Exciting News

Meet our newest team member

Update from our CDS Managers

2022 Expanding Horizons

Student Spotlight

Meet Africa Nkosi

A Special Thank You

Mrs. Shonie Perry

Back to School

School supply kits

Liaison Spotlight

Meet Rejoice Chavira

Upcoming Events

San Bernardino County Wide Gangs and Drugs Task Force

2022 Safety Summit

FAFSA Challenge

Our team can come out and assist you with your FAFSA workshops

Feeling Good This Fall

Fall self care ideas


Happy Fall!

Fall is already upon us!

As we transition into a new year and renew with vigor the pursuit of academic and social achievements, we must remember the magnificent opportunities that fall brings. A new school year filled with excitement and anticipation, the changing color of the leaves and the lessening of the sun's rays. Why should we be so excited? Because of the grand opportunity to learn, and grow, and assist, and lead, and contribute, to our own and others lives. Embrace the new season, a season filled with joy and hope and thanksgiving that we are still here, we will still grow! 

Don English


Children Deserve Success

Children Deserve Success Podcast

Check out the latest Children Deserve Success Podcast featuring Juan Robledo sharing his experiences as a first generation youth growing up in San Bernardino County.

Listen Here!

Exciting News!

Meet Shuvette

Shuvette Marshall is the newest Peer Support Associate on the Children’s Deserve Success team. She is an exceptional, determined, intelligent, and motivating individual. Shuvette is a recent graduate from Chaffey College, where she graduated with an associate’s degree in communications in May 2022. She is pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Sociology at California State University, San Bernardino, where she will graduate in 2024.

Despite Shuvette’s challenges in life, she has shown great resilience by overcoming them all. Her pain and struggle has turned into the driving force for her to be successful. Shuvette is able to live out her dream in her job, where she empowers youth to break through the walls they have been barricaded behind. She is motivated by the message she can convey to people. Her passion lies in speaking to families, educators, and students.

Although graduating with her associate’s is a huge accomplishment, Shuvette states, “My biggest accomplishment is breaking through my shyness and getting on stage.” Sharing her message of hope and resilience has also made her stronger. Her greatest strength is her ability to never give up and wanting to learn. Shuvette understands this is a starting point for her to change the paradigms she lived through. She is grateful for the Children’s Deserve Success team for giving her the opportunity of a lifetime. Shuvette lives by “Faith without works is dead.” This is why she works extremely hard to change her life and the lives of others. Shuvette would love to come to your schools to empower the students you put your blood, sweat, and tears into.

CDS Manager Update

One of the major focuses for the Children Deserve Success (CDS) team is assisting with the successful transition from high school to the next steps each youth in foster care or youth experiencing homelessness take. Career development is a lifelong process that starts when you are born! There are several factors that influence career development, including interests, abilities, values, personality, background, and circumstances. For our “at-promise” youth, the difficult influence is their background. Many “at promise” youth have difficult life experiences, have experienced numerous traumas, and lack positive adults in their lives. Positive role models, mentoring, and career counseling is essential to increase learning opportunities for youth. Career development is more than just deciding on a major and what job youth want to get when they graduate. It really is a lifelong process, meaning that youth need to develop the understanding that they will change, situations will change, and they will continually have to make career and life decisions. The goal of the CDS team is to give youth the knowledge and skills needed to make future career and life decisions.

Recently, the Children Deserve Success team, in partnership with University of Redlands and Riverside County Office of Education, hosted the annual Expanding Horizons College/Career Summit. Approximately 200 youth participated in the full day experience featuring a service panel, an entrepreneurial panel, and exhibitor hall with community employers and college entrance specialists. Youth were exposed to and heard from dozens of potential career pathway experts. The event also featured Trinity Wallace-Ellis as the keynote sharing the message that your current situation does not dictate your future success and a youth panel of currently employed former foster and homeless youth sharing their journey to gainful employment and post secondary school options. Every youth rotated through and participated in each of the three panels and exhibit hall. Many of the youth evaluations highlighted that they really appreciated having so many different career pathways exposed to them. Youth also shared that the presenters were engaging, practical, and honest about their career fields.  

Brenda & Paul

Brenda Dowdy_2_.jpg

Brenda Dowdy

Homeless Education Project Manager


Paul Durham

Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program Manager

Student Spotlight!

Meet Afrika Nkosi

Afrika Nkosi

Afrika is a Class of 2022 graduate from Etiwanda High School in the

Chaffey Joint Union High School District (CJUHSD). She currently is a freshman at Hawai’i Pacific University majoring in oceanography. As a

youth in foster care for the majority of her childhood, she always dreamt of attending a four-year university, but it seemed far out of reach for so long. Afrika shares in the Children Deserve Success Newsletter the

importance of mentorship and how that helped her reach her dreams.

Click Here to Read Full Article

A Special Thank You! 

Big Shoutout to our very own Shonie Perry, Homeless Education Program Specialist, for her vision of making young adults feel special by collecting hygiene and beauty bags for every youth who attended our annual college and career youth summit for students experiencing homelessness, in foster care, or at-promise. Shonie initiated the collection of bags by reaching out to colleagues interested in joining her in her vision. For over 5 years, approximately 1,000 bags have been sponsored by SBCSS employees and community partners and gifted to our youth attendees at the end of the summit. Thank you, Shonie Perry, for always seeking ways to make our youth feel special!

Throughout the year, educational and essential items are distributed countywide for students and families experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. This month, Children Deserve Success (CDS) received 33 pallets of school supply and toothbrush kits from Supply Bank! With the support of San Bernardino County Sheriff's department, CDS team distributed the items to school districts, charter schools, and county programs on September 9th following the countywide liaison meeting. Big thank you to our donors and supporters!

Autumn Is Here!

Liaison Spotlight

Meet Rejoice Chavira!

Rejoice Chavira, Ed.D., is the Associate Dean of EOPS/CARE/CalWORKs/Guardian Scholars at Crafton Hills College and has been in the education field for over 30 years. She enjoys working with disadvantaged students and is rewarded in seeing students grow and gain confidence that results in their ability to reach their educational goal and find success in their personal lives. Click the link below to learn more about all that Crafton Hills has to offer our at-promise youth and how mentoring can contribute to their success! 

Click Here to Read Full Article

Gangs and Drugs Safety Summit

Click Here to Register

We Can Help!

FAFSA Challenge 

The FAFSA opens on October 1st!

Our team would be happy to come out and assist on the FAFSA for foster, homeless, and unaccompanied minors. 

Please click on the link below to register for FAFSA support. We need a few details to coordinate support on our end. 

District/Charter school responsibilities: 

• Provide space with computer and internet access

• Recruit foster and homeless/unaccompanied seniors

Register Here!

Are you interested in Foster & Homeless Educational Rights Training?

As a reminder, the California Department of Education mandates all liaisons to be trained and to train school staff as it is essential to serving and supporting both populations.

Please click below to complete a Google Interest Form and one of our managers will connect with you!

District Schools
Charter Schools

Feeling Good This Fall

Treat Yourself

Enjoy A Tasty Fall Treat!

Nothing says Fall like pumpkin pie. Try these pumpkin pie cheesecake ars are full of fall spices. This layered dessert is sure to impress at any holiday gathering!

Click Here for Recipe
What's your favorite thing about Fall?
Sweater Weather
Pumpkin Spice Everything
Indulging in Fall Treats
Spending time with family and friends!

We Will See You At Our Next...


CWA/SARB Meeting

Child Welfare and Attendance

(CWA/ SARB All Regions)

Monthly meetings held every third Wednesday of each month.

Email for more information

Foster Youth Advisory Council

The Foster Care Advisory Council Meeting is a collaboration between San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, San Bernardino County Children's Network and Children and Family Services.  We invite school districts, college and universities, agencies, community partners, and caregivers/foster parents to attend this meeting to learn about resources and supports for you and foster youth in your care or that you help to support.

Email for more information
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Homeless Youth Task Force

The Homeless Youth Taskforce provides a voice for struggling and underprivileged youth by collaborating and creating partnerships with community stakeholders to identify needs and find solutions to ensure our youth can achieve a successful and independent lifestyle.

Email for more information

Children Deserve Success

Innovation & Engagement

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