Hi Learners Chess Parents and Friends!
A week later than we hoped to have it up, but here it is! Registration is now open for most all of our After School chess programs. A few are yet to open and we may add a few more schools.
As usual, the school clubs are listed in alphabetical order. If your school is not listed and you think it should be, email me. Or if the link is not up, it is because we have not yet heard back from the school about solidifying the details and you can help us with those cases by inquiring with the school administration about the Learners Chess club for this year.
We will start all clubs the Thursday after Labor Day, the 8th of September (three weeks from today!). Our grant funded clubs may have different start dates, check with your school if it is a grant funded club.
One difference this year is that we will wait to start most all of our Spring programs until after MLK Day in January.
Thank you all for reading and staying engaged with Learners Chess!
Coach Victor Lopez
P.S. If your child has aged out of our elementary programs, stay tuned for announcements about our upcoming middle school club that'll take place on a weekend day at our head quarters location and also Jr. Leadership opportunities!