FaithLines 29 July 2020
In this issue:
A NEW $100,000
Toronto Urban Native Ministry
The Dam Youth Centre, Mississauga - 25th Anniversary
more of Fr. Phil flatfoots for FaithWorks
Virtual & Video sermons available
Matching Challenge Grant

We are excited to announce that we have been offered a new matching challenge grant of $100,000 for new or increased donations. The challenge is only for parishes, not individuals. In other words, for every increased dollar a parish offers to FaithWorks over last years amount, this generous donor will match it with another dollar up to $100,000.
If a parish increases it's contribution to FaithWorks this year over 2019 by $1,000, it becomes $2,000. If a parish's increase is $5,000, it becomes $10,000. If a parish's increase is $10,000, it becomes $20,000, for those most vulnerable and struggling every day.

There are two ways for individuals to participate in this challenge and contribute to their parish's total.

1) An individual can make a donation directly to their parish designated for FaithWorks, as in the past.

2) To make online contributions easier the FaithWorks website has been modified to give credit to a parish for an individual's donation. Simply go to and follow the instructions to put the parish's name in the Comments section when making a donation.


Ministry Partners


During the pandemic, TUNM staff have been extremely busy serving the Indigenous community in the downtown core, especially in the homeless population around Holy Trinity, where their offices are based. They have worked with Holy Trinity and other parishes to provide meals to 180-200 people a day, brought in mobile COVID testing in collaboration with Women's College Hospital, advocated for hygiene provisions for people encamped in the neighbourhood (including media appearances), organized the distribution of masks and other PPE to the community, and provided culturally-appropriate spiritual, emotional, and practical support to Indigenous people during this crisis. Staff also organized the delivery of Mothers' Day packages to mothers in the Indigenous community, including expectant and bereaved mothers. They are providing online worship every Sunday , including a special service for the National Indigenous Day of Prayer on June 21 , and remain available for other ceremony on request. (Rev'd. Andrea Budgey, 26 June 2020)

"For the days are surely coming, says the Lord , when I will restore the fortunes of my people... and I will bring them back to the land that I gave to their ancestors" (Jeremiah 30.3)


The Dam youth centre

July 6th marked the 25th anniversary of The Dam's 1st physical drop-in opening its doors. It's been a full 25 years of learning, growing and caring for youth in Mississauga. During this time of pandemic, our feelings and emotions are all over the place but we're still here loving and supporting youth although we can't yet have our doors open.
The impact of 25 years of relationships with youth is greatly enhanced by the longevity of service of our staff and the voices of our youth. On June 28th we also celebrated the 10th anniversary of Chris Williams, our program coordinator in Cooksville, working at The Dam. You may have seen numerous Instagram posts honouring Chris and we thought we'd share one here.


From the Church of the Ascension in Port Perry

Father Phil flatfoots for Faith

My Name is Phil Gearing. I am a priest in the Diocese and I am walking 1000 km this summer as a way to raise funds for FaithWorks. I am just past the halfway point in my project which will see me walk 10 km a day for 100 days! But…
Don’t sponsor FaithWorks because I am walking 1000 km.
Don’t be motivated to write a cheque to FaithWorks because I have walked for an hour before breakfast and another one after dinner each of the past 67 days or because I’ll do the same for the next 40 or so.
Don’t do it for the day it snowed on me, or the days I got soaked to the skin, not even all those days when it was 30-something degrees out. You know why I don’t want you to actively support Faithworks for these reasons?
‘Cause I’m havin’ a ball! I am loving this project! I am well blessed!
I want you to write a cheque to FaithWorks, not for the 1.2 million steps I will take this summer but because of who walks with me as I take these strides.
In my mind’s eye my silent walking partners include the refugee couple that is hoping to hear good news from AURA about a sponsorship before she gives birth to the child she is carrying.
I’m walking with the addict that will show up at All Saints Church and Community Centre because nobody there will judge her.
I walk with the terminally ill kid who already knows he’s not going to get better but is pleased that today the nice lady from The Philip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care is coming over, ‘cause, well, she just makes the day better.
So, if you can afford it, please take a moment today to write a cheque to FaithWorks. Not because I am walking 1000 km this summer, but because of the folks I’m walking with…each supported by a FaithWorks Ministry Partner.
Thank You and God Bless you.
For details and to sponsor Fr. Phil, link to:


 Virtual and Video Sermons available
We are only gathering virtually. The Director of Stewardship, Peter Misiaszek, and I would normally be visiting parishes in person to speak of FaithWorks. Why not virtually!!! If you would like one of us to speak to your parish during your online Sunday worship please contact FaithWork Speakers Bureau at [email protected]

If you would like the pre-recorded video of my sermon promoting FaithWorks (11 minutes) or the 20th Anniversary of FaithWorks video
(2 minutes) for your Sunday morning services, please email me so that I can make them available to you.
Peter Mentis
FaithWorks Campaign Manager

135 Adelaide St. E.
Toronto, ON M5C 1L8
416-363-6021 ext. 242
1-800-668-8932 ext.242