Fall 2022


Thanks to your generosity, we were able to raise $32,281 with this fundraiser, plus an additional $25,000 via a matching grant from one of our valued supporters. Thanks to your help, we’ll be able to send two more people to long-term treatment!

A Big Thank You to our sponsors: Florence K. Millar, Greater Horizons, Creative Planning, Family Care Medical Group, PC, and PTM Solar.

And thanks to ALL who so generously contributed, including: CNY Community Foundation, Robert Miller, Robert and Terry Flower, Colleen Buxton, Eric and Laurie Glathar, and Susan and Boyd Johnson.


Thanks to advocate Elaina for the great job representing R2RCNY on The Local Show on NewsRadio 570 WSYR! To watch, click here:




Elaina’s segment starts at 04:35.


And thanks to advocate Caroline and R2RCNY alum Tommy for telling our story so well on NewsChannel 9’s Bridge Street!

See the full segment here:



Our Family Recovery Program in Oswego was awesome! Thanks to advocates Anne and Caroline for leading the meeting and to our Oswego advocates for their invaluable help. And thanks to Elim Grace Church for hosting! It was a huge success!

Our Family Recovery Program helps support families of loved ones who have addiction problems, giving them a place to meet other families and community members who understand addiction.


Congratulations to Theresa Baxter, our newest Board Member! Theresa is a

Nurse Practioner on the Addiction Consult Team at SUNY Upstate University Hospital and Nurse Practioner for the Center of Treatment Innovation at Helio Health. Her experience, expertise, and dedication as a Substance Use Disorder provider makes her an especially valuable addition to our board.


We were recently made aware that "Road2Recovery" is an established trademark for another organization. That organization will allow us to continue using Road2RecoveryCNY on a limited basis. In the future, please follow the following guidelines.

*R2RCNY is our organization's legal name and should be the principal name we use.

*When appropriate, Road2RecoveryCNY may also be used, but it must be used in its entirety, NEVER just Road2Recovery.

*We cannot use any highway or roadway symbols in our marketing communications.


BRAD: Brad in his own words, is "doing amazing!" He is working and just started a new position at his place of employment. His recovery is going very well. He had an accident at work of late, but it never once deterred him from his sober life. He said, "I am enjoying my new life too much to picture myself ever going back to my old ways." He is really an amazing success story and part of the reason R2RCNY exists. He is very thankful for our organization, all the donors, and volunteers.  

DAVID: David is doing very well. He is settling in well in Charlotte, NC and is enjoying living near family members again. He is working as an operations manager and enjoys his job. He is very thankful to R2RCNY.  

NICOLE: Nicole was scheduled to leave Nova inpatient and go to sober living but decided to stay a couple more weeks to work on herself.  


For a long time, I thought I would never get sober. I lost any semblance of hope or confidence in myself. I felt like my whole life was a failure. I had no self-respect and no self-love. I was in the delusion that this was the only way for me to live. This disease held me hostage for far too long.


But when I started to do the work that treatment was showing me, Isoon realized that I was also holding myself hostage. The shame I lived in through knowing I’d hurt so many people around me kept me sick. The truth is that I was not unredeemable. When I became so exhausted with this suffocating misery and pain that was the all consuming storm of addiction, I decided I had nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain from going to treatment. I’d hesitated so long because I grew comfortable with my sick state of mind, which may seem insane to people who are not addicts. Anyone who is not an addict and is rational probably doesn't understand, but I wasn’t rational for nearly a decade.


Ultimately, I decided to get off methadone and heroin and went to detox, with the intent of going to treatment after. Detox was very difficult for me and I spent nearly a month detoxing from long-term methadone use, but if I can do it, anyone can. There is nothing exceptional about me that made it possible for me to do this, it was just some willingness and the gift of desperation. But not everyone has to hit rock-bottom to get clean. An addict can save themselves from a lot of pain by doing this as soon as the problem is realized. 


In treatment I learned that I’m a good person, but I have a disease. I did bad things, hurt other people and hurt myself, but figured out it’s never too late for addicts to fix themselves. The hope I never thought I’d have again returned, and I started my journey. It felt miraculous to find that there is a solution. I’m not writing this to convince anyone they can only get well through using the 12 steps, but I will tell you they worked for me and have worked for my friends in recovery. I’ve found out they are the only thing that could save my soul, in a manner of speaking. I started to find out who Kurt really was, and the reality is that I never had any idea in this regard. I started to love myself again and gain a genuine connection with the people around me.


Some of the people I went through treatment with are now my best friends. It was a life changing experience. I won’t lie to you and tell you it was easy, but it was absolutely worth it. Now that I’m sober, my brain has recovered, and my spirit has mended.


I want to sincerely thank R2RCNY from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to get my life together. The quality of care I received was exceptional and was entirely necessary for someone like me who had been so consumed by addiction. Treatment helped save me from a terrible disease. I can now say I have a great relationship with my family and friends, and I live by principles. I couldn’t have done it without the treatment R2RCNY allowed me to receive in Austin, Texas.

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