Home of the Falcons! 
"Fountain Hills Middle School empowers students to learn, to care, and to succeed."
Principal's Message                      February 14, 2020

Hello Falcon Families,

Today's message is focused on two topics: upcoming parent-teacher conferences and 12 Apps that every parent needs to be aware of.  Spring Break is just around the corner (Mar. 7 - 15) and before we head off to break FHMS will host our Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences.  These conferences are a chance for parents and teachers to communicate face-to-face about our students' successes and struggles. Conferences represent an opportunity to "refocus" the learning of our students and establish a unified approach to foster academic and emotional success for the remainder of the school year.  You are encouraged to join us on Wednesday, Mar. 4, 2020 from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. or Thursday, Mar. 5, 2020 from 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Teacher will be communicating the details for grade level conference in the coming weeks.  

It seems like every day there is a new App that our students can't stop talking about.  TikTok seems to be the most popular App on the market right now and I cannot overstate the number of students that seem "addicted" to this App.  While the App seems harmless enough, recent articles have shed a light on two potential pitfalls to using this App. The first concern is that TikTok is developed and distributed out of China and all data collected by the App can be used or sold for nefarious purposes.  The second concern is that large numbers of "predators" are using this App to manipulate children as young as eight. I invite you all to read the article:   A Complete Guide to Potentially Dangerous Apps All Parents Should Be Aware O  for more information about TikTok and other Apps that can be misused by students and adults alike.  

While the second part of my Falcon Focus was not the most upbeat topic I've talked about this year, I believe that it is a topic that needed to be addressed.  

Monday, Feb. 17 (Presidents' Day) - No School
Wednesday, Mar. 4 (Parent-Teacher Conferences) - 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, Mar. 5 (Early Release Day - 12:15 p.m. dismissal; Parent-Teacher Conferences) - 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Friday, Mar. 6 (Early Release Day - 12:15 p.m. dismissal)
March 7 - 15 (Spring Break) - No School

Have a great weekend!  

Mr. Carrick, Principal

Special Announcements
See what is happening at our schools

If your family lives in any of the following situations:

  • In a shelter
  • In a motel or campground due to the lack of an alternative adequate accommodation
  • In a car, park, abandoned building, or bus or train station
  • Doubled up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship

Your school-age child(ren) may qualify for certain rights and protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Act.  If you believe your child(ren) may be eligible please contact your child(ren)'s school or Allison Barbor at district office (abarbor@fhacademics.org or (408)664-5084).


The Fountain  Hills Coalition is sponsoring the 6th annual "Above the Influence" poster contest for middle school students.  Please take a moment to read the flyer below and talk to your student(s) about the importance of "living above the influence."

Looking Ahead
View upcoming events of the week ahead
February 14 Valentine's Dance - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
February 20 Boys Basketball Tryouts 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
February 21 Regional Spelling Bee - 9:00 am @ DVUSD
February 21 Boys Basketball Tryouts 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
February 23 Boys Basketball Tryouts 8:30 am - 10:00 am
February 25 6th grade field trip - Renaissance Fair
February 29 PTO Gala - FH Community Center 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm
State Testing begins in the Spring. Please look at the dates below and ensure your student will be in school!

AIMS Science  March 24
AIMS Science-make-up test March 25
AzM2 Writing March 26 and March 30
AzM2 Reading Part 1 March 31 and April 2
AzM2 Reading Part 2 April 6 and April 7
AzM2 Math Part 1 April 9 and April 13
AzM2 Math Part 2 April 14 and April 16
Test make-up dates: 4/3, 4/10, 4/17, 4/20-4/22

Tax Credit:
2019 Tax Credit:
There is still time to make a Tax Credit donation to our schools that will reduce your 2019 state tax obligation up to $400 for those who file a joint return.  You actually have until April 15, 2020 to donate and have the credit apply to your 2019 Arizona Tax Return. Fees paid for extracurricular activities, sports, and clubs are all eligible for the AZ Tax Credit program. New for 2019, donations can be made in support of playground equipment or shade structures for playground equipment.

As a reminder, a receipt is needed from the school in order to claim the tax credit. Each school has provided receipts for every known donor who contributed through December 2019. Receipts for donations from January 2020 through April will be provided on an ongoing basis. If you have made contributions from earlier in 2019 and have not received a receipt yet, please contact Steffnie Beck so records can be updated and receipts provided.

A Message From Food Services:
As we begin the third semester of the school year please take time to check your child's lunch balance.  We all know that students like to buy snacks and other goodies that you as parents may not know about nor planned for that additional spending.  As a result their account may be much lower then expected, or even have a negative balance.  
You can check your child's account via: https://fountainhillsusd.revtrak.net/

Important Reminder on Cell Phones:
Cellphones continue to be a distraction in school and we encourage parents to keep their student's phones at home during the school day.  

Happening On Campus:

History came alive for 5th graders on January 29th when 'Ben Franklin' and an 18th century printer's apprentice arrived from the International Printing Museum in Carson, CA.  The witty costumed performers regaled the rapt student audience with tales of life in the 1700's and interactive demonstrations of an actual antique printing press.  The students were introduced to a number of Dr. Franklin's inventions including the 'Armonica' (a glass piano), bifocal glasses, 'Franklin's air bath', and a 'shocking' electricity generator that was inspired by his 'kite & key' experiment.  Students finished off the day writing thank you letters and sharing ideas about history and technology..  

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15414 N. McDowell Mountain Rd., Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 480.664.5400