Sundays: 9:00 am
(Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month)

Thursdays: 3:30 pm & 6:30 pm
(Communion is the Thursdays prior to the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month)
Please note that there is no Communion on Thursdays during Advent or Lent)
Online Giving

Too often, good fathers are the unsung heroes of their families. They work long and hard to provide for their families and they strive to set a good example for their wife and children concerning responsibility, morality, and what it truly means to be a good person. They are the wise counselors and brave protectors of their families, and they do this humbly and without begrudging the very significant sacrifices which they often must make. A good father rules and guides his family at the same time as he serves it. A good father will instruct and admonish his children with patience and gentle firmness, making sure that they know right from wrong, all the while making sure that he always sets a good moral example himself. When a good father makes a decision about his family, he will do so unselfishly, thinking only of what is best for his family. Oftentimes, when a man becomes a father he may be forced to give up his personal aspirations and dreams of his youth in order to be a good father. But, a good father will do this without complaining of the sacrifice, illustrating the great sacrifice Jesus made so we could be a part of God’s family. And although not every man can live up to the ideals of the good father, those who do, inspire us with their quiet heroism and self-sacrifice. We should tell our fathers how much they mean to us and let them know how much their sacrifice is appreciated, and how much we value their counsel.

Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction;

pay attention and gain understanding.

I give you sound learning,

so do not forsake my teaching.

Proverbs 4:1-2

Highlights from the Taste of Missions

On June 11th from 11 am–4:30 pm the WELS sponsored a Taste of Missions at the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary (WLS) campus in Mequon. All WELS members were invited to attend either in person or virtually.

The day began with a beautiful worship service with WELS President Mark Schroeder presenting the message. In this service, six missionaries were commissioned for their new assignments to Africa, London, Minnesota and Michigan. Highlights were also given by the directors of our World and Home Missions.

The “Moments with Missionaries” was enjoyed by all who attended. Presenters were John & Kay Brohn from New Mexico and Luke & Jenifer Wolfgram from Russia. Each gave a picture of what life is like living among others with a different culture than our own. There were also many missionaries who spoke about their work in the mission field.

Children enjoyed the day as well, with the many activities planned for them. From 12 noon–4 pm there was a Scavenger Hunt, photo booth, bounce house, yard games and much more.

For lunch, there were three food trucks that served food from all over the world; such as, Tex-Mex, Filipino, Indian, Chinese, Israeli and more.

It was a great day to learn about our missions and missionaries. This year, four St. Paul’s members were able to attend. Next year “Taste of Missions” will again take place at WLS on June 10. So, mark you calendars and spend a day you will never forget in Mequon. The cost for this year was $15. This included three meal tickets and the food for each meal was plentiful!

Also, in the church office, for anyone who wants to learn more about “Taste of Missions,” there is a program booklet about this event and of special interest are the biographies of the six new missionaries that were commissioned at this year’s event!

Come and learn, then go and share!

Usher & Greeter Schedules are Ready!

The July – September Usher & Greeter Schedules are ready for you to pick up on a table in the narthex. It would be helpful if these schedules were picked up before Monday, June 27, otherwise the schedules will be mailed out. Thank you for your help in this matter.

Daniel Krause- 65 years, 9 months, 28 days. Died on June 15, 2022 and will be laid to rest on June 20, 2022.

“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.

‘Yes,’ says the Spirit, ‘for they shall rest from their labors

and their deeds will follow them.”

Revelation 14:13

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Special Voters’ Call Meeting

There will be a Special Voters’ Call Meeting on Sunday, June 19 at 10:15 am in the Fellowship Hall. The purpose of this meeting is to extend a Call for an Outreach Pastor and to ratify the Call St. Paul’s extended to Mr. Craig Breitkreutz to be our school principal.

All St. Paul’s men 18 years and older are voting members and are encouraged to attend this important meeting.

Mr. Craig Breitkreutz Called

On June 3rd, St. Paul’s extended a Call to Mr. Craig Breitkreutz to serve as principal of our school. Mr. Breitkreutz is currently serving as principal at Faith Lutheran School in Antioch, IL. He and his wife, Charissa, have been blessed with four children, Brett, Caitlynn, Emily and Caleb. Please keep Mr. Breitkreutz & his family in your prayers as he continues to deliberate our Call.

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The summer Bible Study began last Tuesday morning at 8 am. There was quite a lively discussion on the topic of study—“Christianity & Wokeness.”

The Wednesday evening Bible Study will be discussing “The Ten Lies about God” and the after worship Bible Study on Sundays with be studying Matthew 11.

All members are encouraged to attend these opportunities to delve into God’s Word. Due to the Call meeting this Sunday, June 19th, there will be no Bible Study after worship.


Vacation Bible School is the Best Week of the Summer!

St. Paul’s week long VBS program is back! Join us Monday, August 1-Friday, August 5th from 9 am –12:30 pm daily for a “Monumental” experience of “Celebrating God’s Greatness!” Children ages three though those entering 6th Gr. this fall are encouraged to either register at the table in the church narthex or online at: Your children will make new friends, do amazing experiments, play creative games, hear and learn incredible music and have surprising adventures at our St. Paul’s Lutheran School (309 Bluff St. in Fort.) Plus, all snacks and lunches will be served by Chef Eric!

If you have any questions, send an email to [email protected] or call 920-563-2263. Get ready for a howlin’ good time at VBS!

“Board Books for Babies” Drive in Foward in Christ

Our March “Board Books for Babies” Drive for the OB Dept. of Fort Atkinson Memorial Hospital was featured in the June WELS magazine “Forward in Christ” in the District News section. What a blessing to share our time, talents & treasures with others!

To see this and other featured articles visit

Vote for St. Paul’s Daycare Center!

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St. Paul’s Daycare Center has made it to the final round of voting in the Daily Union Best of the Area Readers’ Poll for daycare.

To vote for our Daycare Center you can go online to and click on “Daily Union best of the Area Readers’ Poll” (upper left on screen.) Then click on the “Services” box, scroll down to “Best Daycare” and click on the “vote” box for St. Paul’s Daycare. Voting is open from June 3rd—26th. This would be a great opportunity to show that our Daycare is important to our community and well as to St. Paul’s mission of “Come and Learn...Go and Share.”

SPS Summer Newsletter

The St. Paul’s School summer newsletter will arrive in your mailbox in early July. Be on the lookout for it and please become familiar with key dates and information as we plan for School Registration on July 27 with the first day of our 2022-2023 school year on Wednesday, August 24th!

School Registration is July 27th

Save this date! SPS registration for the 2022-2023 academic year will be on Wednesday, July 27th. New and returning families of 3K-8th grade students, please attend to complete paperwork and forms. More details will be in the summer newsletter that will come out in early July.

SPS 2022-23 Student Pre-Enrollment Form

This pre-enrollment form was sent home so that planning for next school year can begin. Please fill it out and return it to the school office as soon as possible. We ask that you please plan accordingly.

Now Enrolling for 2022-23: PreK & Kdg.

Registration for the 2022-2023 school year is now open for 3K, 4K and Kindergarten. Register now to ensure a spot for your child! Forms are located out- side the office, by Miss Sam’s 3K classroom, and from Mrs. Graumann. Don’t have a preschooler but know someone who does? Share these details with them!

Register Now for Summer Care 2022

St. Paul’s will be offering a fun and exciting care pro- gram for children ages 3-12 again this summer. This is from May 31-August 23, where you can drop your child off between 7:00 am-6:00 pm. They will enjoy games, outside play & activities, walking trips to Frostie Freeze & parks, crafts & more. Care is $4.50/ child/hr. Registration forms are outside the school office, by Miss Sam’s room and from Mrs. Graumann.
St. Paul's Daycare Center, After School Care & Care on Days of No School
To help with parent work schedules, St. Paul’s offers care on days of “no school.” Care is available for $4.00/hour/child for students in 3K-grade 5. Drop your child off at school for a day of fun, games, movies, and more.

Care is available from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm. For more info or to sign up your child, call or text Mrs. Graumann at 920-728- 2716 or email [email protected].

Worship Attendance for

June 9 & 12

Thursday @ 3:30 pm...........................48

Thursday @ 6:30 pm...........................18

Sunday @ 9 am...................................134


Total at all services.....…..….............200

Giving for the Week of June 6th - 12th

Received: $16,276

Needed: $18,062

Year to Date

Received: $901,138

Needed: $903,077

As of 6/12/2022, St. Paul’s is behind -$1,939 of what is needed weekly.

This Week at St. Paul's

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Pentecost 2/Father's Day

  • 9 am Worship Service w/Communion        Usher Team 2 Councilman-G. Lemke
  • 10:15 am Sunday School
  • 10:15 Special Voters' Call Meeting in the Fellowship Hall
  • 6 pm Youth Group Meeting


  • 9 am Scholarship Committee Meeting
  • 11 am Daniel Krause Funeral
  • 6 pm Board of Adult Spiritual Growth Meeting


  • 8 am Bible Study
  • 9:30 am Constitutional Review Committee Meeting


  • 6 pm Jr. Youth Group Meeting
  • 6:30pm Bible Study


  • 3:30 pm Worship Service

     Point-R. Peters

  • 6:30 pm Worship Service Usher Team 3        Councilman- G. Frey

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Pentecost 3

  • 9 am Worship Service     Usher Team 4

    Councilman-D. Frohmader

  • 10:15 am Sunday School
  • 10:15 Bible Study
  • 6 pm Youth Group Meeting
Birthdays this Week


Jason Badura

David Worlfram


Carole Collins

Jayden Pennewell

Jodi Wolfram


Dustin Hembrook


Brenda Kind

Joan Quill


Elizabeth Alexander

Addilyn Hupke

Brooks Veale


Sandra Brunk

Becky Graumann

Austin Schmitz


Mark you calendars and plan to join thousands of WELS members for an evening at the ballpark on Friday, July 8, to watch the Brewers take on the Pirates. Tickets for WELS members and guests are discounted up to 50% and reserved all together in a block.

On the kiosk in the narthex is a flyer with further details, including ticket information and pricing. Tickets can be purchased online at If there is a group of more 20 people going please contact Jason Fry directly at [email protected] or 414-902- 4502 to be seated together and save on service fees.


Just a reminder—don’t forget to fill up your mission boxes at home and then bring them in to fill up our mission tube in the narthex. Every little bit helps. Thanks you for your support!

New "Portals of Prayer" are Available

The July 1-September 30 “Portals of Prayer” daily devotional booklets are now available on the kiosk. The current “Meditations” daily devotional booklets (May 29-August 27) are also available. If you know of any of our members who would like either of these booklets mailed to their home, please contact the church office at 920-563-2263 or Tami Waggoner at 920-397-2665.

St. Paul's Ev. Lutheran Church
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
301 S. High St. Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. 53538
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