Okay, well we've just had a teaser of fall weather, but that's our signal that it's time to get going and look ahead to Summer 2024 exchanges. It's time to start lining up our groups...

...but first, a look back at the summer!

Being able to host was an extremely enriching and special experience that I will never forget. Not only did I learn so much about French and Hungarian cultures, but I also learned how powerful it is to connect with people from across the world who are eager to form lasting friendships. Hosting was far easier than I expected because after only a few days, it no longer felt like a stranger was living with me; it felt like I was having a two-week sleepover with a friend I felt like I’d known for years. Everyone was excited to try new things, and we were all just happy to spend time with each other and show the exchange students little things like Target and our favorite ice cream shops. Overall, the other OF Americans and I had a great time hosting and showing the exchange students America and its culture. We made friendships and memories that will last a lifetime all because of Operation Friendship.

~Chloe Borders, Delegate

Bloomington chapter

This summer OF Bloomington hosted delegates from Hungry and France. We did lots of activities ranging from Holiday World to ziplining. We even traveled to Chicago for three days. Biking in the city and along Lake Michigan, eating at Ed Debevic’s and seeing the skyline from Lake Michigan were some of my favorite activities. Popular activities were ziplining and walking around Chicago, or the lake days. We went behind the scenes of the IU basketball facility and learned the history of these famous players. Hosting was an experience I’ll never forget. I developed closer friendships with not only the delegates but also the other Americans. Making memories and getting exposure to kids my age from other countries is something I'm extremely grateful for.

~Audrey Knipstein, Delegate

Bloomington chapter

To me, Operation Friendship is about creating life-long friendships with people that you will carry on for the rest of your life. But, it also teaches you so much about the diversity and beauty of the world by hearing the opinions of others and learning their customs, heritage, interests, etc. Hosting, in my experience, was the very best time of my life and I could not be more grateful that I chose to be involved in Operation Friendship.

~Ben Les, Delegate

Palmer Chapter

O.F.A. happenings:


Indy North Chapter Recruiting

Indy North will host an informational meeting for anyone interested in learning more about our program. Bring a friend!

Sunday, October 8, 2:00 p.m.

Fishers Public Library meeting rooms

contact: [email protected]

Grafton Chapter Recruiting

Grafton will host a meeting for anyone interested in learning more about traveling with O.F.A.

Thursday, September 28, 6:30 p.m.

Grafton Public Library

contact: [email protected]

International Meeting 2024:

60th Anniversary!

Can you believe it?! O.F. will be turning 60!

The 2024 I.M. will be hosted in Palmer, MA, Close to where O.F. began! The International Meeting is open to any interested member. Plans are already underway. Mark your calendars for April 3-7, 2024. More details to come, but you sure won't want to miss this one!

Contact: Karen Canning, [email protected]


Our O.F.A. Clerk, Julien Cherry, has worked hard at researching requirements to become connected to the United Nations again. Through much research and work--which involved attending a meeting--we are pleased to announce the following:

"The Economic and Social Council has

granted Operation Friendship International special consultative status."

For more information on what that means, click here for a Letter from United Nations' Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Thank you, Julien, for all your diligence!

The Annual Meeting of the Membership (that's anyone currently participating in O.F.) will take place completely online via Google Meet. Anyone interested is welcome to join. We also seek nominations for the following positions:

Regional and chapter representatives for 2-year terms:

  • Bloomington Representative (currently: Kendall Theile) 
  • Indy North Representative (currently: Kristina Riley) 
  • New England Representative (currently: Karen Canning)
  • Young Adult Representative (currently: Julien Cherry)

Youth Representatives for 1-year terms:

  • Bloomington Youth Representative (currently: Chloe Borders)
  • Indy North Youth Representative (vacant)
  • Grafton Youth Representative (vacant)
  • Palmer Youth Representative (currently: Ben Les)

Submit nominations to: Karen Bilotti, [email protected]

Link info.:

Video link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 234-252-0532‬ PIN: ‪409 488 060‬#


Annual Meeting of the Membership

Join us

9:00-11:00 a.m.

Saturday, October 28

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