Fall 2021 PACFA Newsletter
PACFA Qualifying Education Course Launch
The new rule requiring Qualifying (QE) and Continuing Education (CE) for new license applicants and current licensees was approved by the Colorado Agriculture Commission on September 8th. The new rule will become effective on October 30th.

The PACFA Qualifying Education Course has been created and we are excited to begin enrolling new license applicants for the course starting November 1.

The QE course is an online course that is designed to cover four modules (click on the Module Design link below to see more) and covers topics ranging from an overview of PACFA, rules and regulations, cleaning and sanitation, veterinary care, animal care, and transportation and importation requirements. The QE and CE online courses are free! The Primary Business Contact/License Holder will be required to complete the course and any licensed facility can have their employees take the QE course and any future CE course at no charge as well.

Continuing Education (CE) for current licensees will begin during the 2023 and 2024 renewal seasons with half of the current licensees being required to complete the online QE course in 2023 and the other half in 2024. CDA and PACFA are excited to launch this essential addition to our regulatory requirements to help us educate and establish a baseline of knowledge for our licensed community in order to help achieve greater compliance with the Act and the rules and regulations, increase awareness and knowledge regarding the requirements for animal health, safety, and welfare, and to help increase the protection for consumers that use pet-care-related services.

Please visit our new Qualifying and Education box on our webpage for lots more information!

Please contact us with any questions.
Program Updates
Virtual Stakeholder Listening Sessions

October 7, 2021
10:30 am - 11:00 am
Stakeholder Listening Session for Rulemaking related to 35-80-108.5, C.R.S., the Pet Store Disclosure Act

October 7, 2021
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Stakeholder Listening Session for Rulemaking related to 35-80-106.6, C.R.S., the Socially Conscious Sheltering Act

October 21, 2021
10:30 am - 11:30 am
2nd Stakeholder Listening Session for Rulemaking related to Disease Control and Treatment (DCAT) plans required for animals imported into Colorado.

More information will be sent out via email as the dates for these meetings get closer
PACFA Advisory Committee Vacancy Announcement
Leslie Yoder, the former VP of Operations for the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region (HSPPR) and the Animal Shelter Representative on the PACFA Advisory Committee, retired this summer creating a vacancy on the PACFA Advisory Committee. We wish Leslie all the best in her retirement and thank her for her service to the committee!

The Advisory Committee is currently recruiting for the Animal Shelter Representative position. If you are associated with a licensed animal shelter and are interested in serving on the committee please click on the button below to access the application form. We will be accepting applications until October 15, 2021.
PACFA License Renewal
Begins December 1, 2021

All PACFA licenses expire on March 1st! Get an early start on your renewal this year! Licensed facilities that do not have to report annual statistics, will be able to renew their license as early as December 1st.

Renewal Questions to start thinking about:
  • Do you remember how to access your account on the AgLicense site?
  • Do you remember your username and password?
  • Did your email and/or contact information change and need to be updated?
  • Any upcoming changes such as address changes, ownership changes, primary business contact/licensee changes, etc.?
  • Do you have any license category changes?
  • For Shelters, Rescues, Transporters, and Pet Animal Breeders: Are you registered in the statistics reporting portal? To access the stats reporting portal, click on the Report Statistics box on our web page. (Reminder: These facilities must submit an annual report and cannot do so until January 1, 2022)

We encourage all currently licensed facilities to start getting prepared for the upcoming license renewal. Password criteria were updated in the AgLicense system last year and you may be required to create a new one. Please try accessing your account now so we can better assist you now before our busy renewal time starts. For new licensees, you will need to register your account with AgLicense to get started.
Contact your inspector or the office for assistance!

PACFA Inspectors and staff are dedicated to helping licensed facilities understand and follow PACFA and the rules and regulations. PACFA also responds and investigates consumer complaints on licensed and unlicensed facilities.

What Questions Can I Contact My Inspector About?
Your inspector is here to help you comply with PACFA and the rules and regulations!
  • Questions that come up before or after an inspection
  • Adding a new category like grooming, pet handling, or pet transporting
  • Remodeling or renovations, and whether new equipment and materials comply with the rules
PACFA inspectors can be reached by cell phone.

When will my inspector do my next inspection?
  • PACFA's program goal is to perform a routine inspection at each licensed facility once per year
  • Routine inspections are typically unannounced and are scheduled based on several factors

Where can I get a copy of my license?
Our online licensing portal, AgLicense. Simply log into your account and click on the PACFA license button.
  • Be sure your pop-up blocker is enabled on the web browser you are using.
  • If you are a newly licensed facility, you will need to register your account first. Please contact your inspector or the office to get the information needed to register.
How do I make changes to my license?
The following changes require a new application submission:
  • Primary Business Contact Change (see webpage for more instructions)
  • Entity type
  • Business Name
  • New Ownership
  • Physical Business Address
  • Category Add and/or Update
The following changes may be requested in writing via email or letter by the Primary Business Contact/Licensee:
  • Contact Information, such as email and phone numbers
  • Hours of Operation
  • DBA Name
  • Submitted to cda_pacfa@state.co.us:
Refer to the Facility Reporting Forms box on our webpage for reporting additional changes to your license.
Spread the Word
Please share this newsletter with anyone who may be interested.

Didn't receive this newsletter in your Inbox? Click the sign-up button below to receive our Fall 2021 Newsletter. Our goal is to educate everyone about the PACFA Program.

Please help support our efforts in safeguarding pet animals in pet care facilities throughout Colorado and protect consumers who purchase or adopt pets and who use pet-related services.

305 Interlocken Parkway
Broomfield, CO 80021