Fall 2018
  • Sally's Alley History Sign
  • Draft Wireless Code
  • Argosy Christmas Ship Event
  • Storm Drain Replacements
  • New Speed Limit Radar Sign

A Commemoration
The Park Board created a new sign commemorating the history of Sally's Alley.

Duplicate signs were installed at the western and easterly entrances of Sally's Alley.
Wireless Code Update
The Town is reviewing its wireless communications code in light of a recent Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) Order that issued new regulations regarding how local jurisdictions process applications for small wireless facilities. See https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-facilitates-wireless-infrastructure-deployment-5g for more information on the Order.

The first drafts of the new code are published on the Town’s website , however the Town anticipates this code will evolve and grow over the next few months through an iterative process with the Planning Commission, Town Council, and the Town residents. Please submit comments to: townhall@yarrowpointwa.gov
The Christmas Ships Are Back!
Tuesday December 18, 9:00 PM at Road End Beach
Storm Drains!
The Town has received a grant from the County to replace the storm drain lids in the Town. The new lids will offer increased locking security protection and improved water channeling flow capabilities. The Town's Public Works Department will begin replacing the drains in 2019.

Please also remember to keep your storm drains clean and free of debris, especially during the fall season!
Speed Limit Radar Signs
Thank you for obeying the speed limit!
You may have noticed the new speed limit radar sign on 92nd Ave NE for northbound traffic. The Town Council approved the installation of two new solar powered radar signs. The second one will be installed for southbound traffic on 92nd Ave NE. These are not the typical radar sign either as they respond to the driver with a message in correlation to their speed.
Town of Yarrow Point | 425-454-6994 | Email | Website