FaithWorks Sunday is 20 November
The Reign of Christ
The Diocese has designated the Sunday of the Reign of Christ as FaithWorks Sunday annually. This is to highlight the mission of FaithWorks as an expression of the Kingdom of God on earth. Parishes may choose to designate another Sunday as their FaithWorks Sunday according to their calendar.
By celebrating FaithWorks Sunday we can draw attention to our collective effort as a Diocese to help those struggling for food, shelter, safety, community and dignity.
Our Ministry Partners are located across the Diocese. They operate on a scale beyond that which any one parish can support. Our Diocese, through FaithWorks, hopes to offer them a stable and reliable source of funding so they can be the hands of God comforting the most vulnerable among us.
Every donation, by a parish or individual, is an important part of the support FaithWorks offers those in need.
Please visit our website,, to watch a video or read about the mission of FaithWorks.