February 9, 2024

Lent Series - An Invitation to Study God's Word Together

The season of Lent begins next week, with Ash Wednesday on February 14th. The season of Lent is one of repentance, and how broken and helpless we are on our own. This leads us back to the foot of the cross of Jesus, and His ultimate sacrifice to save us from our sin.

The season of Lent is also one where sometimes people give things up, or sometimes start something new. Again, we are asking the entire congregation to participate in the daily devotion series focused on the last(ing) words of Jesus. We will be preaching on the last words of Jesus from the cross on Wednesday evening services, and then the lasting words of Jesus in His “I AM” statements found in the Gospel of John. The daily devotions then tie into these themes and are short and easy to do at home with your family, with friends, or even by yourself.


But think of how God will bless you and bless us together as a congregation if we are all reading God’s Word together. God’s Word is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, as it a means God uses to mold us and shape us and draw us closer to Him. We truly hope that you take advantage of the opportunity and the invitation to utilize the daily devotions that are available.

Here are the ways that you can get a copy of the daily devotions. 

·        If you would like the devotions emailed to your inbox every day, you can sign up here and you will receive them that way.

·        If you would like a digital copy of the entire devotional book, you can find a copy of that here.

·        There are hard copy books available. You can pick them up starting this Sunday at the welcome desk, or you could always get one from the church office.

·        We also will have activity boxes ready to pick up this Sunday. In these activity boxes you will find kid-friendly things to do together during the season of Lent. These activities tie in together with the season of Lent and many of them have a connection with the daily devotions.

We hope that this is all a blessing for you during this season of Lent, as we walk together all the way up to Jesus on the cross and His empty tomb of Easter. We hope too that you take advantage of the daily devotions and the kid-friendly activity boxes. 

Soup Supper

See you TONIGHT at the annual Soup Supper,

February 9th from 5:30pm - 7:00pm.

Come & enjoy multiple types of soup!

Midweek Lenten Worship

The Lenten season begins on Wednesday, February 14th with Ash Wednesday. Worship begins at 6:30 p.m.

Midweek Lenten services will take place on February 21, 28, March 6, 13, & 20. All services begin at 6:30 p.m. Midweek services will be livestreamed.

Keep watching the newsletter for Holy Week and Easter service information.

Text Link

One and A Half Pastors: A Divine Sharpie

The good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between….The Bible gives us it all. But can’t we just pick the parts of the Bible that feel good and apply them to us??? The Bible is the Word of God given to us, for us….ALL of it! Pastor Will and Pastor Dan dive into this idea and how to read the Bible in its integrity.  

Listen Now

Contribution Statements

2023 Contribution Statements were emailed on January 29, 2024.  For those who do not have an email address on file in the church office, a paper copy was mailed on January 30, 2024.  If you have any questions regarding your 2023 Contribution Statement, please contact Lori Humlicek in the church office.

Offering Envelopes

Do you give online? Do you NOT use paper offering envelopes but still receive them?


To be taken off the list to receive paper offering envelopes, please reach out to

Lori Humlicek in the church office.  [email protected] or

402-466-6861.  Thank you.

Crisis / Opportunity

The Chinese word for crisis is a combination of two characters: one for “danger,” and the other could be loosely translated as “opportunity,” or more accurately, “when something begins to change.” This drives home the fact that every crisis, though it involves impending danger, also offers opportunities for personal or spiritual growth.


In behavioral health there is a movement toward “Critical Time Intervention.” This concept recognizes that there are certain times in life where positive change can happen with the right resources and involvement at the right time. A Stephen Minister could provide just that sort of critical time intervention while you are walking through a storm.


Stephen Ministers are trained to walk with you through the dangers of your crisis and to help you find the opportunities God has in store for you. If you are in a critical time in your life, contact Marti Rabe (402-466-2453 Email: [email protected] to see how Stephen Ministry could help. 

Anniversary Open House

All members of Faith are invited to an open

house celebrating Jim and Linda Gosey's 50th wedding anniversary. The open house is on Sunday, February 25th from 2-4pm at

James Arthur Vineyards

(2001 W. Raymond Road, Raymond, NE)

Please RSVP by February 18th to Sara at


Attendance Reminder

Don’t forget to let us know that you worshiped with us! 

Scan the QR codes on Sunday or visit

You can also use the computer by the Welcome Desk.

Be sure to let us know if you worshiped online by watching our YouTube Channel!

Text Lin

Attendance for February 4:

8am - 104

10:30am - 218

5:30pm - 19

Building in Faith Pledges Received: $1,807,569,60

Building in Faith Total Amount Pledged: $2,953,509.04

Total income for Dec: $198,618.68

Total expenses for Dec: $231,429.29

Total income YTD through Dec: $1,222,013.04

Total expenses YTD through Dec: $1,280,669.83

Scripture Readings

These are the scripture readings for worship this weekend -

February 11:

Exodus 34:29-35

2 Corinthians 3:12-18, 4:1-6

Mark 9:2-9

Important Links:

Zoom Info
Prayer List
Ministry Team 
Faith School Newsletter
Children/Youth Ministry
Touching Hearts Newsletter

Faith Lutheran Church, School and Touching Hearts

8701 Adams Lincoln, NE 68507


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