There have been both a decrease in the number of decentralized research support positions and a decrease in the number of sponsored programs staff in RASP. This presents challenges that simply surpass our ability to provide the same level of service that we have in the past with fewer people. However, our focus on clear and transparent expectations for faculty will hopefully ensure that, for those following recommended timelines, there will be no noticeable change in the levels of service provided by the Division. That is, we are continuing to emphasize that:
Sponsored programs should be notified of intention to submit a proposal at least ten working days before the submission deadline.
A complete proposal record with the final budget must be entered into Kuali and routed for internal approval no later than five working days prior to the due date.
Near final drafts of all documents should be provided two days before the deadline (this is to ensure that PIs have completed all components of the proposal and that office of sponsored programs personnel know the correct number of attachment placeholders necessary for submission). Final documents are due by 8AM on the agency due date.
Faculty following these recommended deadlines will be prioritized on any deadline and will see no change in levels of service provided by the Division. We are unable to make the same promise to faculty not following these deadlines and may be forced to inform individuals not following these deadlines that we are unable to submit their proposals. It should be mentioned that these are extremely generous deadlines and in order to prepare a quality competitive proposal it is necessary to work far ahead of these deadlines, so the good news is that following these will result in a better proposal with a higher chance of being funded.