Children, Youth & Family (CYF) Ministries
Welcome Fall 2024!
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CYF Summer Fun!
This summer was filled with all sorts of fun - camp, mission trip to Kansas City, Youth Gathering in NOLA, Vacation Bible School and more! Check out the photos here:
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CYF Ministries - All Ages | |
CYF Volunteer Leadership Team
The team will be meeting once a month for planning, support and leadership opportunities. We are always open to more adults joining us!
Contact Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries at, for more information.
Please mark your calendars for upcoming dates for meetings. All meetings are Sundays following the 10:15am worship service in the Youth Room.
September 22
October 27
November 17
December 15
January 12
February 16
March 16
April 27
May 18
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Let's join together at Anoka County Farms!
Friday, September 27, 5-7pm
Let’s kick off fall together at Anoka County Farms!
Parents/Guardians are responsible for all minors. Please plan to attend with any children. Youth age 16 and up can attend without a parent/guardian.
Enjoy many fun activities!
Free with admission: Giant Straw Bale Maze, Snoopy’s Corn Pit, Pedal Tractors, Pumpkin Checkers, Rainbow Play System, Animals, Pumpkin Bowling, Vintage Tonka Trucks, Trucks and Tractors, Mighty Trikes, Yearly Fall Height, Photo Cut Outs, MN Twins Snoopy, Charlie Brown and Lucy Statues
5:30pm All join together for a group photo and then a Hay Ride ($3)
Cost: $5 entrance, $3 hay ride (other options available)
Sign up on the CYF Board in the rotunda or email Leisha, Director of CYF Ministries at
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CYF Calendar of Events 2024-25
Friday, September 27, 5-7pm @ Anoka County Farms – Pumpkins, Hayrides & Fall Activities
Sunday, October 27, 3:30-5pm @ OSLC – Trunk n Treat
Friday, November 1, 6-8:30pm @ OSLC – Now Showing “Up”
Friday, December 6, 6-8:30pm @ OSLC – Now Showing “The Grinch”
Friday, January 10, 6-8:30pm @ OSLC – Now Showing “Inside Out”
Friday, February 7, 6-8:30pm @ OSLC – Now Showing “Inside Out 2”
Sunday, March 2, 1-3:30pm @ Sky Zone, Blaine – Trampoline Park
Sunday, April 6, 12-3pm @ OSLC – Lunch & Color Me Mine Ceramic Painting
Sunday, May 10, 12-4pm @ Como Zoo Explore Creation with a Picnic & Scavenger Hunt
Please pay attention to the CYF Board and here in the e-newsletters for specific publications regarding cost.
Questions? Contact Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries,
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Kids' Ministries Cannot Happen Without You!
Please take some time to learn about the different Kids' Ministries programs at OSLC and prayerfully consider where you may be able to plug in! You can learn all about it by clicking the button here:
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Save the Date for Trunk or Treat!
Sunday, October 27, 3:30-5pm
All children and youth are invited to participate. Come and visit the trunks for treats, walk the book walk, play games and more!
Admission: -$5 per trunk n treat participant & nonperishable food item(s) for the NACE Food shelf
Bring: Bag for your goodies, extra money for concessions, yourself, friends and family in your favorite family-friendly costume.
All proceeds go to CYF (Children, Youth & Family) Ministries of Our Saviour’s.
*More information to come*
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Refugee Needs - Calling on Your Help!
Our Saviour's is excited to have the opportunity to help support refugee families in our community. Below is a list of items needed. If you have any of the below gently used or new items, please drop them off in the labeled bin in front of the CYF Board in the rotunda at OSLC.
Questions? Contact Leisha, Director of CYF Ministries,
Girls: 3 and 5 years old
Boy: Size 10-12
Gender Neutral: Newborn (expected Nov/Dec) and 3 months old
Diapers & Wipes
Any sizes/quantities
Gift Cards
Walmart, Target, Cub
Any place where families can get formula, diapers, food, wipes, etc.
"Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters. Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!"
Hebrews 13:1-2
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This fall, our confirmation students will be continuing their College Care Kit Ministry! They will be sending care kits to our college freshmen & sophomores!
We have compiled a list of items that we will be collecting from now through September 25th.
Please drop off new items in the bin in front of the CYF Board by the end of September.
Looking for a quick, easy way to give? You can purchase an item(s) from our College Care Kit Amazon Wish List!:
Or scan the above QR Code
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List of Items Being Collected:
-Hot Chocolate
-Packs Chewing Gum
-Powdered Drink Mix for Water Bottles -Pens
-Stress Balls
-Silly Putty
-Playing Cards
-Hand Sanitizer
-Chap Stick
-Snacks (Individual servings: chips, cookies, trail mix, jerkey, fruit snacks, etc)
-Microwave Popcorn
-Hand Lotion
-Uno Card Game
-$10 Starbucks, Gas, Target, Fast Food, DoorDash Gift Cards
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Join the Youth Handbell Choir!
The Jubilate Bells are for 3rd - High School students who are interested in learning more about handbells. No music experience required but some knowledge is preferred. Kids will be assigned a part within the group and learn how to read music, ring handbells and play as an ensemble. Rehearsals are on Sunday nights at 5pm in the Worship Space starting September 15.
If interested in joining or more information, please contact Amanda Heywood at or 612-202-1824.
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Camp Wapo - Save the Date for 2025
Mark your calendars ... watch for more details in January!
SEEDS - 1st-3rd Grade - Friday, June 20-Sunday, June 22
Youth & Fishing - 4th-12th Grade - Sunday, June 22 - Friday, June 27
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Children's Ministries - Birth-5th Grade | |
Kids Ministries Start
Some important information as we kick off the next program year!
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Kids Ministry Rooms:
PreK: Faith Circle Room (Room 117)
K-1st: Godly Play Room (Room 125)
2nd-3rd: Bible Live (Room 122)
4th: Young Samaritans (Room 127)
5th: SAMs. Our kids who finished their first year in Young Samaritans will spend their second year as SAMs, practicing all their leadership skills! More details to come!
The first Kids Ministry Sunday of the Month, kids can be picked up from Room 122 where they will have participated in Wiggle Worship!
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Sunday, September 8th - Kick Off Sunday will have an opportunity for kids to take a Kids Time Tour!
-10:15am start in worship. Don't forget, the Prayground is a resource for you!
-Following the Children's Message, the kids will join CYF Staff and Volunteers on a Kids Ministry tour! Parents/Guardians are welcome to join.
-Kids will return to the worship space prior to communion so that families can enjoy kickoff activities together.
Sunday, September 15th - First day of regular Kids Ministries!
-Upon arrival: find your name tag on the net in the rotunda at OSLC
-10:15am start in worship. Don't forget, the Prayground is a resource just for you!
-Following Children's Message, kids will make their way to Room 122 for Wiggle Worship and then will end in their rooms with guidance from CYF staff and volunteers.
-After worship has ended kids can be signed out from their rooms by one of the adults listed on the kids' registration form.
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Bible Presentation for Preschoolers and 2nd Graders! | |
Bible Presentation will take place
Sunday, September 22 at the
10:15 am Worship Service
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For children in preschool who have not yet received the "Beginners Bible" and those in 2nd grade who have not yet received the "Hands On Bible", you are invited to come and receive a Bible from the CYF Ministries at Our Saviours's.
Do you have a child in Kindergarten - 1st or 3rd-5th and you didn't receive one of these Bibles in PreK or 2nd grade? Please sign up and attend!
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Please sign up on the CYF Board in the Rotunda or by emailing Lauren, CYF Administrative Specialist at so we can plan accordingly. | |
Littlest Ones Play Dates | |
We are excited to welcome children aged birth to preschool and a trusted caregiver to our new "Littlest Ones Play Dates". We will meet 9:30 am-10:30 am the 1st Thursday of the month October - May.
Littlest Ones is a time for the littlest amongst us to have a great play date and a time for parents and caregivers to connect with one another. Join together for 10 minutes of circle time – story, song and more led by Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries – followed by 50 minutes of play. Parent/Guardian or other caring adult required to stay and be responsible for watching over the little ones as they play with age-appropriate toys, activities, and other fun!
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Please sign up on the CYF board or by emailing Leisha at by the Tuesday prior to each play date.
Please reach out to Leisha with any questions.
| *There is no cost for these play dates | |
Confirmation Ministries - 6th-8th Grade | |
Confirmation 2024-25 Important Details
Please mark your calendars with the following important details:
Wednesday, September 4th - 6:30-7:30pm Confirmation Guide Orientation
Wednesday, September 11th - New Confirmation Student Orientation with new guides and Parents/Guardians. This night will follow the regular schedule and orient new confirmation families. Students will also receive their new Bible in worship this night.
Wednesday, September 18th - First regular day of confirmation for all ages.
Regular Night Schedule:
5-6pm Dinner & Fellowship (optional)
6-6:30pm Large Group
6:30-7pm Worship (All are welcome!)
7-7:30pm Small Groups
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Wednesdays, 6-7:30 p.m.
Confirmation is a time of great connection! Confirmation equips youth with the teachings of the Bible and faith so they can make an informed decision to live out their life of faith.
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Register now for the 2024-2025 program year |
for those in grades 6-8 in fall 2024.
$50 per student per year –
Cost includes: Bible upon starting confirmation, supplies, curriculum, retreats, Confirmation service in fall of 9th grade, and more!
You can pay a few different ways:
-Cash (with note or envelope labeled with student’s name) or Check (made out to OSLC with “Confirmation” in the memo with the students name).
-Cash and checks can either be dropped off at Our Saviour’s in the “Children-Youth-Family” box on the wall behind the reception desk or mailed to: Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Attn: Nathan Chastek, 19001 Jackson St NE, East Bethel, MN 55011
-Scholarships are available upon request.
Contact Lauren, CYF Administrative Specialist, for more details:
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Mark Your Calendars for Serving Dinner!
As a reminder, each week a Confirmation Family is scheduled to help with meal service. A reminder email will be sent on Tuesdays to the families who are scheduled to help the following Wednesday. If you are unable to attend your scheduled evening, please find another family to switch with. In the event that you are unable to switch with another family, please contact Lauren Gainey, CYF Admin Specialist,
Any adult (18+) family member of students is welcome to fulfill this role! Please plan to be at OSLC by 5pm to serve from 5-5:50pm. Then from 5:50-6pm to sell any potential leftovers.
*During Lent (Feb 14 and on), serving will be from 5-6:25pm.
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September 11 | Brooklyn H. | Porter S. | Adalyn/Brynn B. | September 18 | Wyatt/Jack H. | Liam M. | Malania C. | September 25 | Blake M. | Stone/Rain S. | Memphis S. | October 2 | James G. | Lisa G. | Brynn K. | October 9 | Owen M. | Brooke/Logan K. | Sophie/Hailey S. | October 16 | No Programming
MEA | No Programming
MEA | No Programming
MEA | October 23 | Owen A. | Dakota B. | Tavlyn C. | | |
Lighthouse Ministries - 9th-12th Grade | |
Lighthouse Registration
Lighthouse Ministries is Our Saviour’s Senior High Ministries. Lighthouse will hold, at minimal, monthly activities or events for 9th-12th graders.
Lighthouse Ministries seeks to connect senior high youth to their peers and caring adults in a safe environment where they can ask questions and wonder. A place to grow in and practice their faith no matter where their personal faith life is at; to create memories and continue to explore what it means to live out their faith in every aspect of life.
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Resources - Safe Places for All | |
Our Saviour's CYF (Children, Youth & Family) Ministries is a safe place for all!
If you or someone you know is in need of support, the CYF staff is here for you.
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You are never alone and you are loved just as you are! | |
If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out. We are here at Our Saviour's to listen and support.
This Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a great resource to have saved in your phone. Please take a moment to do so and share and use as you need.
You can text or call 988
or chat online:
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Text Message Reminders
Want to receive text message updates/reminders about confirmation and youth ministries at OSLC? Here's how you can sign up for text messages on the different ministries:
Children's (PreK-5th Grade):
text @oslckidmin to the number 81010
Confirmation (6th-8th Grade):
text @oslcconfir to the number 81010
Middle School (6th-8th Grade):
text @oslcmiddle to the number 81010
Senior High (9th-12th Grade):
text @oslcsenior to the number 81010
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