December 22, 2023

Jesus Is Born

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom his favor rests!”


God did not hold back in announcing the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ, and the magnitude of what that means for you and me and for the entire world. Jesus Christ was born, He came, He was here, and He is with us. 


And this fundamentally changes everything. Jesus came into this world to show the fullness of God’s love. Jesus came into this world to show the fullness of God’s love in His willingness to become one of us in order to live the life what we cannot, a life free from sin. And Jesus came into this world in order to save us from our sin, to take all of our sin, the sin of the entire world, upon Himself. All because of how much He loves us.


And this is what the angels are saying and singing. Peace on earth. To those with whom His favor rests. Because of Jesus, we now by faith have peace before God. And it isn’t a peace that is simply a feeling of rest or merriness or joy in this Christmas season, but it is a peace that truly passes understanding as it is a peace where we have been reconciled before God, made right before Him, forgiven of all of our sins. And this peace is the one that truly is what Christmas is about. Jesus was born, He came, He was here, He is with us, and He did all of this to save us from our sins. Truly, we can join our voices with those of the angels to say Glory to God in the highest. Amen.


Blessings to you on you Christmas. Blessings to you as you celebrate and remember the peace of God found in Jesus Christ. And, blessings to you as you rejoice as the angels rejoiced at Jesus coming into this world. I love music, so here’s a song to hear and sing praises to God that Jesus was born, He did come, He was here, and He is with us always.

Click here

SCRIP Schedule

Make plans to stock up on your SCRIP cards for gift giving this Christmas!!

SCRIP will be available on Sunday, December 17th and Thursday, December 21st (from 9:00-11:30am).

There will be NO SCRIP SALES on Sunday, December 24th or Thursday, December 28th

Coffee & Donuts will be available on Sunday, December 31st!

Praise Choir

The Praise choir will sing on December 31.

Meet at 10:00am in the Family Life Center. 

All singers are welcome.

There will be no E-News on Dec. 29

or Newsletter on Dec. 31.

Happy New Year!!

I want to thank all of you for your love and support and for your prayers this past week with my ordination and installation service this past weekend. It was truly a blessing for my family and I to be able to experience all of it together with the congregation of Faith and we are excited to see how God's hand will continue to be at work as we walk together, pastor and people, to serve Him and His church. It is a joy to be able to serve here at Faith and I look forward to the time ahead to see what God has in store for us.  

~Pastor Dan

If you were unable to attend the service, a video is available on Faith's YouTube channel at the following link: Click here

Year End Giving

Please have your end-of-year contributions to

the church office by Sunday, December 31. 

Any tax-deductible contributions for 2023 must be in the office or postmarked by the 31st.

Question - contact Lori Humlicek in the church office (466-6861)


A Message from our DCE

Hello Faith families.


I cannot say thank you enough for the past 2 years. Having the opportunity to learn and grow while starting a professional career in ministry is always going to be an experience, and I am thankful to say that starting here was a positive one. Each of your prayers over the past number of months were felt as I was on interviews and visiting different locations trying to figure out what God’s next steps were for me. Working with the youth was pure joy and seeing God work in them was the best part of my week. The little conversations I had with members on Sunday mornings gave me a bigger picture of how God is continuing to work outside of the youth bubble. I cannot say thank you enough for everything.


I have decided to accept the call to Lake Forest, IL.- which is a city just North of Chicago. They are also called Faith, so it will not be too hard getting used to that one! There are a great number of possibilities for the new guy in ministry to take and run with up there. The youth and children’s programs have a base, so I will be able to jump in and help show God’s love in new ways. There is a smaller university close by that the church has a connection to, so starting a young adult ministry is also something that will be starting for them in the near future.


Thank you again, so much, for everything. I truly see God at work in the congregation. You will all continue to be in my prayers. And we are all working for the same Kingdom, so I will never be more than a phone call or email away. Faith is really a special congregation, and I am excited to come back and visit to see the completed sanctuary.


God’s blessings,

Mitchel Busse

Birthday Open House

The Neujahr family would like to invite everyone to a 95th Birthday Open House for Ray Neujahr on Sunday, January 7th from 2:00pm - 4:00pm in the Faith Lutheran Commons.

Hope to see you there!

Seward Community Christmas Celebration

All are invited to a Christmas Day Evening Candlelight service:

Monday, December 25th at 7:30pm

Mighty Fortress Lutheran Church,

252 North 6th, Seward NE

Featuring Faith's own Mark Rockemann as the evening soloist.

Lincoln Lutheran Clothing Giveaway

Click here for more information.

Attendance Reminder

Don’t forget to let us know that you worshiped with us! 

Scan the QR codes on Sunday or visit

You can also use the computer by the Welcome Desk.

Be sure to let us know if you worshiped online by watching our YouTube Channel!

Text Lin

Attendance for December 13: 106

Attendance for December 17:

8am - 106

10:30am - 157

Building in Faith: $1,700,976.49

Total income for Oct: $182,692.81

Total expenses for Oct: $158,828.04

Total income YTD through Oct: $863,116.83

Total expenses YTD through Oct: $860,454.82

Scripture Readings

These are the scripture readings for worship this weekend -

December 24:

Isaiah 7:10-14

1 John 4:7-16

Matthew 1:18-25

Important Links:

Zoom Info
Prayer List
Ministry Team 
Faith School Newsletter
Children/Youth Ministry
Touching Hearts Newsletter

Faith Lutheran Church, School and Touching Hearts

8701 Adams Lincoln, NE 68507


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