• Winter Retreat Sign-up - NOW!!!
  • Pageant Practice "Dress Rehearsal" - December 10
  • Elementary Youth Group - December 10
  • High School Youth Group - December 10


  • Family Christmas Program - December 17, 9:00am Worship
  • Middle School Youth Group - December 17

Please SIGN-UP, below each activity there is a link to the sign-up form. Please take a moment to do this, so I can plan accordingly. Thank you in advance! - Angie


High School Youth - Summer 2024 Info. Meeting!

Sunday, December 10, 10:30am

Parents and high school youth are invited and encouraged to come to an informational meeting during the Sunday School hour in the youth room. I will go over the proposed schedule, planned logistics, dates and costs. I will also answer any questions you may have (or will find out the answers for you!)

This looks to be an amazing opportunity for our youth and I can't wait to escort them there!

Christian Education

Just a reminder: No Sunday School on Sunday, December 24 & 31.

I have made some changes to the program that we have been performing in years past, in hopes to have a better fit with the amazing personalities and ages of our current youth participants.  

The program will be during the 9:00 am worship service on Sunday, Dec. 17.


  • We will have a “dress” rehearsal on Sunday, December 10 from 11:15 - Noon.

Please let Angie know if you will be able to participate. (Youth age 3 - HS)

Youth Christmas Program


Have a meal, hang out, discuss a devo. And play some games.


Youth Group

(1st - 5th grade)


Sunday, Dec. 10

Noon - 1:30pm

(following pageant practice)

High School

Youth Group

(9th - 12th grade)


Sunday, Dec. 10

5:00 - 7:00pm

Middle School

Youth Group

(9th - 12th grade)


Sunday, Dec. 17

5:00 - 7:00pm


January 5-7, 2024

Middle School &

High School Youth

Winter Retreat

We are returning to camp Timber-Lee for a fun-filled winter weekend!

We will leave church on Friday, Jan. 5 at 5:30pm and return on Sunday, Jan. 7 around 12:30pm.

The cost per youth is $80. We ask that you pay a deposit of half the amount to the church office ASAP.

We are in need of an adult MALE chaperone, sign-up if you are interested! Chaperones are FREE!


Friends are ALWAYS

welcome to join us for any activities from Youth and Family Ministry!


Questions? Contact me! Angie Schatz

Email Angie