I want to begin by thanking you for taking part in MC3. When a patient turns to their health care provider, they often bring with them a complex and interconnected set of circumstances. MC3 is here to support you in providing the best possible care for your patients. Your participation has a significant impact on improving the mental health of children and women in Michigan.
We are excited to share that MC3 has continued to promote and emphasize the perinatal mental health consultation offerings. In this effort, we have had a substantial increase in perinatal providers signing up for the consultation services, and a significant increase in utilization of the program. Thank you for continuing to share this program with your colleagues and recognizing the importance of consultation services to supporting the perinatal population's mental health!
Supporting patients often includes education, and we like to help bring greater awareness to critical concerns–especially in light of October wrapping up and observing Infant Safe Sleep Awareness Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
There is remarkable work being done in each of these areas. Please read further down in this newsletter for more info about these crucial topics that touch the lives of many patients.
Warm regards,
Maria Muzik, M.D., M.S.
MC3 Perinatal Director
MC3 will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thurs., Nov. 24 and Fri., Nov. 25 and for the winter holiday break on Mon., Dec. 26-Mon., Jan. 2. You are welcome to submit requests during that time, but your consult will not be coordinated until the MC3 team has returned to the office.
New & newly updated perinatal mental health resources
We are pleased to share these new and newly updated resources with providers who treat pregnant and postpartum patients:
Related webinar recordings:
Updated Youth Suicide Prevention in the Primary Care Setting trainings
We've updated the content for this training!
Even if you've previously taken this training before this fall, we encourage you to attend one of our upcoming sessions for new and updated content.
Register for an upcoming session:
We will offer this training quarterly in 2023—more details to come.
Save the dates: Monthly behavioral health webinars every 3rd Wednesday in 2023
We're excited to resume our monthly behavioral health webinar series in 2023! This time around, the webinars will be held every third Wednesday of the month (Jan.-June + Sep.-Nov.) and will rotate between pediatric and perinatal behavioral health topics.
Mark your calendars! CMEs will be available for these no-cost live trainings. More details and registration information to come.
MC3 ECHO: Behavioral Health this fall and Spring 2023
We are thrilled that our first Project ECHO® clinic this fall is going exceptionally well. Thank you to everyone who's joined us for these “all teach, all learn” sessions!
If you missed this first Project ECHO clinic, not to worry! You can view the brief didactic presentation recordings from the sessions on our website (search for “pediatrics” and then look for the 4 ECHO recordings posted so far). We will also send you the save-the-date and registration info for our next Project ECHO clinic on pediatric behavioral health in Spring 2023 soon. More information to come.
If you practice in a region we expanded to in 2018 with HRSA funding, please look out for surveys asking for your input about MC3. These surveys are extremely important to us, as your input helps us make improvements to the program, and also because we share the results with our funders and policy makers as we advocate for ongoing financial support.
Drs. Sheila Marcus & Lia Gaggino presenting about youth mental health crisis on Nov. 10
As part of the Neuronetwork for Emerging Therapies Mini Symposium Series, MC3 Pediatrics Director Sheila Marcus, M.D. and Consulting Pediatrician Lia Gaggino, M.D. are presenting at this brief virtual event:
A Youth Mental Health Crisis: The Surge After the Surge
Thursday, Nov. 10, 2-2:30 p.m. ET via Zoom
Training modules with CMEs available online
We offer a broad range of educational videos for perinatal and pediatric health professionals on our website. Many of them have CMEs available.
Visit the Recorded Education Series portion of the Educational Presentations page on our website to check out our recorded educational offerings. You can use the search function to narrow down the type of content you are interested in.
Ongoing support for providers
Provider Café: We're here to listen. The MC3 Provider Café is an opportunity to check in and talk about how you're managing your stress and the stress of your patients. We can discuss strategies and offer resources that might be helpful during challenging times. Private and group check-ins are available. Learn more about Provider Café.
Group Case Consultations: We're here to offer guidance. MC3 Group Case Consultations give primary care clinics and provider groups educational opportunities to discuss and review patients with one of our consulting psychiatrists. Providers can present patient cases for review and recommendations or bring up general questions about behavioral health treatment for discussion. One-time or recurring scheduling options are available. Learn more about Group Case Consultations.
Infant Safe Sleep Awareness
In 2019 alone, 149 babies in Michigan died due to unsafe sleep environments. Babies from birth to one year can be safer while sleeping at night and during naps when American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines are followed.
Recommendations for promoting safe sleep:
- Place baby on their back, on a non-inclined sleep surface, such as a crib, bassinet or pack ‘n play, with no other people.
- Use a firm mattress with a tightly fitted sheet.
- Keep baby’s sleep space clutter-free without pillows, blankets or toys.
- Avoid covering baby’s head or overheating baby. Instead of a blanket, use a sleep sack, wearable blanket or footed sleeper to keep baby warm.
- Keep baby in a smoke-free environment.
- Support breastfeeding and immunizations.
Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer among Michigan women. The American Cancer Society estimates that Michigan will have had 8,900 new cases of breast cancer and 1,390 deaths from breast cancer in 2022.
MDHHS has openings for program-eligible individuals to receive free cancer and health screenings through two of its programs:
The WISEWOMAN Program, available in select areas of the state, helps participants understand their chronic disease risk factors and make healthy lifestyle choices. Every participant receives a free health screening. A health professional will review the results of the health screening, and the participant will have the opportunity to work with a health coach.
To learn more about Michigan’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program and the WISEWOMAN Program, call 844-446-8727 or visit Michigan.gov/cancer.
Domestic Violence Awareness
Michigan has a new hotline providing live, one-on-one crisis support for all victims, survivors, support people, and professionals who serve them.
The hotline is free and provides local support that is tailored to each unique situation through trained advocates. Services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year via phone, chat, text or TTY, for those who have hearing impairment:
- Call: 866-864-2338
- Text: 877-861-0222 (standard text messaging rates apply)
- Chat: MCEDSV.org/chat
- TTY: 517-898-5533
MC3 Behavioral Health Consultants (BHCs) with MC3 Pediatrics Director Dr. Sheila Marcus, Program Manager Anne Kramer, and Project Manager Erin Hughes-Krieger at the BHC Annual Meeting in August
(L-R) MC3 Training & Events Coordinator Andy Ludwig, Pediatrics Director Dr. Sheila Marcus, Program Manager Anne Kramer, and Project Manager Erin Hughes-Krieger at the Michigan Academy of American Pediatrics Annual Meeting in September
MC3 Consulting Pediatrician Dr. Lia Gaggino presenting about youth suicide prevention at the “Managing Complex Behavioral Health Issues in Primary Care Conference” co-hosted by MC3, Michigan State University, and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services in Marquette in September
Attend: Upcoming Perinatal Roundtables from the Michigan Opioid Collaborative:
Get support: "Physician Support Line," a free and confidential support line (888-409-0141) staffed by psychiatrists helping physician colleagues and medical students navigate the many intersections of personal and professional lives
Videos: MC3 Pediatrics & Perinatal