Healthcare Sector Partnership
Steering Committee
The goal of the Sector Industry Partnership Strategy is to develop an infrastructure of communication and collaboration between the public and private sectors. WorkSource Southwest Georgia was awarded a grant and chose Healthcare for their Sector Strategy with the goal being to understand Healthcare workforce needs. Our purpose is to create a strong healthcare workforce pipeline and fix the current leaks to increase the Healthcare Workforce in Southwest Georgia and keep the jobs and people in our area. Our committee sessions bring together healthcare employers and partners from across the region to learn about their current workforce needs, future needs, desired skills, and how education/workforce development can support their needs. We are working to bring all the necessary players to the table and establish open communication across all areas, including higher education, K-12 schools, and industry leaders. The WorkSource Southwest Georgia Healthcare Sector Partnership team consists of Project Managers, Jerry Chapman and Melody Pierce.
On August 24th & September 23rd, the Healthcare Sector Partnership Steering Committee conducted Zoom Meetings.
Recapping the August 24th meeting:
WorkSource Southwest Georgia Participants: Jerry Chapman, Melody Pierce
Steering Committee Participants: Darrell Moore, Leigh Ribolzi, Lisa Stephens, Sarah Adams, Whitney Brannen, Charlene Brinson, Dennis Lee, Lorie Eubanks, Patricia King, Karen Williams, Laura Calhoun, Lisa Carhuff, Sharon Liggett
Guests: Amy Jones and Pam Popham from WorkSource Southern Georgia.
Overview and Announcements
Jerry welcomed the group. Melody gave updates from the State Workforce level. We are assisting individuals remotely, as Career Centers are currently not open to public.
An overview if the Health Care Workforce Development Needs Assessment and Strategy was given. At the May Strategic Planning Meeting, three major goals were set for the Round 3 Partnership:
- Dedicated Partnership Website developed with resource pages.
- Annual Summit (Joint event with Region 11)
- Middle School/High School Outreach (CTAE/stakeholder engagement)
A Round 3 Wish List includes:
- Virtual/Mobile Healthcare
- High Demand Boot Camp
- Redirecting Healthcare Careers
- Sponsorship Funding
- TEACH Academy (AHEC)
- Career Videos
Virtual/Mobile Healthcare and TEACH Academy (AHEC) have been moved up to “major goals”. Dates of June 6th & 7th 2022 have already been determined for TEACH Academy.
Development of a dedicated website for our Healthcare Sector Partnership is underway with the assistance of a student team from Valdosta State University. A progress report was given along with a request for input from the Partnership.
Laura Calhoun, with AHEC, reviewed TEACH Academy scheduled for June 6th & 7th 2022, at Phoebe Putney’s Simulation & Innovation Center in Albany. Anyone that would like to be on Laura’s Middle School/High School Outreach Committee and help with TEACH Academy, let me know.
Amy Jones, WorkSource Southern Georgia (Region 11), reviewed our plans for a joint Annual Healthcare Summit. The joint committees were planning on a November 2021 date, but due to the resurgence of COVID, they are now looking towards February 2022. A virtual summit is also a possibility. Lisa Carhuff, with Hometown Health, would like to be involved and partner with the Summit. Hometown Health can also help with funding. Lisa shared that the HSTEA Winter Conference will be February 2nd – 4th. To avoid conflict, we should not target those dates for our Summit.
Sarah Adams gave updates on her work through UGA Archway Professionals. They are involved in many initiatives such as Health & Wellness Summer programs, partnerships with Yellow Elephant, local Police Departments, NAMI and Georgia Pines in establishing a Mental Health Task Force. Her Intern, Toriona Stewart, who conducted an on-line interview with the Partnership during last month’s call, has finished her report. Sarah shared the link to the report, and I sent out to the group.
Darrell Moore gave updates on VSU. Their team working on our website needs additional information to proceed, and we will be setting up a call this week to address those needs. If anyone has specific photos that they would like attached their organization’s link on the site, send to Darrell or me. The Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education has an upcoming event on October 14 in Valdosta. Darrell will be sending out additional information. This organization is doing much of the same work as our Partnership.
Sharon Liggett gave updates on UGA Archway Professionals. One of their most exciting projects is with UGA College of Public Health Institute of Gerontology and their dealings with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. They will be putting together a proposal for ARP Funds. They will be gathering community and stakeholder input on Alzheimer’s information, inventory of resources, lack of resources, etc. They will be looking at services and providers and making providers aware of available resources. This will probably be a 4-year project.
Amy Jones gave updates on their Healthcare Partnership in Region 11.
Whitney Brannen gave an update on her work through UGA Archway Professionals in Grady County.
Patricia King gave updates with Goodwill Industries.
Lisa Carhuff (Hometown Health) made a request for information data on recruitment and retention in area rural hospitals. They are in the process of applying for grants and such data would be very beneficial for the applications. Several from the Partnership said they would provide Lisa with their data. They are still planning on having their Fall Conference for rural hospitals.
Melody Pierce reviewed addition information from the State as it relates to this Sector Partnership and it’s continuation into the next grant period.
Lisa Stephens gave updates on Albany Technical College. They have started a Nurse Aide accelerated curriculum that TCSG adopted in response to COVID pandemic. They will be starting their first cohort on October 11.
Karen Williams gave updates from Memorial Hospital and Manor in Bainbridge and how they are being a resource for the community and providing support for their staff to include mental health support. She shared that yesterday, every patient in their facility (but one) was COVID related. They have needs for respiratory therapists and RNs and are having to look to agency staffing to meet these needs. Their turnover rate is at 32%.
Pam Popham with WorkSource Southern Georgia (Region 11) gave updates on their Sector Partnership work.
Leigh Ribolzi gave updates on Miller County Collaborative and Family Connection.
Recapping the September 24th meeting:
WorkSource Southwest Georgia Participants: Jerry Chapman,
Steering Committee Participants: Darrell Moore, Dennis Lee, Barbara Grogan, Leigh Ribolzi, Lisa Stephens, Whitney Brannen, Charlene Brinson, Lorie Eubanks, Karen Williams, Laura Calhoun, Sarah Brinson, Sharon Liggett, Teresa Teasley, Joanne Jones, Sandra Martin, Shirley Ingram
Guests: Amy Jones and Pam Popham from WorkSource Southern Georgia.
Overview and Announcements
Jerry welcomed the group. We are assisting individuals remotely, as Career Centers are currently not open to public.
An overview if the Health Care Workforce Development Needs Assessment and Strategy was given. At the May Strategic Planning Meeting, three major goals were set for the Round 3 Partnership:
- Dedicated Partnership Website developed with resource pages.
- Annual Summit (Joint event with Region 11)
Middle School/High School Outreach (CTAE/stakeholder engagement)
A Round 3 Wish List includes:
- Virtual/Mobile Healthcare
- High Demand Boot Camp
- Redirecting Healthcare Careers
- Sponsorship Funding
- TEACH Academy (AHEC)
- Career Videos
Virtual/Mobile Healthcare and TEACH Academy (AHEC) have been moved up to “major goals”. Dates of June 6th & 7th 2022 have already been determined for TEACH Academy.
Development of a dedicated website for our Healthcare Sector Partnership is underway with the assistance of a student team from Valdosta State University. A progress report was given along with a request for input from the Partnership.
Laura Calhoun, with AHEC, reviewed TEACH Academy scheduled for June 6th & 7th 2022, at Phoebe Putney’s Simulation & Innovation Center in Albany. Anyone that would like to be on Laura’s Middle School/High School Outreach Committee and help with TEACH Academy, let me know.
Amy Jones, WorkSource Southern Georgia (Region 11), reviewed our plans for a joint Annual Healthcare Summit. The joint committees were planning on a November 2021 date, but due to the resurgence of COVID, they are now looking towards February 2022. A virtual summit is also a possibility
Sandra Martin, with GaDOE, left the classroom and has been in her new position working with health science teachers. Her main focus in working with the teachers is to strengthen them and their programs to produce the strongest possible pipeline in those areas. She and her team are program specialists to focus on anything in business and industry to help middle school and high school level students get the pipelines filled. They are also involved with a professional student organization called Georgia Wholesale which supports teachers and students to help them be stronger in the pipeline.
Dennis Lee gave updates on Southern Regional Technical College. Their healthcare faculty and staff are starting a program to honor and recognize the healthcare workers in their service region which consists of 11 counties in Southern Georgia. This is rolling out this month and is in the middle of the campaign.
Sharon Liggett gave updates on UGA Archway Professionals. She is glad to see the progress and success of our Sector Partnership.
Barbara Grogan, President Moultrie Colquitt County Development Authority, gave updates on economic development activities in Colquitt County. She discussed healthcare and COVID issues and how the business community is coping.
Laura Calhoun discussed the Nursing Workforce Summit that will be having roll-out meetings in November.
Whitney Brannen gave an update on her work through UGA Archway Professionals in Grady County.
Darrell Moore gave updates on VSU. Their team working on our website needs additional information to proceed, and we will be setting up a call this week to address those needs. If anyone has specific photos that they would like attached their organization’s link on the site, send to Darrell or me. He reviewed the Census campaign. Results are coming in with more to be released at the end of September. They have created 4 Vaccine posters that I will be sharing with the Partnership. The Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education has an upcoming event on October 14 in Valdosta. Darrell will be sending out additional information. This organization is doing much of the same work as our Partnership.
Sarah Brinson gave updates on Albany State University. They are highly suggesting that their students wear masks. They offer weekly COVID testing and vaccinations. They have set up vaccination stations at football games and will be incorporating stations with upcoming Homecoming activities. There is an alarming trend where students are not wanting to major in nursing due to COVID issues.
Karen Williams gave updates from Memorial Hospital and Manor in Bainbridge. They are trying to keep a positive attitude but are facing many challenges. They require their clinical students to be vaccinated, which is becoming a deterrent to some wanting to work at the hospital. They have a youth apprenticeship program with high school students. Typically, they have 10 to 15 students, but this semester they only have 6 because of the restrictions and limitations that they have in place. They are doing everything they can to prevent the spread of COVID. She wants to use our Sector Partnership platform to solicit help in recruiting nurses. They also need technical staff, maintenance staff and ultra-sound techs. Agency rates are outrageous. An agency RN can command a rate of upwards to $160 an hour.
Joanne Jones gave updates on PCOM. They are experiencing the same struggles with COVID issues as everyone else. They are fully masked on campus. Those that not vaccinated with a waver are required to be tested each week, sometimes twice weekly. 97% of their students are vaccinated. They were able to complete their math and science academy with high school students this summer. Students are fully back now. Joanne is this year’s Chair of the Moultrie-Colquitt County Chamber of Commerce Board.
Lisa Stephens gave updates on Albany Technical College. They have started a Nurse Aide accelerated curriculum that TCSG adopted in response to COVID pandemic. They will be starting their first cohort on October 11. Lisa sent out information to the Partnership on the Nurse Aide Accelerated Nurse Aide Accelerated Inaugural Cohort.
Dr. Teresa Teasley gave updates on Georgia Southwestern University. They are back to business as usual. No masks, no vaccine requirements, no social distancing mandates which is a little frustrating for staff. Students are back in clinicals. The challenge is with those students not wanting to be vaccinated. They are not allowed to ask them to do so. This is left up to the clinical agencies. They are getting ready for the start of their ASN Program, which is scheduled to admit students Fall 2022. This is a 6-semester program designed to help meet the needs of their local workforce. They are staying positive and keeping on.
Leigh Ribolzi gave updates on Miller County Collaborative and Family Connection.
Shirley Ingram gave updates on WorkSource Southwest Georgia One-Stop Operations. Shirley shares updates from a variety of partner organizations. She has a regular scheduled virtual meeting the fourth Tuesday of every month. She will be glad to share anything that this Partnership would like to send out.
Other Discussion:
Upcoming meeting dates. It is the consensus of the group that we schedule monthly Zoom meetings and quarterly in-person meetings. With the resurgence of COVID, we will probably schedule a Zoom meeting for next monty. Jerry will send out a Doodle Poll to select best time and dates for meetings.