The availability of a variety of free, user-friendly statistical software packages has enabled many scientists to perform their own analyses and generate results without formal knowledge of programming languages. This democratization of data science can be hugely important to researchers wishing to analyze and interpret their research data but can be risky without sufficient background in statistics. In order to generate valid results and correctly interpret them, it is important to have an understanding of key statistical principles and applications. It’s important not just to know which statistical software package to use but to also know which statistical test or method to use, the assumptions on which it is based, and how to evaluate whether that particular test or method is best suited for the data under consideration.
With the goal of enabling the informed use of statistical software, Dr. Ghebremichael previously designed and offered an introductory Biostatistics course, mixing lecture with experiential learning to provide the research community with the tools they need to effectively perform their own statistical analyses. Due to COVID, the course was not offered in the last two years, and we plan to re-start it in the Fall. If you are interested, please indicate your preferred date and time via the following survey link: