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Faithful Fridays

Friday, October 21, 2022

General Synod 34 & GS Frequency Update

June 30 - July 4, 2022 - Indianapolis

“Making All Things New” will be the theme of the 34th biennial General Synod of the United Church of Christ, scheduled for June 30 - July 4, 2023, in Indianapolis. Information will be added to the General Synod website as it becomes available. You can also signup to receive updates. Also, see below for an update from the UCC Board regarding General Synod frequency and format. 

For the past four years, there has been a renewed effort to review the form, function, and frequency of General Synod. Motivations for this review include: 


  1. Sustainable Resource Use: As financial and staff resources at the national setting have declined over the last decade, the portion of the remaining resources devoted to General Synod has increased, particularly in relation to staff time. A smaller national staff (about 75 full-time and 30-ish part-time) has meant that up to two-thirds of staff time has to be devoted to planning and preparation in Synod years. As a result, staff cannot devote themselves to the deep engagement with the wider church as is expected. Furthermore, other settings of the UCC, including conferences, have expressed strain on financial and staff resources due to the current General Synod model. [Staff resources was our leading concern in writing the proposal, not finanacial resources, although those figure in, especially for Conferences.]
  2. Environmental Stewardship: General Synod has a significant environmental impact, especially with thousands of people traveling from around the country and around the world. At a time when the effects of climate change are growing clearer, the need to make changes to better steward earthly resources is undeniable.
  3. Accessibility: General Synod has been life changing for so many who have had the opportunity to attend. However, for many others who do not have the time, finances, or ability to travel, the blessings of Synod have been out of reach. Just access to General Synod is essential. 


In considerations of the above motivations, the General Synod Review Committee has recommended, and the UCC Board of Directors has affirmed, that General Synod be held every three years in a hybrid format, allowing in person and virtual participation. 


While we realize this potential change would come with grief from less frequent gathering, we also see the potential of this change to bring opportunities relating to the above motivations. 


  1. A less frequent General Synod will free national setting resources to engage in newer and deeper ways with the other settings of the church and beyond. Also, the strain on the resources of other settings would be eased. 
  2. Less travel reduces the UCC carbon footprint and sets an example for more responsible stewardship of Creation. 
  3. A hybrid model allows for greater accessibility and a broader impact for those unable to participate in the physical gathering. 



  • The change in frequency will require a bylaws change to be voted on by General Synod in 2023.
  • The suggested frequency bylaws change will include adjustments to terms for elected positions.
  • Hybrid options do not require a vote and can be implemented by the planning team of the UCCB.
  • The first Synod impacted by this change would be the shift from 2027 to 2028 because the planning team must book locations well in advance.  

A Just Harvest 20th Anniversary Celebration to Honor Rev. Dr. Marylin Pagán-Banks

Wednesday, October 26, 7 PM CST

Join us to break bread, engage community, listen to music, dance, and end poverty. This year guests will enjoy an evening lakefront banquet celebration while learning about the work of A Just Harvest and honoring Rev. Dr. Marilyn Pagán-Banks for her 20th Year of Service. When we dare to be powerful nothing can stop us from honoring our commitment to this community. Join the Celebration! Learn more here. 

Centering the Silenced Summit

November 14-18, Convergence

What do you believe is the single greatest social and liberative challenge facing us at this time?

Even in progressive faith spaces, we have historically silenced the voices of humans who are not part of the dominant culture. This summit will flip the script and only feature such voices. We will ask each of these important voices what they believe is the single greatest social and liberative challenge facing us at this time, and, more importantly, what is the church's responsibility in the conversation? Learn more here.

Our Faith Our Vote Our Voice

The United Church of Christ’s Our Faith Our Vote Campaign is our ongoing commitment to equip you with the tools for nonpartisan faithful engagement in our democratic process. The campaign is made up of three main components: voter registration, issue education, and voter empowerment.

The Our Faith Our Vote webpage has several resources available for all three components, as well as helpful links to check your voting status, register, find a polling place, and more! 

Pledge to Vote and Help a Friend!

Many voters like you are pledging to increase civic engagement in 2022 by committing to encouraging three friends to vote on or before Election Day. Join our Vote Tripling Campaign and make your pledge today!

Our Faith Our Vote
Pledge to Vote/Help a Friend

Clergy Praycations

Tower Hill & Pilgrim Park

In celebration of Clergy Appreciation Month, we are opening registration for Clergy Praycations. Clergy and their families are invited to register for a 3 day, 2 night stay at Tower Hill or Pilgrim Park for only $60.

This is a time not to learn something new or acquire another skill, but to take a deep breath. We invite you to step away to renew and refresh, to play and to laugh! We offer this time so our clergy are able to continue to serve our congregations and communities with integrity and vitality, and to respond to the call of God with courage and compassion.


Authorized Ministers & MIDs of the Illinois Conference may register. 

Call Tower Hill Camp at 269-426-3881 or Pilgrim Park Camp at 815-447-2390 to schedule your Praycation.

We are grateful to the Brown Endowment at United Church Funds for making this gift to clergy possible.

Celebrating a Wonderful Annual Celebration!

We are nearing the end of our 58th Illinois Conference Annual Celebration! A shout of thanks to everyone who had a hand in making this wonderful event happen:

  • The Annual Celebration Planning Committee;
  • Our keynote speaker - Rev. Cameron Trimble;
  • The MLT for leading us each morning in a time of devotion;
  • All the worship participants and leaders, including our preachers - Minister Desiree McCray and Dr. Brad Braxton - and Charing Wei-Jen Chen for putting these services together;
  • All the workshop leaders from the Illinois Conference, National UCC, and beyond;
  • The volunteer tech hosts helping ensure our sessions run smoothly; 
  • Our Conference Support Staff, especially Rev. Sarah Lohrbach, Support Staff for Communications and Technology, who managed all technical aspects of the event;
  • And of course - all our registered participants for your presence at the event!

If you are participating in Annual Celebration and missed a session you wanted to attend, recordings of all sessions will be available in the Zoom Events lobby through the end of November.

If you weren't able to participate in this week's event, you can still view recordings of our two worship services on the Conference YouTube Channel. Opening worship was a youth and young adult led worship and you can watch the recording by clicking on the video below. 

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 Our Church's Wider Mission (OCWM)

FAITHFUL FRIDAYS is published by the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ, 1840 Westchester Blvd, Suite 200, Westchester, IL 60154. The Rev. Molly Carlson, Conference Minister; Sarah Lohrbach, Editor. Copy may be sent to: [email protected]

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