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Sunday, February 2, 2025
Presentation of Our Lord
Worship Services at 8 a.m., 10:15 a.m., & 5 p.m.
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Malachi 3:1-4
My messenger is a refiner and purifier.
Psalm 84
How dear to me is your dwelling, O Lord. (Ps. 84:1)
Hebrews 2:14-18
Jesus shares human flesh and sufferings.
Luke 4:21-30
Jesus says a prophet is not accepted in his hometown.
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Make Your Pledge This Sunday, Feb. 2 | |
This coming Sunday is Pledge Sunday, the annual day on which we have the opportunity to commit to the Lord by pledging our gifts to the ministry at Faith Lutheran for the coming year.
In thanksgiving for God’s blessings in the past and in anticipation of God’s provisions in the future, please plan to place your pledge card in the offering plate during any of the three worship services; extra pledge cards are available on the table in the narthex.
“Remember this: Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:6-7).
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Souper Bowl! Support the Team of Your Choice with a Donation | |
Get ready for the Souper Bowl! During the next two Sundays, place donations of canned soup on one of the tables in fellowship hall – one table for the Philadelphia Eagles and one for the Kansas City Chiefs. Donations of toilet paper, which are much needed, also count.
The team with the most donations wins this year’s Faith Souper Bowl … and our neighbors who visit the Faith Food Pantry will be winners as they benefit from your generosity.
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Join in Prayer and Bible Study | |
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Adult Forum meets between the two morning worship services in the conference room to study “Israel’s Mission.” This Sunday, the group will delve into Lesson 5, The Seeking Father: The Lost Son Returns. All are welcome.
Women of Faith meet for breakfast, prayer and camaraderie at 8:30 a.m., Monday, Feb. 3, at Skillets, 8635 S. Tamiami Trail. Questions? See Pastor Marianne or email her,
Men of Faith meet for breakfast and prayer at 8:30 a.m. this Tuesday, Feb. 4, at Skillets, 8635 S. Tamiami Trail.
G.I.F.T.S. (Growing in Faith Through Scripture) Women’s Bible study meets at 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays in the library to focus on "Leaning on Jesus: A Study of God's Strength."
Adult Bible Study with Pastor Larry meets 9:30-10:30 a.m. Wednesdays through Feb. 19 in the second-floor classroom across from the elevator. Participants sit at the feet of Professor Amy-Jill Levine as they read from study books and the Bible. First timers are warmly welcome!
The Prayer Support Group meets at 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays in the chapel to pray for all in need, our community, nation and world, and to share Holy Communion.
The Bereavement Group meets at 3:15 p.m. Wednesdays in the chapel. If you or a friend can use help bearing the burden of grief, this group is for you.
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Worship to Go needs additional helpers! You can participate at:
10:45 a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 11, at Elancé, next door to Faith, 3260 Lake Pointe Blvd., Tiffany Room.
1:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 18, at Angels Senior Living, 5750 Honore Ave.
10:30 a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 25, at Avavilla Memory Care, 3251 Proctor Road.
Volunteers will meet in the chapel and can carpool to the facility (30 minutes prior). To join in, contact Pastor Eric directly, 716-352-0055, or show up at the chapel. No experience necessary!
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Mary Circle Meets Feb. 11 | |
Mary Circle meets at noon, Tuesday, Feb. 11, in fellowship hall for a monthly luncheon meeting featuring a talk by Linda Burton. She will discuss the impact of the Faith Food Pantry on our community and how it changes lives.
All women are warmly invited. Come and try it out! Bring your lunch. Dessert is provided.
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Plan to Attend the Feb. 23 Annual Meeting | |
The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held at 11:45 a.m., Sunday, February 23, 2025, following the 10:15 a.m. worship service.
All voting members are encouraged to attend either in person, by video, or by phone (call-in). Details for each option are as follows:
- Attend in person at Faith Lutheran in the sanctuary. Voting will be anonymous.
- Attend by video using the Zoom program on your computer, tablet or phone. During the meeting, a Zoom coordinator will seek an anonymous vote from each person separately. To connect via Zoom on Sunday at 11:30 a.m. (before the meeting begins), type or copy the following link into your internet browser:
Meeting ID: 884 5915 6804
Passcode: 729720
- Attend by phone (voice only) by calling +1 646 558 8656 at 11:30 a.m. (before the meeting begins). You will be prompted to enter the Meeting ID 884 5915 6804 and Passcode 729720. You will then be able to hear and participate in the live meeting. Please note that this option does not allow for anonymous voting. You will be able to vote if you wish, but it will not be anonymous.
NOTE: Those attending the meeting by video or phone should log in or call at 11:30 a.m. so we can run the virtual side of this meeting with ease and make sure that everyone is linked up appropriately.
Definition of Membership
Chapter 8.
*C8.01. Members of this congregation shall be those baptized persons on the roll of this congregation at the time that this constitution is adopted and those who are admitted thereafter and who have declared and maintain their membership in accordance with the provisions of this constitution and its bylaws.
*C8.02. Members shall be classified as follows:
a. Baptized members are those persons who have been received by the Sacrament of Holy Baptism in this congregation, or, having been previously baptized in the name of the Triune God, have been received by certificate of transfer from other Lutheran congregations or by affirmation of faith.
b. Confirmed members are baptized persons who have been confirmed in this congregation, those who have been received by adult baptism or by transfer as confirmed members from other Lutheran congregations, or baptized persons received by affirmation of faith.
c. Voting members are confirmed members. Such confirmed members, during the current or preceding calendar year, shall have communed in this congregation and shall have made a contribution of record to this congregation. Members of this congregation who have satisfied these basic standards shall have the privilege of voice and vote at every regular and special meeting of this congregation as well as the other rights and privileges ascribed to voting members by the provisions of this constitution and its bylaws. They shall not have voted as a seasonal member of another congregation of this church in the previous two calendar months.
Notice of Constitutional Change
The purpose of the change that appears below is to allow the Treasurer to continue to serve beyond the standard two-year officer term limit. This change is necessary to ensure that Faith Lutheran maintains the high standard of financial reporting and control that has been developed over the past two years.
Proposed Constitutional Change
C11.02. The Congregation Council shall elect its officers and they shall be the officers of this congregation. The officers shall be elected by written ballot and shall serve for one year or until their successors are elected. Their terms shall begin at the close of the annual meeting which they are elected.
C11.03. No officer shall hold more than one office at a time. No elected officer shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
C11.02. The Congregation Council shall elect its officers and they shall be the officers of this congregation. The officers shall be elected by written ballot and shall serve for one year or until their successors are elected. If a treasurer is not elected, the Congregation Council may appoint the treasurer from the voting membership of the congregation for a one-year term. The officers’ terms of office shall begin at the close of the Congregation Council organizational meeting immediately following the annual meeting at which they are elected.
C11.03. No officer shall hold more than one office at a time. No elected officer shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
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Special Events Feature Jazz
and Health News | |
Jazz & love will be in the air in February. As part of the Lutheran Concert Series, don’t miss The Sean Fitzpatrick Trio with Emma Apsel’s hypnotic vocals at 7 p.m., Feb. 15 at Faith.
Sean has made a name for himself as an innovative, imaginative pianist. His distinctive approach to performing and composing has garnered raves from audiences and fellow musicians throughout the U.S. and abroad. Combining a dynamic musical personality with a diverse, thoughtful artistic vision, Sean has become an in-demand pianist on the jazz and creative music scene in New York City and beyond.
To purchase tickets, which are $30 each, click here.
Sean and Emma also will lead us in a special Jazz Mass at 6 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 16. That service is in lieu of the regular 5 p.m. Sunday service.
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Brunch and learn about health. Plan to be there as Dr. Richard Crank, board certified orthopedic surgeon, shares vital information and practices that lead to enhanced wellbeing.
Breakfast is served at 9:30 a.m. and presentations begin at 10 a.m. on two upcoming Saturdays in fellowship hall:
Feb. 22: Bursitis, tendonitis and fasciitis - understanding your options.
March 1: Bone health and fall prevention - what can you do?
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Dedicate a Memorial Garden Bench to a Loved One | |
The safety and property teams have removed the old, rusty benches from the memorial garden and have procured 10 new weatherproof benches that will soon be delivered and installed.
You are invited to dedicate a bench in honor of a loved one or to the glory of God. Bench dedications are $500 each and are available on a first come basis while supplies last - as of this morning (Friday, Jan. 31), only a few remain. Please understand that we expect that there will be more interest in dedication than benches available.
To dedicate a bench, bring a check or cash to Faith Lutheran’s office during office hours. Thank you!
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Faith Needs Your Photo for the New Pictorial Directory | |
Please remember to have your photo taken! You may sign up at the studio door at the rear of the sanctuary. Thank you! Please see Lauren Wardach,, with any questions.
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Move to the Music During Zumba Class | |
Zumba class begins at 6 p.m. Mondays in the Community Center (gym). All fitness levels are welcome! It is free for congregation members, and a voluntary donation from non-members is appreciated. Join in the fun!
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Need a Ride to Church?
Contact Pastor Eric
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Faith will pay for Uber or Lyft to bring you or others to worship or other events.
Contact Pastor Eric to make arrangements, 716-352-0055.
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Consider Donating Altar Flowers in Honor or Memory | |
Please consider donating altar flowers in honor of a special occasion, in memory of a loved one or to glorify God.
The cost is $30 for one vase or $60 for two vases. For each week, we can have either one donor for both vases, or two donors for one vase each. Make checks payable to Faith Lutheran Church, and indicate "altar flowers" in the memo line.
Check the altar flowers donation board in fellowship hall to see if your desired date is available. If not, please choose an alternate date. The next open dates are Feb. 16, March 9 and April 6.
When you purchase altar flowers, your name and dedication will be published in the bulletin on your selected Sunday. To make a dedication:
At church, complete an Altar Flowers envelope with your payment, and place it in the offering plate. Indicate your wish to keep or donate the flowers on the donation board in fellowship hall. You also can include a note in the envelope with your donation or call the church office.
- By mail, send payment with a note indicating your desired date and dedication, and if you want to keep the flowers or donate them.
By email or phone, contact the church office with your desired date and dedication, and whether you want to keep or donate the flowers. Pay through the altar flowers option on the Faith website.
If you have questions or specific requests about who or what organization should receive flowers that you purchased and choose to donate, contact Joan Hirsch, 941-726-7885.
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Coffee Hour Is Important!
Please Volunteer to Set Up, Clean Up
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Coffee hour is an important fellowship ministry at Faith that needs additional volunteers. All you have to do is provide and put out snacks, and clean up afterward.
Faith can cover the cost of the snacks If you would like to volunteer but don't have resources to purchase them.
Please sign up on the sheet beside the coffee pot in fellowship hall. Questions? Contact Karen Naulty, or 406-334-1063; or Denise Kirkeeng, or 941-468-6668.
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You Can Help Faith Help the Needy | |
Pastor Eric often speaks with people about aid they require. The Pastor's Discretionary Fund allows him to assist financially, when appropriate.
The need currently is great so, if you can, please consider a donation to the fund so those in need can receive assistance. To give online, click here, or designate a cash or check donation.
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Review the November Council Meeting Minutes and Most Recent Financial Report | |
Click the corresponding button below to read the:
- November Council Meeting Minutes.
- Most recent financial report.
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Look for Year-End Giving Statements,
Pick Up Giving Envelopes | |
- Year-end giving statements from Faith were sent out Jan. 8-9, either by email or USPS per your opt in/out preferences. Check your spam or junk folder if you did not receive an email. If you don't use email and did not receive a letter, contact the church office.
- 2025 Giving Envelopes are available for pick up in the narthex.
- If you have questions or concerns, contact Patty McKee, 941-228-1192 (mobile), 941-921-3709 or financial
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Join in Upcoming Activities at Faith | |
Friday, Jan. 31
8 a.m., Jazzercise, community center (gym)
Saturday, Feb. 1
8 a.m., Jazzercise, community center (gym)
9 a.m., Diakonia, conference room
Sunday, Feb. 2
8 a.m.. Worship In Person and Live-Stream, sanctuary
9:10 a.m., Adult Forum, conference room
9:30 a.m., Voices of Faith, choir room
10:15 a.m., Worship In Person and Live-Stream, sanctuary
1:30 p.m., Orchestra Rehearsal, community center
5 p.m., Contemporary Worship Service In Person & Live-Stream, sanctuary
Monday, Feb. 3
8:30 a.m., Women of Faith Breakfast, Skillets, 8635 S. Tamiami Trail
10:30 a.m., Property Committee, conference room
6 p.m., Zumba, community center (gym)
Tuesday, Feb. 4
8:30 a.m., Men of Faith Breakfast, Skillets, 8635 S. Tamiami Trail
9:30 a.m., G.I.F.T.S. Women’s Bible Study, library
6 p.m., Diversity Voices of Sarasota, choir room and sanctuary
Wednesday, Feb. 5
9:30 a.m., Adult Bible Study with Pastor Larry, second-floor classroom
10:30 a.m., Prayer Support Group, chapel
3:15 p.m., Bereavement Group, chapel
Thursday, Feb. 6
9 a.m., Food Pantry Prep, fellowship hall
4:30 p.m., Food Pantry Prep, fellowship hall
5 p.m., Food Pantry
6:30 p.m., Voices of Faith, choir room
Friday, Feb. 7
8 a.m., Jazzersize, community center
Saturday, Feb. 8
8 a.m., Jazzersize, community center
9 a.m., Diakonia, conference room
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- Dick Allender, cousin of Gerri Copper
- Pastor Steve Anderson, friend of Jan Phillips
- Michele Bajor
- Tani Banta
- Randy Boid
- Barbara Brannan, mother of Kim McDonald
- Arthur Brucato, friend of Karla Lewis & Michael Leonhardt
- Dee Burlingame
- Judy Carlsen
- Terry Copper
- Evelyn Conlon
- Merle Cusmano
- Doug Dahlquist, father of Hannah Boyd
- Jeanine Davis (nee Molella), granddaughter of Karen & John White
- Eloise Dettmer
- Beth & Mary Farmer
- Andrea Gamboa
- Vicki Goffinet
- Hope Hall and Family, sister of Faye Adkins
- Jeff Hansen, nephew of Joan Searles
- Patricia Head, mother of Wayne Head
- Sonja Hickling, mother of Kelly Ashlock
- Becky Hilton Heeps, friend of Lisa Olsen
- Bob Hurdle, friend of the Kolschowskys & Coppers
- Pete Inkrott
- Jan and Michele
- Jesus & Rita Jimenez
- Alf Kirkeeng
- Michael Kolschowsky
- Leonard Kotwitz, brother of Janet Falk
- Lillian Lapenckas
- Kevin Lasko
- Friends & Family of Marilyn Hirsch
- Ruth Levy, sister of Joan Hirsch
- Diane Lewis, sister-in-law of Karla Lewis & Michael Leonhardt
- Pat Longo & Ronnie Mojo, friends of Susan Wakefield
- Julie & Eli Maresch, niece & grandnephew of Patty McKee
- Paul & Debbie Maresch, brother & sister-in-law of Patty McKee
- Kim McDonald
- Matt McKelvey, friend of Lois Weaverling
- Judi Melander
- Alison Nommay, friend of Karla Lewis & Michael Leonhardt
- Terry O’Connell, friend of Marlene Radesk
- Meghan Ortega, niece of Lisa & Pastor Eric Olsen
- Judy Osborn, sister of Peggy Ragan
- Sue Ostrom
- Pastor Terry Parker, friend of Max & Pastor Marianne Powrie
- Fran Perkins
- Carl Petersen
- Richard Keith Radcliffe, brother of Gail Radcliffe Brown
- Annabel Ryan
- Floyd Ryder
- Robin Ryder, daughter of Floyd Ryder & sister of Gail Murphy
- Lorna Sawyers-Sucra, friend of Jeremy & Yvonne Mullins
- Kathy Schilio
- Becky Sciranko, niece of Alice Rush
- Joan Searles
- Stephanie Sebastyn, friend of Carolyn Winemiller
- Shirley Schimke
- Pastor John Spittal
- Pamela Spry, mother of Hannah Boyd
- Mark Stengel
- Ed & Gail Straight, friends of Nancy Dandino
- Tess Stransky, cousin of Lynn Clancy
- Leigh Tarantino, friend of Marlene Radesk
- Melissa Thompson, cousin of Lisa Olsen
- Friends & Family of Tyler Tynefield, loved one of Dee Burlingame
- Friends & Family of Paul Wick
- Dr. Patty White
- Dorothy Wolfe, cousin of Adele Smith
- Jessica Uebel, cousin of Adele Smith
- Ophelia Urbanski, granddaughter of Mark and Ann Greenwood
- Jon Wooton
- Celeste & John Yee, friends of Marlene Radesk
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If you have an addition to or would like to remove a name from the prayer list, email the person's name to | |
Pray for Peace, Cooperation, Love | |
Find daily Prayer Ventures on the ELCA website. Here are prayers for today and the days ahead.
1/31 Give thanks for Women of the ELCA (WELCA) and its ministry with women to encourage bold and active faith in Jesus Christ, promote healing and wholeness, address injustices, discover spiritual gifts, and encourage and equip leaders.
2/1 World Interfaith Harmony Week (U.N.) Ask the Spirit to help congregations create opportunities for dialogue and learning with people whose religious beliefs and traditions are different from our own, for the sake of peace, harmony, cooperation and mutual understanding.
2/2 The word of God brings joy and comfort to us yet is sometimes difficult to hear. Pray that we will reflect on how God’s word strikes us, especially when it challenges what is safe, familiar and comfortable in our lives.
2/3 Ask God to help us move beyond our apprehensions, anger and entrenched beliefs so that we might confess and address issues that poison relationships, workplaces, society and the church. Pray for the Spirit to remind us that we are children of God who live in grace and are called to love, respect and serve one another — complexities, differences and all.
2/4 Among all our gifts and abilities, the most important is love for God and our neighbors — family, strangers and siblings in Christ alike. Praise God for teaching us what love entails through the selfless, unreserved and undeserved love of Jesus Christ for humankind.
2/5 Pray for Federal Chaplaincy Ministries of the ELCA, which seek, support, nurture, and send pastors and seminary students to serve as federal chaplains and chaplain candidates for the U.S. military, Veterans Affairs hospitals and federal correctional institutions. Give thanks for chaplains and the gifts that the Spirit nurtures within them as they serve in unique contexts.
2/6 Lift up prayers and songs of praise to God for being the bright light in the world that illuminates the one true and enduring source of hope, guidance and eternal life — Jesus Christ.
2/7 Use the words of Psalm 71:3 in your prayer to God today: “Be to me a rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress.”
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Links Provide Helpful Info | |
2/13 Thomas and Sharon Soukup | |
2/3 Karen Ramme
2/5 Gail Brown
2/6 Rev. Larry Wright
2/8 Darren Thomsen
2/15 Jim Lauritsen
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2/20 Jonathan Capilla
2/21 Jerry Cooper
2/21 Jayne Clark
2/22 Kevin Fewell
2/24 Tricia Thomsen
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If a birthday or anniversary is missing or listed incorrectly, kindly notify | |
Pastor: Rev. Eric Olaf Olsen
Assistant to the Pastor: Rev. Larry Wright
Retired Pastors in Residence: Rev. John Hilficker, Rev. Marianne Powrie, Rev. John Spittal
Director of Music/Organist: Andi Zdrava
Interim Executive Assistant to the Pastor for Administration: Linda Fewell
Congregation Council: Scott Rice, president; Lauren Wardach, vice president; Mark Nelson, secretary; Anita Wooton, treasurer; Jane Sanks, assistant treasurer; Jerry Cooper; Quyen Dang; Ann Greenwood; Peggy Ragan; Joan Searles
941-924-4664 |
Office hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday
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Mission – Gathered faithfully to love and serve God and all others
Values – Mutual Respect, Honesty, Kindness, Service, Forgiveness, Commitment, Perseverance, Faithfulness, Compassion, Flexibility
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CLICK HERE to view the current Constitution of Faith Lutheran Church. | | | | |