UCC Yearbook - Open to Churches Jan 22nd
United Church of Christ
It is almost time to submit information for your church to the UCC Yearbook. Letters will be sent to all churches, but you can find everything you need below as well. The yearbook will open for churches on January 22, 2025 for you to begin entering your information.
In case you were unaware:
Your church's 501(c)3 status is dependent on a current updated listing in the UCC Yearbook.
When your church is searching for a Pastor you will need current and updated data which comes from the UCC Yearbook. If no reports have been submitted for your church for five (5) years, all data reverts to zeros.
Linked below are documents from the National UCC office to help you get started:
Data Hub closes to churches at midnight Eastern Time on March 21st. Thank you for all your hard work in collecting and reporting. Your participation is the ONLY way our records are kept up-to-date. If you need help, please contact Naomi in the Conference Office (708-344-4470).
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ACM Search - Deadline to Apply is Tomorrow!
Due to the end of the year rush and Holiday vacations, the search for the Associate Conference Minister for CMA/FVA has been extended! The new "cut-off" date to submit profiles for the position is January 18, 2025.
Please submit profiles to: terrillmurff@ilucc.org
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The Conference Newsletter will only be going out on a monthly basis for the first quarter or the year, or until a new part-time communications person is hired. Death notices and other important announcements, including Installation/Ordination/Ecclesiastical Council notices, will still go out as needed.
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For Such a Time As This
Monday, January 20th at 6:00 PM
On Jan. 20, the annual commemoration of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy will coincide with the inauguration of President Donald Trump’s second term.
With this symbolic overlap, the United Church of Christ and a coalition of interfaith partners are hosting a national Interfaith Service and Moral Mass Meeting to address this critical moment. It is an invitation for people of faith and moral conviction to rise together and respond to deep injustices that exist within the nation.
All are invited to gather For Such a Time As This: A Prophetic Response to America’s Defining Moment on Jan. 20 at 6:00 p.m. CST, which can be attended in person and virtually. Click here to read the full article by Kayla Berkey published January 7th.
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Health and Human Service Sunday
United Church of Christ
Every year, the United Church of Christ designates a Sunday in January as the time to uplift the many gifts of the Health and Human Service Ministries across the church. This year, Health and Human Service Sunday takes place January 26, 2025. Liturgical resources for observing Health and Human Service Sunday are now available on CHHSM's website or by clicking on the button below. This year's materials were composed by the Rev. Dr. Elyse Berry, and include all the elements of worship, plus the Health and Human Service Sunday logo and a series of graphics lifting up aspects of the liturgy. As in the past, this year’s group of resources also contains an optional meditation in the worship materials.
Especially now, it is worth remembering that the word liturgy means "work of the people," and this special Sunday is a way to celebrate the healing work of not only our CHHSM members, plus also the people on the frontlines of health care in our UCC and partner congregations.
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Our Whole Lives Training
April 4-6, 2025
Tower Hill Camp
$400/double, $450/single
Cost includes meals, lodging from Friday dinner through Sunday lunch.
Located at Tower Hill Camp and Retreat Center, 12173 Tower Hill Road, Sawyer, MI (90 minutes to Chicago airports, 40 minutes to South Bend airport).
Trainers: Christina Fairman and Craig VanKempen will provide training for adults who want to offer the Junior/Senior High OWL program at their church and in their communities. Register here.
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Crafters Retreat
March 20-23, 2025
Pilgrim Park Camp
$308/double or triple occupancy
$408/single occupancy
Cost includes lodging, bedding, towels, 8 meals, and lots of time to craft, relax, and make friends! No matter what kind of crafts are your passion, this retreat is for you! Come and create your own master-pieces at your own pace, all while enjoying the peaceful scenery of Pilgrim Park. Plan to arrive between 3-5 p.m. on Thursday. You'll be heading home Friday at 11 a.m. Download the flyer here.
Register early! Space is limited to 10 sleeping rooms. Register here.
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Empowering Communication Workshops
Rev. Joel Westby and Rev. Leslie Ritter-Jenkins are co-facilitating six Empowering Communication workshops between January 27 and February 28, 2025 via Zoom. To the four workshops they offered in 2021 they have added two new workshops in 2025:
- Embody the Gospel: Facilitate Dialogue, Mediate Conflict, Achieve Reconciliation
- Liberate the Power of Love: Facilitate Restorative Circles that Heal, Strengthen, and Empower Congregations.
Empowering Communication has been a framework that has given us confidence in how we choose to live out our faith in our personal and professional work. Empowering Communication is both a skill set and spiritual consciousness that helps us answer these questions. It is not only consonant with Christianity, but in our experience, is a path that liberates the power of love within ourselves and in our relationships. In the six workshops clergy will learn tools that support congregational vitality and help heal in the world.
Participants in the 2021 workshops may participate in Workshops 1 - 4 for free.
Visit the website for information about each of the workshops and to register.
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Hymnwriter Ruth C. Duck remembered for her trailblazing use of inclusive language - United Church of Christ | In her 1993 hymn, "Come and Seek the Ways of Wisdom," the Rev. Dr. Ruth C. Duck personified wisdom as "she who clears the path to justice, showing us what love must do." | | | |
Queering Faith
Community UCC Champaign
Community United Church of Christ and UCC Campus ministries welcome Rev. Malcolm Himschoot — a trans minister, writer, and educator—for the 8th Queering Faith Event at Community UCC in Champaign! Rev. Himschoot, a trans minister featured in the documentary Call Me Malcolm, will share insights from his upcoming book, Reading Secrets - A Queer Inheritance of Life and Scripture. This theo-poetic reflection unpacks the harm caused by authoritarianism in religion and culture while offering a powerful vision of liberation and love.
Where? Community UCC, 805 S. 6th Ave., Champaign
When? Friday, February 7th at 7:00 p.m. CST
Free for students! Proceeds support LGBTQ+ affirming campus ministry.
Let’s create a safe, affirming space for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies. We’d love to see you there! RSVP online here!
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Climate Hope Art Contest
We have officially launched the UCC's 2025 Climate Hope Art Contest for children and youth. Our theme this year is “Planting Seeds of Hope.” We’ll accept art submissions from February 2nd to March 14th. Like last year, we will have winners for different age groups and an overall winner who will receive an all-expense paid trip to visit Washington, DC with a parent or guardian. (Last year's winner had two members of congress personally ask her for a poster of her artwork, so that they could hang it in their offices!) The winning art will additionally serve as the logo for UCC Climate Hope advocacy work throughout 2025. Register your church here!
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Prophetic Preaching on Christian Nationalism
Pathways Theological
A 6-week online course beginning March 5, 2025
At a time when many of our progressive values are being threatened and undone - racial equity, inclusivity, social justice, human rights, pluralism, etc. - how can we tell the Good News in a way that is truly 'good'? Join us for this brand new six-week course to help churches address the growing threat of Christian Nationalism. We will explore the distorted relationship between religion, race, and democracy that has been arising within conservative Christian circles throughout the last few decades.
This course is offered by the Project Proclaim Partnership of the Southern New England UCC with PATHWAYS funded by the Lilly Foundation. Other courses beginning in February and March can be found on the PATHWAYS website, http://pathwaystheological.org . Visit our website to sign up for this course or others.
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2025 Camps and Retreats
Registration is now open!
Explore an exciting array of camps and retreats offered at Tower Hill Camp & Retreat Center and Pilgrim Park Camp & Conference Center, with options to suit every age and interest. Whether you're looking for spiritual growth, environmental action, creative crafting, or intergenerational bonding, there’s something special waiting for you!
Register online here to step out of the ordinary and into the sacred!
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As California wildfires continue, so does the call to care for one another - United Church of Christ | The wind-fed wildfires that began Jan. 7 in Los Angeles County, California, claiming at press time at least 23 lives and more than 40,000 acres, continue to burn... | | | |
2025 Stewardship Materials
United Church of Christ
“Dreaming God’s Dream” helps people understand the impact our congregations can make in our communities if we generously support them.
Materials include eight complete worship services, hymn suggestions, sermon starters from eight different authors, and faith formation sessions for children, youth, and adults. Also provided are practical tools such as logos, commitment cards, bulletin inserts, and letters. Campaign guidance for every step of your stewardship efforts helps leaders make the best use of these robust materials.
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Conference/Local Church News & Events | |
Congratulations to Tara Cade who celebrated 30 years at Pilgrim Park Camp & Conference on Friday, January 10th! | |
Boundary Training - Specialized Settings
Monday, February 3, 5:00 – 8:00pm CST
with Rev. Tara Barber and Rev. Anissa Glaser-Bacon
This training is open to ministers serving in specialized settings throughout the United Church of Christ. Serving in specialized settings requires particular attention to boundaries within the ministry setting and home church that are challenging and different from those serving as local church pastors. This training will focus on matters that relate specifically to issues that these ministers face, providing opportunities for clergy to reflect on best practices and growth in their practice of ministry. *Note - This training completes individual requirements for boundary training ONLY WHEN authorized by a local Committee on Ministry. Register here.
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Boundary Training - Retired Ministers
Wednesday, March 19, 12:30 – 3:30pm CST
with Rev. Tara Barber and Rev. Melanie Oommen
Maintaining healthy boundaries is challenging at any stage in ministry and it is particularly tender and difficult attending to boundaries as we transition out of our last call, and while in retirement. "A Sure Foundation", "The Ministerial Code" and Rev. Dr. Bruce Epperly's new book, "The Jubilee Years" along with case studies, will provide the content of this training. Rev. Tara Barber will offer this focused Boundary Awareness Training for those entering and living in retirement. Note - This training completes individual requirements for boundary training ONLY WHEN authorized by a local Committee on Ministry. Participants must be able to use zoom chat and breakout room functions. Register here.
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Does your church have news to share or an upcoming event you would like to advertise? Email us the information and any accompanying graphics/flyers. | |
Ordinations, Installations, and Ecclesiastical Councils
Feb. 6: Ecclesiastical Council for Mollie Foster. 7:00 p.m. at First Congregational Church of Evanston. Chicago Metropolitan Association.
Feb. 16: Service of Installation for Rev. Kris Hewitt. 3:00 p.m. at St. Peter's UCC in Elmhurst. Chicago Metropolitan Association.
Meetings and Events
Jan. 19: WA Council Meeting. 3:30 p.m. via Zoom.
Jan. 21: FAB Committee Meeting. 9:00 a.m. via Zoom.
Jan. 21: Western Association Committee on Ministry Meeting. 9:00 a.m. via Zoom.
Jan. 21: Association Moderators Meeting. 3:00 p.m. via Zoom.
Jan. 22: EA Council Meeting. 3:30 p.m. via Zoom.
Jan. 27: FVA Council Meeting. 3:30 p.m. via Zoom.
Feb. 1: Personnel Committee Meeting. 9:30 a.m. via Zoom.
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Please let us know if you have a job opening you would like to share,
and also update us once the position is filled. Contact Sarah Lohrbach.
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Contact Us
Mon-Fri 8:30 - 4:30
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FAITHFUL FRIDAYS is published by the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ, 1840 Westchester Blvd, Suite 200, Westchester, IL 60154. The Rev. Dr. Terrill Murff, Acting Conference Minister; the Rev. Sarah Lohrbach, Editor. Copy may be sent to: communications@ilucc.org.
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