic growth, success and more "stuff." Are we challenged on this issue from the pulpit?

"This is why the earth herself, burdened and laid waste, is among the most abandoned and maltreated of our poor," writes Francis.

Pope Francis chose his name as pontiff from St. Francis of Assisi, and in the introduction to "Laudato Si," he quotes from the Canticle of the Creatures given us by this saint: "St. Francis of Assisi reminds us that our common home is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us. 'Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us ...'"

Viewed in this light, our buying habits, our consumerism and our wastefulness become moral choices.

As we look forward to St. Francis of Assisi's feast day on Oct. 4, may we pray to St. Francis for the freedom of simplicity and a renewed commitment to our mother Earth.

- Effie Caldarola is a columnist with the Catholic News Service.

Journey from Grief to Healing 


You are invited to come for sharing and healing In a

prayerful small group setting.

Mary, Queen of Martyr’s Parish Grief and Loss Support group begins on Tuesday evening, October 8th through December 10th from 6:30PM to 8:00PM at St. Kateri Church. The group will meet once per week for 9 sessions. The facilitators of the group are Meredith Scott and Betty Whittaker. Please call Kathy Benton, parish administrator, to register: 508-746-0663 ext. 401 

A 12-Step Program Based in the Upcoming Sunday Scriptures
All Are Welcome
Mary, Queen of Martyrs Parish
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Church
126 South Meadow Road
Plymouth, MA 02360
Weekly meetings on
6:30 PM—7:30 PM
Please contact Deacon Jim Greer for more information at 617-645-7915
Catholic in Recovery is a nonprofit organization that seeks to serve those suffering from addictions and unhealthy attachments (including alcoholism, drug addiction, pornography addiction, sex and relationship addiction, compulsive overeating and food addiction, gambling addiction, codependency and the impact on family, and general fear,
control, and anxiety).

Project Rachel

Post-Abortion Healing Retreats

November 16, 2024


Are you-or someone you know-seeking peace after an abortion? The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston extends a special invitation to women experiencing regret from a past abortion to attend a "Come to the waters of Healing" one-day retreat on Saturday, November 16, 2024 (9 am – 5 pm). Location is confidential. For more information on retreats or other services, contact Project Rachel at 508-651-3100 or

St Vincent de Paul Poor Boxes are located near the doors of all three churches. Through your generosity we will be able to continue to help the residents of Plymouth and Carver with their heat, electric and rent. Thank you for your support!

Spotlight on Food Pantries

St. Vincent de Paul at St. Peter’s


The SVdP Food Pantry is held every Friday from 2:30-4:00 PM at the St. Peter Parish Center, 10 Memorial Drive. Thank you to our friends and parishioners who have so kindly remembered the Society, and those we serve, through your generous private gifts, and donations left in the church donation boxes, located at each door of the church. Your kindness helps many.

We are currently in need of: Baked Beans, Granola Bars, Pop Tarts, Beef Stew, Green Beans. Donations may be dropped off at the Parish Center or at the church.

If you are in need, please call the office at 508-746-0663 Ext. 307 and leave a message. We can help with resources and aid. You may also call us at this number if you are interested in volunteering for SVdP. 

The Saint Kateri Food Pantry


Tuesdays from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM


The Food Pantry is always in need of any non perishable food items such as canned soups, pasta and sauce products, baking goods, cereals, canned tuna or chicken, boxed meals such as Hamburger & Tuna Helpers, canned vegetables and canned fruit and fruit juice. Liquid dish detergent, Kleenex, paper towels, toilet paper and cleaning products are very much needed. Personal hygiene products, such as deodorant, body wash/soap and shampoos are staples in every household and always appreciated!!

Thank you for your continued support of the food pantry!


Mary, Queen of Martyrs Parishioners, we need your help! On the 3rd Tuesday of each month, we receive a large order of food delivered from the Boston Food Bank. This delivery is generally about 3,000 lbs. Our staff is older and unloading this amount of products is difficult for the small group of people who usually help.


PLEASE consider taking an hour of your time to come by the church around 8:30 AM that day to help unload. We meet every third Tuesday of the month!

We now have a food donation box at Saint Kateri in the function hall by the office doorway. You may put your food donations in this box during office hours or after the weekend Masses.

We welcome your donations of new or gently used goods to sell, but can only take them during the hours we are open!

Please, do not leave any items at the door outside of our business hours.
Every Monday 2PM to 5PM
Every Wednesday 10AM to 2PM
Every Thursday 10AM to 2PM
First Saturday of every month
from 10 AM to 2PM
If you like to bake, please consider baking some of your delicious recipes for our bake sale. 

A Mass of Remembrance:

On Saturday, November 2, 2024 at the 4:00 PM Masses at St. Peter’s and Saint Kateri and the 5:00 PM Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes, we will remember the members of our parish community who have died during this past year by reading their names during the General Intercessions and lighting candles in their memory. Those remembered are generally those deceased who have been buried from our parishes during the past 12 months. However, as members of our parish, if during the past 12 months you have suffered the loss of an immediate family member who was not buried from our parishes and you would like that person included in the memorial at Mass, you may contact the office with the name of your family member no later than Monday, October 28, 2024. 

On Friday, July 26, 2024, the flag at Our Lady of Lourdes was raised in memory of Robert Ashman. The flag was donated by Charlie and Joan Ashman.


If you would like to purchase a 5x9.5 cotton Government Issue Flag ($100) to be flown at Saint Joseph’s Cemetery or Our Lady of Lourdes; or a 4 x 6 Government Issue Flag to fly at Saint Kateri in honor of a loved one, please call Kathy at the parish office, 508-746-0663 ext 401. We will announce the loved ones name when raising the flag (which usually remains up for 3 months) and when we retire the flag. 


Sunday, October 27, 2024

at 11:30 AM

To the Celebration of the Eucharist

and Luncheon

Mary, Queen of Martyrs All are Welcome Ministry

Come join Fr. Joe for Mass on Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 11:30 AM at St. Kateri Church, as we celebrate God’s great love for each and every one of us. Our ministry includes members, family, and friends of the LGBTQ+ community and is committed to making all feel valued, respected, and loved.  We’ll also enjoy a luncheon reception after Mass, so please join us for prayer, food, fellowship, and fun - we hope to see you there. And feel free to bring something to share if the spirit moves you!

On October 16, 2024, at the Marriott in Burlington, Massachusetts, we will commemorate 175 years of courage, dedication and service to the community. Since the arrival of the three Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in Boston in November 1849, their journey has been a profound commitment to making God's goodness known through education and advocacy, especially for women and children. We hope you will join us! Learn more at

For more information, please call Linda Micciche at 617-387-2500 or email 

St. Francis of Assisi in Braintree will be having a "Watch Party” in their Church Hall on October 31st for the Installation of Bishop Henning. The Parish will host the gathering for anyone who would like to get together to watch the installation of Bishop Henning. The ritual of installation takes place at the beginning of the Mass at 2pm. That should be noted. The Eucharist follows the installation process. All are welcome to drop by for as long as they can and enjoy the company. 

It was a beautiful day for the

Blessing of the Animals.

Thank you Deacons Dan & Dick! 

Fr. Joe has been hacked AGAIN!!

If you get a text or email from Fr. Joe asking for gift cards or cash please know that Fr. Joe would NEVER ask anyone to purchase gift cards or send money. If you get an email or text from him, please do not purchase or send money!! Call the parish office to verify any email or text that you receive asking for these items. Thank You!

The Weekly Gospel

Mark 10:17-30

"'Children, how hard it is to enter the kindgdom of God! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.' They were exceedingly astonished and said among themselves, 'Then who can be saved?' Jesus looked at them and said, 'For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.'"

Scripture Reflection for Oct. 13, 2024, Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deacon Greg Kandra

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Jesus showed that gaining the kingdom of heaven requires more than simple piety and faithful obedience. It demands a sense of charity and surrender -- not just giving what we own, but giving who we are.

Think it's easy to gain eternal life? Think again. That message lies at the heart of this Sunday's Gospel, the familiar story from St. Mark about a rich young man who approached Jesus with a sincere question -- but who got an answer he didn't expect or, frankly, want.

Getting into heaven, it turns out, involves more than just being good and following rules. It involves a kind of complete surrender -- and for the rich young man, it was more than he bargained on.

"You are lacking in one thing," Jesus told him. "Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me."

That's hard enough for someone young and rich with many possessions; but what about the rest of us? Christ's message here goes beyond money and wealth. It is not only about the things we possess, but about the things that possess us.

"Children," Jesus explained, "how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God!" Only after he said that did Jesus qualify it to refer explicitly to someone with great wealth. The fact remains: salvation doesn't come easily, no matter what your circumstances in life.

Confronted with this provocative episode, it's worth asking ourselves: what are the things we own -- or that own us -- that make it hard for us to enter the kingdom of heaven? What is holding us back or weighing us down? For some, of course, it might be material wealth. But for others, it may be harder to name. Are we being held back by fear? Are we anxious or unable to place our trust in God? Are we too attached to our own sins -- pride, greed, pettiness, bigotry, anger?

Do we measure our lives by what we get, win, achieve, earn -- rather than by what we sacrifice or give for others?

Among our possessions, do we think at all about our capacity to love God and serve one another?

It's notable that when Jesus addressed the rich young man, he didn't ask him to simply do away with worldly things; no, he commanded him to do something else, to sacrifice for others in a very particular way. Here, as he did so often, Jesus was showing his compassion and preferential option for the poor.

It's also worth remembering: there are many kinds of poverty and many types of need. How do we try to address those needs in our own world? What about those who need consolation, or empathy, or prayer? Do we strive in our own lives to help those who are poor in self-esteem or hungry for dignity? Do we make an effort to defend the defenseless or help the helpless?

A lot of us are wealthy in ways that have nothing to do with material possessions or money. We may have loving families, supportive spouses, a sense of peace and self-worth that might elude some of our neighbors. Do we open our arms and our hearts to those who feel cut off, marginalized, alone, lost?

Here and elsewhere, Jesus showed that gaining the kingdom of heaven requires more than simple piety and faithful obedience. It demands a sense of charity and surrender -- not just giving what we own, but giving who we are. It demands, in a real sense, to be like Christ.

Are we ready to do that?

Among other things, the scriptures this Sunday call on us to remember what really matters. The first reading, from Wisdom, compares gold to sand and silver to mire. Wisdom and prudence are what have the most value.

Likewise, in Christ's teaching, generosity, sacrifice and charity are priceless. They point the way to eternal life, and this invaluable lesson: we are saved not by what we get, but by what we give -- and how we love.

- Deacon Greg Kandra is an award-winning author and journalist, and creator of the blog, "The Deacon's Bench."

Spotlight on Mass
Mass Streaming

streaming St Peter Sunday 11:30AM

streaming Our Lady of Lourdes Sunday 10AM
Mary, Queen of Martyrs Facebook Page
9:00 am Weekday Mass Schedule is as Follows:

Mondays & Thursdays at
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
Tuesdays & Fridays at
Our Lady of Lourdes

Wednesdays & Saturdays at
Saint Peter’s

Mary, Queen of Martyrs Bulletin

Our bulletin is now available on the new website at

Weekly Eucharistic Adoration
and Confessions
 Please join Fr. Paul for a Holy Hour with Confessions every Tuesday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM at St. Peter's Church (upstairs church and sacristy).
Fr Paul will also lead the Holy Rosary
(15 decades) after the Holy Hour from
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the upstairs church. All are welcomed to attend.


Email to receive occasional updates about this Holy Hour, in event of cancellation, etc.

Bible Study Anyone?

Fr. Joe’s Monthly Bible Study is on October 24, 2024, meeting from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM at St. Peter’s Parish Center (lunch is included). The class meets once a month for 9 months. Please contact Kathy at 508-746-0663 ext. 401 if you would like to register for these sessions. 

The Children's Liturgy of the Word has resumed and all children are welcome to participate during the 9:30 am Mass at St. Peter.

After the opening prayer, the priest will invite the children to come forward and they will be led to the lower church for the Liturgy of the Word. They will hear the same readings and will have a discussion about the Gospel at their level.

Parents are welcome to accompany young children and those who are nervous.

The children will return upstairs around the time of the offertory and return directly to you. 

Parishioners and Friends of Mary, Queen of Martyrs Parish can now make a one-time or recurring gifts directly on our parish website. Stop worrying about weekly envelopes or mailing in special donations or ministry program fees. Instead, give a gift at any time (from any device that connects to the internet) using a current email and checking account/credit card. It’s simple and secure. You can even turn your tithe into an automatic gift that gives when and how often you’d like with your own online donor account.

to see how easy it is!

We are people of faith, called to live the Gospel!





Our babies are growing! We generally need the larger size diapers as babies grow out of the small sizes very quicky. The average time a baby needs sizes 1 & 2 is 4 months but they can stay in sizes 4 through 6 for over a year. We appreciate your continued generosity and support. Thank you! 

 Diaper size needed this week:

Size 3T, 4T, 5 & Wipes

For questions contact Jeanne at 508 – 591- 3510 or

Diaper donations can be dropped off at the entrances of our three churches before or after Mass, or at the church offices during open hours (Our Lady of Lourdes: Tuesday and Friday 8:30am–12:30pm; St. Peter: Monday through Friday 9:00am–12:30pm)

Thank you for your generosity!

Note: Our latest Diaper Pantry Update and Report to Parishioners is now available! To view the report, please click below, visit our parish website, see the parish newsletter, or pick up a hard copy at our church entrances.

                                                                                              Diaper Pantry Hours


 The 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month (held on the same day as the food pantry, so our clients can have easy access to both vital services)

9:30am–11:00 am at

Saint Kateri Parish Office

Click Here for the Diaper Pantry Update and Report

Open your hearts to life! October is Pro-life Month.


 Mary, Queen of Martyrs Parish sponsors an annual baby shower. This year your donations will go to Friends of the Unborn. Our baby baskets/cradle will be at the back of all 3 of our churches on the weekend of October 26/27. A list will be provided, please give what you can. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support in this wonderful program.

HOLY HOUR – SUNDAY, October 20, 2024

Please join us at a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration on Sunday, October 20th from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at St. Peter’s Church, and experience the warmth and love of the Real Presence of Our Lord. 


              BE A S.H.E.P.H.E.R.D.!


The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) encourages all Catholics to join them in the ‘Become a SHEPHERD: Stop Human Trafficking and Exploitation, Protect, Help, Empower, and Restore Dignity’ effort. In the coming months, we’ll highlight ways that you can become a SHEPHERD.

This week’s suggestion:

LEARN about how you can help local efforts to assist survivors of trafficking.  Our own parish’s Bags of Love & Hope project furnishes personal care items to survivors. 

In addition, the O’Connell House in Lowell provides comprehensive services for women who have been trafficked who may also be pregnant or with a young child. It is a place where dignity will be restored and healing can occur. You may make a monetary contribution or help by donating a variety of needed household items. Please visit, or scan the QR code below to learn more. Thank you! 



The Mary, Queen of Martyrs Bags of Love & Hope project, which distributes backpacks filled with practical, everyday items to vulnerable victims and survivors of human trafficking, is looking to include handknitted (and crocheted!) hats, scarves, and handwarmers in our bags this winter.

If you’re a knitter and would like to help, you may prefer to use your own favorite patterns and/or yarn OR, we can supply patterns and yarn, if needed. To learn more, please contact us at Thank you!


This month, Pope Francis reminds us of the importance of walking together, making ourselves “co-responsible for the Church’s mission.” He also emphasizes that priests are not “the bosses of the laity, but their pastors,” and that “Jesus called us, one and others – not one above others…but complementing each other. We are community.” To view the video, click above.

A Parish “Book” Discussion Opportunity


Let’s talk about Pope Francis’ Encyclical, Laudato Si, on Care of Our Common Home!

Come and enjoy some light refreshment and gather from

2:30pm-3:30pm in

St. Peter lower Church on Sunday afternoons:

November 10, 2024

November 24, 2024

December 1, 2024

Laudato Si’ is an encyclical of Pope Francis published in May 2015. It focuses on care for the natural environment and all people, as well as broader questions of the relationship between God, humans, and the Earth. Laudato Si’ is addressed to “every living person on this planet” (LS 3). It is offered as part of an ongoing dialogue within the Catholic Church and between Catholics and the wider world.

Interested? Please come!

Books will be made available as folks register.

A discussion guide will be provided.

To register please call the Parish Office by November 4, 2024.

Click Here to Register: Hope for Our Common Home: Catholics Caring for Creation

NEW Small Faith Sharing Groups Beginning!!

NEW faith sharing groups are now being offered to the parish community.

There is a group beginning on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 for Advent, once per week for 4 weeks via ZOOM at 7:00 PM.

Please contact Ann Cussen at if you would like to sign up for this group.

  Prayer Requests

 There is a link on our Mary, Queen of Martyrs website available for prayer requests. Please click on the link and you may write out your request.


There is also a Book of Intentions available at each of our churches. You may write your prayer intention directly in the book.


There are prayer angels in our parish community praying for all the intentions and ALL intentions are remembered at all the Masses in our parish community!

The Prayer Life Team

Click Here to Request Prayers
As a Parish We Pray for:
Click To Read the Names of All Who We Pray for Today
Spotlight on Vocations
Click Here for Vocations Boston
Sign Up for the Hallow App
Join Dynamic Catholic
This Week on FORMED
Join Taylor and Ben each week as they walk you through amazing content on FORMED! You'll discover all kinds of videos and audio to accompany you during the weekly liturgical calendar, Saint feast days and world events taking place.
This Week on Formed

Saint Kateri Parish in Exeter, RI is having their 12th annual celebration of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha's canonization on Sunday, October 20, 2024 at their 10:00 AM Mass followed by a turkey dinner. Monsignor Gerald Sabourin has extended an invitation to all Pilgrims who attended the canonization in Rome. He has asked Pilgrims to share a memory from this Pilgrimage. If you will not be attending, you are invited to share a memory. Please RSVP with your attendance or your special memory to Linda Pittella at, by October 15th. Those who will be attending are invited to carpool from our St Kateri Church. Thank you!

Secular Franciscans meet at St. Mary's Parish Center, 327 Court St. in North Plymouth at 7 p.m., the first Tuesday of every month. If you think you might have a vocation to be Secular Franciscan (a person who strives to live the Gospel by following a rule of life written by St. Francis and approved by the Church) or would like to know more about the Secular Franciscan way of life call Ellen McDermott (774-216-9671) or stop by on our meeting night. We would love to see you.

Mary Queen of Martyrs Knights of Columbus Council 9822 meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Hall at 7:00 PM.





Losing a child under any circumstance is devastating.

Focusing on the spirituality of the grieving process can help. 

The Emmaus Ministry is for parents whose children of any age, have died by any cause, no matter how long ago. The purpose of this retreat is to give yourself the gift of time on your spiritual journey.


Please join Fr. Joe and other parent companions at

Our Lady of Lourdes 

130 Main St. Carver, MA


Registration is required

Detailed information and registration to follow


Learn about other Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents retreats at 

All Are Welcome!
Do you know you are loved by God?
You belong to Jesus Christ and
you belong with us.
Regardless of:
Your present status in the Catholic Church,
Your current family or marital situation, or personal history, Your age, ability, income, or background,
Your gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity or spirituality, Your own self-image of holiness or virtue.
You are invited, accepted, and respected here at Mary, Queen of Martyrs Parish. We want to share our Roman Catholic way of faith and life in Christ with you.