Hello Fall 2017 Learners Chess Parents and Friends!
We are well into our Fall semester of chess clubs! Thank you all for having your awesome children involved in their school chess club with us this year!
Our coaches are reporting back great results from their clubs and most of our students are already earning lots of 'Learning Prizes' for their hard work!
If your student has come home with a colored chess piece, it is because they have successfully completed a "learning zone" activity and demonstrated their comprehension. In our clubs, learning zone activities are typically the solving of appropriately challenging chess exercises or chess puzzles and they also may consist of demonstrating ideal chess playing behavior and/or mindfulness practice. The specific activities or puzzles may differ from child to child depending on their experience, but the overall goal for us is to be encouraging our students to challenge themselves and engage with our learning materials. If you would like check out the puzzles and learn from them yourself, definitely ask your kids to bring home their chess puzzles and teach them to you or work on them with you.
A few house keeping items:
Please always bring your ID when picking up your child. As we are getting to know many of you, we are having to check your ID's less and less, but we are also bringing on new coaches in training who may be taking on the role of handling sign out at the end of each club meeting so please do have your ID ready when picking up your kids. This is a safety procedure that we practice.
Save the Date! Our end of the semester
Central NM Team Chess League
regional team chess tournaments are scheduled! All four tournaments will take place on
Sunday, December 3rd. This year they will all take place at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Albuquerque.
- Morning 9:00am-12:30pm: The NW Mesa and the Rio Grande Valley regions
- Afternoon 1:00pm-4:30pm: Sandia Heights and ABQ Metro regions
- Early evening 5:00-6:45pm: Bughouse Tournament!
Registration for these events will be open soon!
*note, a few teams have moved to a new region this year to accommodate our growth.
See below for a Fun Chess Puzzle, Information about our upcoming Single Day Chess Camps, and