Faith Lutheran eNews

November 17, 2023

This Weekend in Worship

Our readings during November speak of the end times. Zephaniah proclaims that the coming day of the Lord will be filled with wrath and distress. Paul says it will come like a thief in the night and urges us to be awake and sober. Jesus tells the parable of the talents, calling us to use our gifts, while we still have time, for the greater and common good. In a world filled with violence and despair, we gather around signs of hope—word, water, bread, and wine—eager to welcome the good news of Christ’s coming among us.

Scripture Readings for Sunday

Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18; Psalm 90:1-12; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30

Click here for the lectionary commentaries.

Worship Schedule

Saturday at 5:00 pm and Sunday at 8:15 & 10:30 am

The Sunday 10:30 am service will be livestreamed on the church website and will be available throughout the week.


The nursery is located in Room 201 and is open Sunday morning.

Prayers of the People

Joyce Coon, Sarah Dahlstrom, Becca Feeken, Owen Jordahl, Leon Koeppel, Terri Kuckuck, Marigold McMahan, Ron Nielsen, Bob Simons, Rex Snyder, Nate Stone, Jule Thorsen, Travis Viles

We celebrate the baptism of Emlia Nicole Stemper on Sunday at 8:15. Emilia is the daughter of Matt and Justine Stemper.

Altar flowers are provided by Rich & Trudi Holst in celebration of their 55th wedding anniversary.

Worship Helpers

Are you interested in helping with communion, greeting, or other tasks, please click here to sign up to help with upcoming worship services. Contact the church office if you have any questions: [email protected] / 515-225-8334.

There are no Faith Night activities on November 22. Here's the schedule for November 29:

5:30 - 6:15

Faith Feast Meal

Menu at

6:15 - 7:15

Nursery, Giggles & Grace,

Kids Club, Children's Choir, Confirmation (Gr. 7-8),

Adult Faith Formation

7:00 - 8:30

Chancel Choir

Children's Classes (PreK-Gr. 6)

Opening in Room 106

Classes in Rooms 102-105

Pointed Questions (Gr. 7 - 12)

Meet in The Point

Adult Faith Formation

St. Michael's Hall

Click here for upcoming topics

More information is available at

Keep Connected with Realm

November 18-19

Faith Lutheran’s online photo directory and financial giving portal is called Realm. This powerful resource helps you keep connected with your faith community when you’re away from church. Fall is a great time of year to log into your Realm account and make sure your contact information and 2023 giving are accurate.

If you’d like help with Realm, bring your device (laptop, tablet, phone) to worship this weekend to visit with a member of Faith who can help you get the most out of Realm.

Fall Clean Up Day

November 18 | 8:00 - 12:00

You are invited to join in the fall cleanup efforts on the church grounds on Saturday, November 18. There will be indoor and outdoor projects. Silver cord hours for high schoolers are available. Click here to RSVP.

Thanksgiving Worship & Meal

Monday, November 20 | 5:00 - 7:00

Join us for a meal and worship on Monday, November 20. This will provide a great start to the holiday week as we give thanks together to our generous God with grateful hearts. The meal is served at 5:00 and includes homemade soups, artisan bread, salad, and dessert. A free-will offering will be received. Worship begins at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary. 

Owen Jordahl's Birthday

November 25 | 2:00 - 4:00

The family of Owen Jordahl invites the Faith family to join them for a celebration for Owen’s 80th Birthday. The event will take place in St. Michael’s Hall at Faith Lutheran on November 25 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Please join us to help us celebrate this milestone in our family’s life. 

Pie Potluck

November 26 at 9:30

Bring your leftover Thanksgiving pie—or a fresh one— to share with friends on Sunday, November 26 from 9:30 - 10:15 in St. Michael's Hall. There will be no Sunday School, Pointed Questions, or Adult Faith Formation that day.

Children's Musical Auditions

November 29 at 6:15

Auditions for the “Life School Musical” are Wednesday, November 29 at 6:15 pm in the sanctuary. Click here to sign up. The annual children’s musical will be shared at all three weekend worship services on February 10-11.

Be the Light Book Club

November 30 at 7:00 pm

This group will discuss the book “Start with Hello” by Shannan Martin on November 30 at 7:00 in the Luther Room. Email or text Pastor Megan to sign up ([email protected] / 641-831-9499).

Holiday Organ Music

December 3 at 9:30

Faith Lutheran's Organist, Stephen O'Baker, will present a program of Advent and Christmas hymns and other musical selections in the Sanctuary on December 3 from 9:30 - 10:15 am. A live stream of the program will be available by clicking here.

Discover Faith Event

December 3 at 11:30

Discover Faith is a one-time event where attendees learn what it means to be part of Faith Lutheran Church. The next event is Sunday, December 3 at 11:30 am in St. Michael’s Hall. Click here to register. New members will be received the weekend of December 9-10. Contact Pastor Carlson at [email protected] with any questions.

Handel's Messiah Concert

December 3 at 2:00

Celebrate and sing along with Handel’s Messiah, presented by the Des Moines Community Orchestra, on Sunday, December 3 at 2:00 pm at Grace United Methodist Church, 3700 Cottage Grove, Des Moines. Click here to learn more.

In Light & Darkness

Advent 2023

This Advent season, we are reminded that God is God of light and darkness. Join us Wednesday nights on December 6, 13, and 20 for a meal at 5:30 and worship at 6:15 in St. Michael’s Hall. A free-will offering for the meal will be accepted. More information about worship services and events in Advent and Christmas are at

CFUM Fundraiser

Faith’s partnership with Children & Family Urban Movement is part of our God’s Work. Our Hands ministry. You have an opportunity to support CFUM’s year-end fundraiser. Click here to donate!

Luther Park Holiday Wish List

You may donate gift items to residents of Trinity Center at Luther Park in the box in the church entryway. Print copies of the wish list are located there as well. Click here to download the wish list. Please bring the new, unwrapped gifts to the church by Sunday, December 3.

Project Holiday Cheer

The God's Work. Our Hands. Team will be collecting presents for our friends at Mosaic this holiday season. Tags will be available on the tree in the commons. Please return your wrapped and tagged presents by Wednesday, December 6th


Join the GWOH team for present delivery and caroling on Sunday, December 10th. Meet at the church at 2:30 pm. We will head out in groups with hot cocoa in hand! Please click here to sign up.


If you know anyone that could use some extra holiday cheer, please contact Gail Marske at 515-991-6179. We would love to add them to our caroling stops! 

The Divine Drama

Adult Faith Formation

Wednesday night Adult Faith Formation meets from 6:15—7:00 pm in St. Michael’s Hall. The Divine Drama outlines the biblical storyline from creation to Jesus the Messiah. Pastor Carlson will lead participants through the complete Biblical Narrative in 16 sessions, focusing on the forgiving grace of God who came to us in Jesus Christ to rescue us from sin and restore us to a right relationship with God and each other. Visit for more information.

Christmas Worship Schedule

Please note the following worship dates and times the last two weekends of the year. More information is available at


December 24 at 10:00 am — 4th Sunday in Advent 

December 24 at 4:00 & 7:00 pm — Christmas Eve 

  Candlelight and Holy Communion 

 Soup Supper at 5:30 in St. Michael’s Hall click to RSVP

December 25 at 10:00 am — Christmas Day 

December 30 at 5:00 pm 

December 31 at 10:00 am 

Pastoral Visit and At-Home Communion

If you or someone you know wishes to have a visit by one of the pastors and/or receive Holy Communion, call the church office at 515-225-8334 or email Pastor Eric Carlson at [email protected].

Ways to Give
You can make financial contributions to the church in the following ways:
  • Place a check or cash in the offering container in worship
  • Mail a personal check to Faith at 10395 University Ave., Clive, IA 50325
  • Visit the Online Giving page to make a gift online

Thanks for your ongoing support of Faith Lutheran Church's ministries.

Cancellation Policy

During adverse weather conditions, cancellation of Faith Lutheran Sunday worship and activities will be determined no later than 6:00 am on Sunday. Cancellation of congregational activities all other days will be determined no later than 12:00 noon. Information regarding cancellations will be posted with WHO 1040 AM radio, KCCI TV channel 8, Faith’s Facebook page, the church website, and a direct email to the congregation.

Altar Flowers

You can honor a loved one or commemorate a special occasion by sponsoring altar flowers. Click here to sign up for a specific date. Cost is $50 per bouquet. Payments can be made online.

Please provide information for the eNews or bulletin announcements to [email protected] by Tuesday at 12:00 noon.
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