FaithLines 3 June 2020

Remember, this year’s campaign is a very special effort as a generous donor has offered a $100,000 matching challenge grant for all new and increased donations.  That means for every dollar raised over last year’s amount, FaithWorks received an extra dollar. Parishes are encouraged to make a special effort this year. Host a special event, set a goal, promote the campaign widely – do something a little different to make a huge difference.
To date, our Easter Appeal has raised over $75,000 in new or increased donations.
THANK YOU to all who have been so generous. However, we will only receive the Matching Challenge Grant of $100,000 if we raise the full $100,000 ourselves. We still have a ways to go. So please help us reach our goal by making your donation today at our web site faithworks.ca It's easy to do!


From the Church of the Ascension in Port Perry

" Father Phil flatfoots for Faith
Over the summer I am committing to walking 1000 kms. Our appeal to you is that as you are able you sponsor my walk and all moneys raised will go towards our parish response to the FaithWorks appeal. I want to make this project as interesting and engaging as possible so I will maintain a “Follow Fr. Phil” blog throughout the summer. ."

Great idea and God give you strength Fr. Phil.

For details and to sponsor Fr. Phil, link to:

If you have an event that you wish to share, please let me know!



From Lynn Thomas of the Orillia Christian Centre “The Lighthouse”

"We currently have 23 men registered at our emergency pandemic hotel and 12 women registered at our emergency women's shelter. As you know from my proposal, we did not plan to be able to shelter women (except through the county motel voucher program), until we opened our new facility. These certainly have been unprecedented times but our staff have stepped up to care for those who have no where to stay safe.  We have had to hire an additional 8 staff in order to have 2 staff at each hotel at all times. These locations will be open until at least the end of June in order to hopefully find stable housing for those we are sheltering, as is our ongoing goal always." (28 April 2020)

You can view "The Lighthouse" Good News Newsletter at


We are only gathering virtually. The Director of Stewardship, Peter Misiaszek, and I would normally be visiting parishes in person to speak of FaithWorks. Why not virtually!!! If you would like one of us to speak to your parish during your online Sunday worship please contact FaithWork Speakers Bureau at [email protected]

If you would like the pre-recorded video of my sermon promoting FaithWorks (11 minutes) or the 20th Anniversary of FaithWorks video
(2 minutes) for your Sunday morning services, please email me so that I can make them available to you.
Peter Mentis
FaithWorks Campaign Manager

135 Adelaide St. E.
Toronto, ON M5C 1L8
416-363-6021 ext. 242
1-800-668-8932 ext.242